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Financial reporting of grants and assistance in government units according to IPSAS23
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Abstract: -

The purpose of the research is to present and discuss the concept of grants and aid, with the study and analysis of the role and importance of grants and assistance on the activities of In government units, and then to determine the factors of obtaining grants and assistance, and the importance of providing accounting information in order to enhance the financial reporting of grants and assistance. The accounting system of the government and determine the areas of shortness, taking into account the failure to issue a local accounting base to determine the basis of accounting measurement and disclosure of grants and assistance to guide, and this is the starting point of the current research and so has been introduced and analysis of the application requirements IPSAS23 of D) Different accounting treatments and provision of accounting information that enhance financial reporting with application to the government unit (research sample).

The purpose of the research is to present and discuss the concept of grants and aid, with the study and analysis of the role and importance of grants and assistance on the activities of economic units, and then to determine the factors of obtaining grants and assistance, and the importance of providing accounting information in order to enhance the financial reporting of grants and assistance. The accounting system of the government and determine the areas of shortness, taking into account the failure to issue a local accounting base to determine the basis of accounting measurement and disclosure of grants and assistance to guide, and this is the starting point of the current research and so has been introduced and analysis of the application requirements IPSAS23 of D) Different accounting treatments and provision of accounting information that enhance financial reporting with application to the economic unit (research sample).

The study reached several recommendations, the most important of which is the need to evaluate the accounting system and provide the requirements of the accounting standards, including the transition from the monetary basis to the basis of merit and the amendment of classifications and tabulations to include the types of grants and assistance.

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 08 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Retentive forces, tensile strength and deflection fatigue of Acetal thermoplastic clasp material in comparison with cobalt-chromium alloy
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Background: Nowadays there is an increasing of the emphasis on aesthetic, dentist have been concerned about providing aesthetics and functional removable partial dentures to their patients and this was make the mission more difficult because of the goal now is achieving optimal aesthetic of the denture - while maintaining retentive, stable, and conservative to the health of supporting tooth and supporting tissue. The traditional use of metal clasp like cobalt-chromium, gold, stainless-steel and titanium hampers esthetics because of its obvious display conflicts with patient’s prosthetic confidentiality. Acetal resin (poly oxy methylene) may be used as alternative denture clasp material. This material was promoted primarily on the basis of

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 20 2022
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
A Study of Hepcidin Levels and other Biochemical Parameters in Woman with Osteoporosis with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
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Background: Diabetes mellitus (DM) could be regarded as a set of chronic metabolic disorders which have a common aspect of hyperglycemia. The resistance in the peripheral actions of insulin or impaired insulin secretion could be the reason  hepcidin which is a peptide hormone derived from liver, in systemic iron homeostasis is an essential regulator, and its lopsided production participates in the pathogenesis of iron disorders in spectrum. Osteoporosis often accompanies many diseases like ß-thalassemia, hemochromatosis, sickle liver diseases, cell disease and hemosiderosis featured by iron overload, evidences suggest that Iron overload and iron deficiency are suggested by evidences that they affec

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Effect of Ergotamine and its Combination with Vitamin E or Melatonin on Total Antioxidant Status in Migraine Patients
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Free radicals and oxidative damage caused by them have being suggested to be involved in the pathogenesis of migraine. These may result from distorted equilibrium of pro-oxidant/anti-oxidant system that continuously generates and detoxifies oxidants during normal aerobic metabolism. Escape of such system from equilibrium leads to damage of cellular elements with the depletion of cellular stores of anti-oxidants material such as glutathione and vitamin E. Therefore, free radical scavengers (vitamin E or melatonin) seems to be of potential benefit as prophylactic anti-migraine therapy by neutralizing free radicals overproduction and possibly preventing formation of highly toxic intermediates (such as nitric oxide). In addition of being pow

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Sun Jun 05 2016
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Preconcentration and determination of Metformine Hydrochloride in different samples by cloud point extraction coupling with uv-visible spectrophotometry
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This work was influenced the separation and preconcentration steps were carried out to determination of metformin (MET) in pharmaceutical preparations and human serum samples. Complex formation method and cloud-point extraction (CPE) coupling with UV-Visible spectrophotometry were used to investigated of study target.The results has showed the best optical characteristic for calibration curve and statistical data which were obtained under optimum conditions. The first method is based on the reaction of MET with nickel (II) in alkaline medium an absorption maximum ?)max) at 434nm. ''Beer's low'' is obeyed in the concentration range (10-100µ with molar absorptivity of 3.9x103 limit of detection and quantitation valu

