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Comparison of estimations methods of the entropy function to the random coefficients for two models: the general regression and swamy of the panel data
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In this study, we focused on the random coefficient estimation of the general regression and Swamy models of panel data. By using this type of data, the data give a better chance of obtaining a better method and better indicators. Entropy's methods have been used to estimate random coefficients for the general regression and Swamy of the panel data which were presented in two ways: the first represents the maximum dual Entropy and the second is general maximum Entropy in which a comparison between them have been done by using simulation to choose the optimal methods.

The results have been compared by using mean squares error and mean absolute percentage error to different cases in term of correlation value and the variance and the common variation, as well as taking into account the change in the number of cross sections and time series, when using the R2 accompanying any method of estimation methods, we note their superiority in some cases, especially when changing took place on the variance values.


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Publication Date
Tue Apr 30 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
The Influence of Biologically Synthesized Copper Nanoparticles on the Biofilm Produced by Staphylococcus haemolyticus 1solated from Seminal Fluid
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     Staphylococcus haemolyticus is one of the most frequently isolated coagulase-negative staphylococci. The ability to form biofilm is considered as one of the most important virulence factors of coagulase negative staphylococci. There is only limited knowledge of the nature of S. haemolyticus biofilms. This study was aimed at evaluating the ability of S. haemolyticus strains to produce biofilm in the presence of copper oxide nanoparticles (CuONPs). The biological synthesis of nanoparticles is an environmentally friendly approach for large-scale production of nanoparticles. Copper oxide nanoparticles were produced in the current study from the S. haemolyticus viable cell filtrate. UV-visible (UV-Vis) spectroscopy, X-ray diffra

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Trends in Media Discourse during International Crises: An Analytical Study of the US Withdrawal from the Nuclear Deal
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The research focuses on the withdrawal of the United States from the nuclear agreement signed between the permanent members of the United Nations Security Council and the Islamic Republic of Iran concerning its nuclear program. This withdrawal has caused disruption in the official media discourse of the concerned countries. Therefore, the main question can be posed: Are there differences in the positions of countries related to the nuclear agreement, as well as those countries affected by it, before and after the official withdrawal of the United States on May 8, 2018?
The research aims to shed light on the trends in media discourse of the countries that signed the nuclear agreement and those affected by it b

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 29 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
The static aging effect on the seedless synthesis of different ranges FAU-type zeolite Y at various factors
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This work investigates generating of pure phase Faujasite-type zeolite Y at the ranges chosen for this study via a static aging step in the absence of seeds synthesis. Nano-sized crystals may result when LUDOX AS-40 is used as a silica source for gel composition of range 6 and the crystallization step may be conducted for a period of 4 to 19 hr at 100 ⁰C. Moreover, large-crystals with high crystallinity pure phase Y zeolite can be obtained at hereinabove conditions but when hydrous sodium metasilicate is used as a silica source. The other selected ranges also offer pure phase Y zeolite at the same controlled conditions.

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Crossref (11)
Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Comparison of metal ions release and corrosion potential from different bracket archwire combinations (An in vitro study)
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Background: Esthetic treatment is the options of patient seeking orthodontic treatment. Therefore this study was conducted to measure the concentration of Aluminum, Nickel, Chromium and Iron ions released from combination of monocrysralline brackets with different arch wires immersed in artificial saliva at different duration, to evaluate the corrosion point on different parts of the orthodontic appliances before and after immersion in artificial saliva, and to evaluate the corrosion potential of each group of the orthodontic appliances. Material and methods: Eighty orthodontic sets prepared. Each set represents half fixed orthodontic appliance, from the central incisor to the first molar, for the maxillary arch, each set consisted of molar

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 13 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of cultar, potassium and salinity of irrigation water on some characteristics of vegetative growth of two cultivars of apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.)
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This experiment was conducted in the orchard of the Department of Horticulture,college of Agriculture,Baghdad University during the growing season of 2007 To study the effects of spray with three concentration of cultar(0,500,1000 mg.L-1) ,tow concentration of K2SO4(0,5g.L-1), and salinity of irrigation water with three concentration (1,2,3dS.m-1) on some characteristics of vegetative growth of two cultivars of apricot trees (Labib1 and Zienni).The age of trees was four years .The tree grafted on original of seed apricot . Afactorial trail was carry out according to randomized complete block design with arrangement of split-split with three replications. Salinity of irrigation water took main plot, potassium took sub plot and cultar took s

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of cultar, potassium and salinity of irrigation water on some characteristics of vegetative growth of two cultivars of apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.)‏
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Publication Date
Fri Mar 30 2018
Journal Name
حولیات کلیة الآداب جامعة عین شمس
الرأي العام في بغداد (العصر البويهي أنموذجاً)
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يتفق معظم العلماء على اهمية الرأي العام في کل الازمنه والامکنة کلها، لکل ناس حکام ومحکومون افراد وجماعات فهو يشکل قوة ضغط على تلک الانظمة والحکومات وان کانت تلک القضايا لها مساس بمصالح الناس ومدى تاثيرها على الانظمة في اتخاذ القرارات من خلال الاحکام التي تصدرها الناس. والبحث هنا يتناول الرأي العام بمفهوم الحرية الممنوحة لهم وان کانت مدة الدراسة لا تتناول المفهوم بذاته ولکن يعبر عنه بمفاهيم مثل ارادة ال

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 12 2017
Journal Name
مجلة بابل للعلوم الإنسانية
التسلح الاستراتيجي لكوريا الشمالية بعد العام ٢٠٠١
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دراسة التسلح النووي مفهوم واهميه وأبعاد ودراسة القدرات النووية لكوريا الشمالية وتأثيراته الدولية والإقليمية

Publication Date
Wed Feb 20 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
China's Middle East policy after 2001
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The foreign policy of china is considered an important subject generally, in addition its very significant towards the Middle East specifically. It is the most valued topic, that needs deep academic investigations in order to identify the important factors causes and its consequences, this kind of research provides a proper understanding to the researchers and politicians, it will prove the reasons for China's with the impact to the region, the rivalry with the United States in the coming years

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Digital Data Encryption Using a Proposed W-Method Based on AES and DES Algorithms
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This paper proposes a new encryption method. It combines two cipher algorithms, i.e., DES and AES, to generate hybrid keys. This combination strengthens the proposed W-method by generating high randomized keys. Two points can represent the reliability of any encryption technique. Firstly, is the key generation; therefore, our approach merges 64 bits of DES with 64 bits of AES to produce 128 bits as a root key for all remaining keys that are 15. This complexity increases the level of the ciphering process. Moreover, it shifts the operation one bit only to the right. Secondly is the nature of the encryption process. It includes two keys and mixes one round of DES with one round of AES to reduce the performance time. The W-method deals with

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