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The role of investment climate indicators in stimulating economic growth: a standard study For Malaysia 1990-2016
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In globalization, the world became open area to competition for the attractive of investment, and the abilities of each country to win the confidence of investors depend upon the preparation to optimize circumstances.   The competitiveness is an essential means of expanding the capacity of developed to coexist in an international environment characterized by globalization. While competition describes the market structure, the behavior of investors and business, competitiveness is interested in the evaluation of business performance or countries and compare them in the conditions of competition available in these markets. Regarding Malaysia, which is depend on FDI-Export- Led Growth strategy,  it has taking on different degrees and gradually the market economy through policies of privatization, trade liberalization, stimulating direct investment and institutions rehabilitation to improve competitiveness. We will try through this article to come within reach of the competitive position of the Malaysian economy through competitiveness indicators, providing the most important features of investment climate in Malaysia and trying to make proposals in order to improve the competitiveness of the national economy in order to ensure it in the level of international markets.


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Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Role of Digital Economy in Iraqi Economic Growth for The Period of 2010-2022 (Analytical Study)
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The research addresses the role of the digital economy in the growth of the Iraqi economy during the period from 2010 to 2022. The research is based on the hypothesis that the digital economy has become one of the primary growth drivers worldwide and has a close relationship with economic development. Therefore, the digital transformation in Iraq can accelerate bridging developmental gaps with other countries.

It has become evident that the Iraqi economy suffers from structural imbalances for various reasons, hindering economic growth. These reasons include political and economic factors, as well as the absence of a well-thought-out policy to promote the agricultural sector, which is considered one of the fundamental sectors capa

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Role of Tourism Industry in the Developing of Economie to Iraq for (1990- 2009)
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The Developing economies of countries have witnessed essential changes to words the development of tourism industry in the 21st century . in addition to adopting same of policies and strategies to grow up with the tourism sector to make it one of the important economic sector to compete the tourist cal  developments in the wear .

As for the tourism sector in Iraq ,it's still afresh one , has many of elements which can be in vested ,needs a wide strategies of tourist cal in statutes and variety completive services and change of success for the locale and forgin investor ,the essential aim after this research is to prompt the national economic through the tourism industry and making concisen

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Measurement of Impact of Banking System Development on Economic Growth in Iraq
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At the heart of every robust economy is a vital banking system. The functional banking system can effectively perform several functions such as mobilizing savings, allocating credit, monitoring managers, transforming risks, and facilitating the financial transactions. This paper aims to measure the impact of banking system development on economic growth in Iraq. Credit to private sector divided by GDP used as a proxy of banking development. Real per capita GDP used as a proxy of economic growth. By using Autoregressive Distributed Lag (ARDL) model, the paper finds that the undeveloped Iraqi banking system could not promote economic growth in the country. Therefore, a variety of policies need to be taken to spur the role of bankin

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Impact of quantitative (indirect) instruments of monetary policy on some indicators of financial stability in Iraq for the period (2003-2016)
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The indirect monetary policy tools led to financial stability for the period being studied through the use of indicators of financial stability (aggregate) to show the effect of the foreign reserves of the Central Bank of Iraq and its indirect instruments in achieving financial and economic stability, especially after the significant decline in oil prices and dependence of the Iraqi economy on Oil (rent) and lower reserves of the Central Bank of Iraq after 2014 and now compared to previous years, the goal of this research is to achieve financial stability according to selected indicators and achieve an optimal monetary policy to achieve the development goals of The economic policy in the country. Standard models were used to test

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 01 2014
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Foreign direct investment in Iraq and its role in economic development
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الاستثمار الاجنبي المباشر في العراق ودوره في تحقيق التنمية الاقتصادية

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 26 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Role of the Financing Policy for Sustainable Social Development in Iraq for the Period (2014-2016)
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The development of a future mechanism for sustainable development in Iraq to meet the current and future challenges requires an analysis of the indicators of sustainable development. This research aims at presenting and analyzing the social care aspect and highlighting the important role of taxes with a focus on social sustainable development to determine the extent and direction of changes. Level of progress, the researcher concludes the weakness of the financial allocations to the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs and in line with the large number of people who apply the conditions and controls, and recommends the researcher the necessity of participation of all segments of society between the public and private sector In terms of o

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of Zakat in supporting and stimulating the flow of consumption and investment
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الزكاة فريضة من فرائض الإسلام وعبادة من العبادات التي اقرها الشرع الإسلامي هذه الفريضة المالية التعبدية بالإضافة الى دورها المعنوي الذي يهدف الى إرساء قواعد العدالة الاجتماعية والقضاء على مشكلة الفقر في المجتمع الاسلامي وكما ينص عليها الدين الإسلامي فان لها ابعادها ووظائفها الكثيرة التي تخدم اليات العمل الاقتصادي في مجتمع يعمل وفق نظام اقتصادي أسلامي .

ان انفاق الاموال المتحصلة من فريض

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Publication Date
Wed May 13 2015
Journal Name
Elsevier Procedia Economics And Finance
The Role of FDI Inflows in Economic Growth in Malaysia (Time Series: 1975-2010)
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Recently, Malaysia has been recognized as one of the most popular destinations for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Southeast Asia. But how do these FDI inflows affect Malaysia economy? This paper aims to identify the role of FDI inflows in Malaysia economic growth through a proposed endogenous growth model. Annual data covers from 1975 to 2010. Unit root test and Johansen Co-integration test are adopted to respectively verify the time series data is stable and the linear combination of the variables is stationary. Hierarchical Multiple Regressions (HMR) Analysis is then conducted to find out the momentum of the Malaysia economic growth including FDI inflows. The results show that the FDI inflows together with the human capital deve

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Determinants of Total Factor Productivity Growth: an Analytical Study of a Cross Section of Countries for the Period (2003-2016)
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            This study tests the effect of a large number of independent variables that control the growth of the total productivity, which amounted to 112 variables, gathered from what is mentioned in the specialized theoretical and applied literature. The data for these variables were taken from global reports of sound international organizations and reliable databases covering the period 1991-2016. The data of the dependent variable, the growth of the total factor productivity, were taken from the database of the world development indicators. The study covered 61 countries for which data were available. The study included three regression models to explain

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
An Analytical Study of the Impact of Military Spending on the Chinese Economy Growth for the Period (1990-2018)
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     The increase in military spending has become a feature of the times for many countries, including China. They have sought to increase their defence spending, not with the aim of domination and possession, but rather to protect their economic interests and to secure their foreign trade. The research aims to identify the impact of military spending by studying the nature of defence spending and its role in providing security. And stability and facilitating foreign investment in it, as well as storming the military industry, securing some humanitarian supplies, and participating in a variety of public works that can be used in the civil and military fields, and the aim of the research is to id

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