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Molecular diagnosis of Chlamydia trachomatis in infertile Iraqi women using Real time-PCR and comparison with other methods
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Chlamydia trachomatis is the most common of negative gram bacteria that cause sexually transmitted diseases. It affects the reproductive system in women, not the symptoms of the disease, but the most serious is the long-term effects of the reproductive system.. out of 100 women were attending different hospitals in Baghdad included the Gynaecology Departments of Women Health Center at Al-Elwyia Obstetrics Hospital . Ibn Al balady Maternity and Children's Hospital , Kamal al-Samarrai hospital Fertility Center infertility treatment and In Vitro Fertilization ( IVF ) (20 control and 80 women with infertility) DNA was extracted from the Endocervical Swabs of all infertili women, to investigate the bacteria by using Real time -PCR technique a

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 28 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Zeta Potential of Ag, Cu, ZnO, CdO and Sn Nanoparticles Prepared by Pulse Laser Ablation in Liquid Environment
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Metal nanoparticles (NPs) of silver (Ag), copper (Cu), zinc oxide (ZnO), cadmium oxide (CdO) and tin (Sn) were synthesized by laser ablation of a solid target in de-ionized water (DI). X-ray diffraction patterns showed the formation of AgO, Ag, Cu, ZnO, CdO, and Sn NPs. Absorbance spectrum of the produced nanoparticles was measured by UV-Vis spectrophotometer which showed that Ag and CdO NPs shifted to the short wavelength (blue shift), indicating the formation of NPs with smaller sizes, whereas CuO showed the formation two peaks. ZnO and Sn NPs shifted to the long wavelength (red shift) which indicates the formation NPs with  larger size. Zeta potential results proved that ZnO nanoparticles were more stable (-26.53mV) than the othe

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Scopus (27)
Crossref (17)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Jun 24 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
UPLC-ESI-MS/MS and Various Chromatographic Technique for Identification of Phytochemicals in Populus euphratica Oliv. Leaves Extract
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The aim of this study is to screen the phytochemicals found in Populus euphratica leaves since this type of trees are used traditionally by many villagers as treatment for eczema and other skin disease and also this plant is poorly investigated for their phytochemicals especially in Iraq. Phytochemical screening of the extracts obtained from the n-hexane and chloroform fraction of leaves of Populus euphratica was done by Thin-layer chromatography and various spraying reagents to test if alkaloids, sterols and other compounds are present. UPLC-electrospray ionization –tandem mass spectroscopy along with GC-MS and HPTLC are used to identify the phytochemicals present in the plant leaves.UPLC-ESI-MS/MS method 20 compound

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Scopus (3)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
The DC electrical Conductivity of prepared pure polypyrrole and polypyrrole /graphene (PPY/GN) nanocomposite by in-situ polymerization
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 In this work, pure Polypyrrole (PPy) and Polypyrrole (PPy)/Graphene (GN) was synthesized by in-situ polymerization in different weight percentages (0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 1, 3 and 5 wt.% (g)) of GN nano particles using chemical oxidation method at room temperature. The FTIR, SEM and electrical properties were studies for the nano composites. The result show that when concentration of GN Nano particle increase, the electrical conductivity increased and the graphene sheets were merging to form a continuous area of the GN through the polypyrrole base material. The FTIR spectra shows that the characteristics absorption peaks of polypyrrole that is, 1546.80, 1463.87 and 3400.27 cm-1(stretching vibration in the pyrrol

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Sun Jun 02 2013
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Taxonomical and Comparative morphological study for two wild species of the genus Chaenorhinum (D.C.) Reichb. (Scrophulariaceae) in Iraq.
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Comparative morphological study has been treated for two species of the genus Chaenorhinum (D.C.) Richb., These species were: 1. Chaenorhinum calycinum 2. Chaenorhinum rubrifolium (Robill. & cast. Ex Lam. & DC.) Fourr. The genus belong to the family Scorphulariaceae. Morphological characters has been studies for: root, stem, leaves, flowers (calyx, corolla, androcium including filaments and anthers, gynocium including ovary, style and stigma), fruits and seeds also has been characterized. Key for there two species presented using some quantitative characters. Other characters like shape of fruits and seeds were used too, and they were of a useful taxonomic value

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 02 2024
Journal Name
Iranian Society Of Parasitology
Single Nucleotide Polymorphism of IL-18 (Rs 1946519) in Recurrent Aborted Iraqi Women and Its Association with Toxoplasmosis
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