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Using financial ratio to compare performance of the commercial and the Islamic banks Listed on Palestine Exchange
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        The research aimed to compare the performance of the commercial and the  Islamic banks listed in the Palestinian's Stock Exchange .To achieve the objectives of the study we selected all  the commercial and the Islamic banks listed in the Palestinian Stock Exchange  to obtain the necessary data for the analysis process during the period of (2009-2013) .the comparison based on the performance indicators ( liquidity rate, profitability rate ,the activity rate and the market rate).

        a statistical method was used to analyze the date to find the performance differences between the commercial banks, and the Islamic banks. The results of the study showed that there were no statistical differences between the both banks on the fund liquidity rate, profitability rate, and the market rate). As for the activity rate that showed a statistically difference between the both banks and it was in favor of Islamic banks. The study has recommended a series of recommendations including urging commercial banks to invest their resources appropriately by investing their deposits, in addition to increasing its ability to turn its resources in general, as well as thinking seriously to open branches in accordance with the provisions of Islamic law, and the need to make seminars and workshops to illustrate how the Islamic banks work and to know its mechanism of work and its advantages.


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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2020
Journal Name
Malaysian Journal Of Biochemistry And Molecular Biology
Mutations in ergosterol 11 gene of fluconazol resistant candida albicans isolated from different clinical samples
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Fluconazole was used to test the susceptibility of Candida albicans isolated from different clinical samples, and to detect mutations in ERG11 gene, and their relationship to fluconazole resistance. Forty-eight isolates of Candida albicans were tested for susceptibility using the disc diffusion method (M-44). ERG11 genes of six isolates were amplified (four resistant, two susceptible) and sequenced. The sequenced genes were analyzed to detect the mutations. Out of 48 isolates of Candida albicans, 4 (8%) were resistant to fluconazole. Sixteen-point mutations were detected included 13 silent mutations, and three missense mutations. The mutations of A945C (E266D) and G1609A (V488I) were found only in susceptible Candida albicans isolates, whil

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2011
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Antenatal diagnosis of myometrial invasion in anterior placenta previa by transabdominal color Doppler ultra sound
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Background: The incidence of maternal mortality in
placenta previa accrete is 7%,and its preoperative
diagnosis is of a great value.
Objective: to evaluate the efficacy of transabdominal
color Doppler ultrasound in diagnosing placenta
previa accreta and inccreta. Color Doppler imaging
criteria used in: includes diffuse parenchymal
placental lacunar flow, focal intra parenchymal
placental lacunar flow and bladder uterine serosa
interphase hyper-vascularity.
Design: Prospective study on patients from
January2007 to January 2008.
Patients and method: 48patients with one caesarean
section or more and with persistent anterior placenta
previa diagnosed by transabdominal ultrasound were
examined by c

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Ieee Transactions On Power Delivery
Optimal Dielectric Design of Medium Voltage Toroidal Transformer with Electrostatic Shield under Fast Front Excitation
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Accurate calculation of transient overvoltages and dielectric stresses from fast-front excitations is required to obtain an optimal dielectric design of power components subjected to these conditions, which are commonly due to switching and lightning, as well as utilization of power-electronic devices. Toroidal transformers are generally used at the low voltage level. However, recent investigations and developments have explored their use at the medium voltage level. This paper analyzes the model-based improvement of the insulation design of medium voltage toroidal transformers. Lumped and distributed parameter models are used and compared to predict the transient response and dielectric stress along the transformer winding. The parameters

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
CFD Simulation of Air Flow Patterns in a Spray Dryer Fitted With a Rotary Disk
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The air flow pattern in a co-current pilot plant spray dryer fitted with a rotary disk atomizer was determined experimentally and modelled numerically using Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) (ANSYS Fluent ) software. The CFD simulation used a three dimensions system, Reynolds-Average Navier-Stokes equations (RANS), closed via the RNG k −ε turbulence model. Measurements were carried out at a rotation of the atomizer (3000 rpm) and when there is no rotation using a drying air at 25 oC and  air velocity at the inlet of  5 m/s without swirl. The air flow pattern was predicted experimentally using cotton tufts and digital anemometer. The CFD simulation predicted a downward central flowing air core surrounded by a slow

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Oral And Maxillofacial Surgery, Medicine, And Pathology
Rhinocerebral mucormycosis: An Iraqi experience of 16 consecutive cases followed up for up ten years
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Publication Date
Thu May 23 2019
Journal Name
The International Journal Of Artificial Organs
Real-time classification of shoulder girdle motions for multifunctional prosthetic hand control: A preliminary study
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In every country in the world, there are a number of amputees who have been exposed to some accidents that led to the loss of their upper limbs. The aim of this study is to suggest a system for real-time classification of five classes of shoulder girdle motions for high-level upper limb amputees using a pattern recognition system. In the suggested system, the wavelet transform was utilized for feature extraction, and the extreme learning machine was used as a classifier. The system was tested on four intact-limbed subjects and one amputee, with eight channels involving five electromyography channels and three-axis accelerometer sensor. The study shows that the suggested pattern recognition system has the ability to classify the sho

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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Apr 24 2023
Journal Name
Materials Research Innovations
Surface modification of poly(methyl methacrylate)-sulphadiazine complexes as self photostabilizer against Ultraviolet (UV) Irradiation
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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Indonesian Journal Of Electrical Engineering And Computer Science (ijeecs)
Increasing validation accuracy of a face mask detection by new deep learning model-based classification
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During COVID-19, wearing a mask was globally mandated in various workplaces, departments, and offices. New deep learning convolutional neural network (CNN) based classifications were proposed to increase the validation accuracy of face mask detection. This work introduces a face mask model that is able to recognize whether a person is wearing mask or not. The proposed model has two stages to detect and recognize the face mask; at the first stage, the Haar cascade detector is used to detect the face, while at the second stage, the proposed CNN model is used as a classification model that is built from scratch. The experiment was applied on masked faces (MAFA) dataset with images of 160x160 pixels size and RGB color. The model achieve

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Crossref (4)
Publication Date
Tue Jan 31 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Geological Model for Jeribe/Euphrates Formation, Tertiary Reservoir in Qaiyarah Oil Field, North of Iraq
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Visualization of subsurface geology is mainly considered as the framework of the required structure to provide distribution of petrophysical properties. The geological model helps to understand the behavior of the fluid flow in the porous media that is affected by heterogeneity of the reservoir and helps in calculating the initial oil in place as well as selecting accurate new well location. In this study, a geological model is built for Qaiyarah field, tertiary reservoir, relying on well data from 48 wells, including the location of wells, formation tops and contour map. The structural model is constructed for the tertiary reservoir, which is an asymmetrical anticline consisting of two domes separated by a saddle. It is found that

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 02 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Revolutionizing Depth Sensing: A Review Study of Apple LiDAR Sensor for as-built Scanning Applications
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Incorporating the LiDAR sensor in the most recent Apple devices represents a substantial development in 3D mapping technology. Meanwhile, Apple's Lidar is still a new sensor. Therefore, this article reviews the potential uses of the Apple Lidar sensor in various fields, including engineering and construction, focusing on indoor and outdoor as-built 3D mapping and cultural heritage conservation. The affordable cost and shorter observation times compared to traditional surveying and other remote sensing techniques make the Apple Lidar an attractive choice among scholars and professionals. This article highlights the need for continued research on the Apple LiDAR sensor technology while discussing its specifications and limitations. A

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