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The importance of providing Islamic finance services for non- Muslims in Europe
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             This paper follows the growing interest and continuity of Islamic finance products worldwide, which has encouraged the formulation of financial institutions based on the concepts of Islamic Sharia in many countries of the world and is no longer limited to Islamic countries only, and  Not exclusive to Muslims which is due to Islamic finance services and their ability to apply in non-Islamic societies, and perhaps what encouraged the development and progress of this industry Islamic history, which was attended by many different models With the development of trade's share between different countries as well as trips carried out by Muslims trade in the world and their role in the spread of Islam in Africa, Asia, Europe and so on.

             The paper focuses on the need to direct and allocate Islamic funding to non-Muslims so as not to be exclusive to Muslims only and thus highlights the ability of Islamic economic services and its ability to expand its outreach, this will  help to activating many of the desired objectives and to clarify and reflect the Islamic principles of other societies, and thus achieve the universality of Islam and reduce the manifestations of hostility to Islam and Muslims in the world

         The paper concludes that the spread of various Islamic financial institutions in European countries, including banks, Islamic insurance companies and Islamic sukuk, and the establishment of identical institutions in Europe all this confirms the ability of Islamic banking to spread in the world,

Islamic banking has emerged as one of the fastest-growing industry sectors over recent years. Islamic Finance has now become a global phenomenon due in large part because it is perceived as less risky than the conventional finance – especially during crises.


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Publication Date
Thu Jun 16 2022
Journal Name
Periodicals Of Engineering And Natural Sciences (pen)
Optimization algorithms for transportation problems with stochastic demand
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The purpose of this paper is to solve the stochastic demand for the unbalanced transport problem using heuristic algorithms to obtain the optimum solution, by minimizing the costs of transporting the gasoline product for the Oil Products Distribution Company of the Iraqi Ministry of Oil. The most important conclusions that were reached are the results prove the possibility of solving the random transportation problem when the demand is uncertain by the stochastic programming model. The most obvious finding to emerge from this work is that the genetic algorithm was able to address the problems of unbalanced transport, And the possibility of applying the model approved by the oil products distribution company in the Iraqi Ministry of Oil to m

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
A Modified Advanced Encryption Standard for Color Images
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     The widespread use of images, especially color images and rapid advancement of computer science, have led to an emphasis on securing these images and defending them against intruders. One of the most popular ways to protect images is to use encryption algorithms that convert data in a way that is not recognized by someone other than the intended user. The Advanced Encryption Standard algorithm (AES) is one of the most protected encryption algorithms. However, due to various types of theoretical and practical assaults, like a statistical attack, differential analysis, and brute force attack, its security is under attack.

In this paper, a modified AES coined as (M-AES) is proposed to improve the efficiency

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 20 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Multifactor Algorithm for Test Case Selection and Ordering
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Regression testing being expensive, requires optimization notion. Typically, the optimization of test cases results in selecting a reduced set or subset of test cases or prioritizing the test cases to detect potential faults at an earlier phase. Many former studies revealed the heuristic-dependent mechanism to attain optimality while reducing or prioritizing test cases. Nevertheless, those studies were deprived of systematic procedures to manage tied test cases issue. Moreover, evolutionary algorithms such as the genetic process often help in depleting test cases, together with a concurrent decrease in computational runtime. However, when examining the fault detection capacity along with other parameters, is required, the method falls sh

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 25 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Anti-Disturbance Compensator Design for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
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In this paper, an Anti-Disturbance Compensator is suggested for the stabilization of a 6-DoF quadrotor Unmanned Aerial vehicle (UAV) system, namely, the Improved Active Disturbance Rejection Control (IADRC). The proposed Control Scheme rejects the disturbances subjected to this system and eliminates the effect of the uncertainties that the quadrotor system exhibits. The complete nonlinear mathematical model of the 6-DoF quadrotor UAV system has been used to design the four ADRCs units for the attitude and altitude stabilization. Stability analysis has been demonstrated for the Linear Extended State Observer (LESO) of each IADRC unit and the overall closed-loop system using Hurwitz stability criterion. A minimization to a

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 30 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Direct Contact Membrane Distillation for Desalination Brine Solution
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Desalination is a process where fresh water produces from high salinity solutions, many ways used for this purpose and one of the most important processes is membrane distillation (MD). Direct contact membrane distillation (DCMD) can be considered as the most prominent type from MD types according to ease of design and modus operandi. This work studies the efficiency of using DCMD operation for desalination brine with different concentration (1.75, 3.5, 5 wt. % NaCl). Frame and plate cell was used with flat sheet PTFE hydrophobic type membrane. The study proves that MD is an effective process for desalination brines with feed temperature less than 60˚C especially for feed with low TDS. 37˚C, 47˚C, and 57˚C was feed t

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 01 2008
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Adaptive Smoothing Technique for Remotely Sensed Images Enhancement
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Spatial and frequency domain techniques have been adopted in this search. mean
value filter, median filter, gaussian filter. And adaptive technique consists of
duplicated two filters (median and gaussian) to enhance the noisy image. Different
block size of the filter as well as the sholding value have been tried to perform the
enhancement process.

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Publication Date
Sat Nov 02 2019
Journal Name
Advances In Intelligent Systems And Computing
Spin-Image Descriptors for Text-Independent Speaker Recognition
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Building a system to identify individuals through their speech recording can find its application in diverse areas, such as telephone shopping, voice mail and security control. However, building such systems is a tricky task because of the vast range of differences in the human voice. Thus, selecting strong features becomes very crucial for the recognition system. Therefore, a speaker recognition system based on new spin-image descriptors (SISR) is proposed in this paper. In the proposed system, circular windows (spins) are extracted from the frequency domain of the spectrogram image of the sound, and then a run length matrix is built for each spin, to work as a base for feature extraction tasks. Five different descriptors are generated fro

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Advanced nano membrane for an alkaline Fuel Cell
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Abstract<p>Structural and optical properties were studied as a function of Nano membrane after prepared, for tests. Nano membrane was deposited by the spray coating method on substrates (glass) of thickness 100 mm. The X-ray diffraction spectra of (CNTs, WO3) were studied. AFM tests are good information about the roughness, It had been designed electrolysis cell and fuel cell. Studies have been performed on electrochemical parameters.</p>
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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Wireless And Ad Hoc Communication
Energy Aware Scheme for Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks
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The development of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) in the underwater environment leads to underwater WSN (UWSN). It has severe impact over the research field due to its extensive and real-time applications. However effective execution of underwater WSNs undergoes several problems. The main concern in the UWSN is sensor nodes’ energy depletion issue. Energy saving and maintaining quality of service (QoS) becomes highly essential for UWASN because of necessity of QoS application and confined sensor nodes (SNs). To overcome this problem, numerous prevailing methods like adaptive data forwarding techniques, QoS-based congestion control approaches, and various methods have been devised with maximum throughput and minimum network lifesp

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Wireless And Ad Hoc Communication
Energy Aware Scheme for Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks
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The development of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) in the underwater environment leads to underwater WSN (UWSN). It has severe impact over the research field due to its extensive and real-time applications. However effective execution of underwater WSNs undergoes several problems. The main concern in the UWSN is sensor nodes’ energy depletion issue. Energy saving and maintaining quality of service (QoS) becomes highly essential for UWASN because of necessity of QoS application and confined sensor nodes (SNs). To overcome this problem, numerous prevailing methods like adaptive data forwarding techniques, QoS-based congestion control approaches, and various methods have been devised with maximum throughput and minimum network lifesp

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