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A realistic vision of the ration card system in Iraq for the duration (1997-2003) and (2017-2003)
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The researcher shed light on a diet in Iraq before 2003 became in this period. And how the ration card has a variety of vocabulary and cover the need of the population of commodities and have a key role in saving Iraq from a real crisis in the period of economic siege, especially in light of the State's direction to support the agricultural sector, which in that period able to fill half of the market needs of food the basic. As well as providing strategic storage at the Ministry of Commerce enough for six months But after the events of 2003 and the crises that hit the country and the unstable security situation began to rise voices calling for reform of the ration card system as a system that is a burden on the public budget. The ration card has been reduced in previous years in accordance with the requirements of the International Monetary Fund, the abolition of government support, but in stages without taking into account the level of per capita income and the reality of productive estates in Iraq, in general, there are many factors affected the system of catering in Iraq, The ration card in 2004 and until 2017 of the most influential factors on the ration card As a result, many of its items were finally canceled and the quantities of each other were reduced. If the abolition of the system of supply, the state is developing the social protection system to contain the poor classes in Iraq, which was based mainly on the livelihood of the ration card

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 11 2019
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Evaluation of Application of Nutritional Status Assessment for Children Under 5 years by Using IMCI Program in a Sample of Primary Health Care Centers in Baghdad City
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Background: World Health Organization (WHO) and United Nation International Children Fund (UNICEF) developed a strategy known as Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI); which aims to reduce less than five years children morbidity and mortality in developing countries.

Objective: To assess the completion of the IMCI format status in primary health care centers, Baghdad.

Methods:  A cross sectional study with analytic element was conducted during the period from 15th  of January till 15th  May 2016 in selected Primary health centers in Baghdad, Iraq. The sample consists of form of child files less than 2 months and form from 2

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Publication Date
Wed May 10 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Technical methods in foreign language teaching as a new method in foreign language learning
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Unter dem Titel " Technische Methoden im Fremdsprachunterricht als eine neueste Methode im Fremdsprachlernen, die Spiele als Muster"

versteht man, dass die Forschung  sich mit einer neuen Methoden im Fremdsprachunterricht beschäftigt. Von den neuen Methoden im Unterricht sind die Spiele. So man sieht  in den letzten Jahren viele Artikel zum Thema Spiele im Fremdsprschunterricht. Davon gehen wir aus, dass die Spiele im Unterricht eine groβe Rolle spielt, denn diese Methode macht Lust, Spaβ im Lernenprozeβ. Die Spiele im Unterricht bezeichnen als ein Mittel, um Unterricht etwas Schönes , Nützliches und Lebendigs zu sein. Die Spiele sind vielfälltig und unterscheidet sich nach den Themen und Materialien. In dieser F

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
International Journal Of Advanced Research
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This paper is illustrates the sufficient conditions of the uniformly asymptotically stable and the bounded of the zero solution of fifth order nonlinear differential equation with a variable delay τ(t)

Publication Date
Thu Dec 20 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Globalization and the identity of the mental image structure of urban spaces
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This research discusses the subject of identity in the urban environment as it attempts to answer a number of questions that come with the concept of identity. The first of these questions: What is identity? Can a definition or conceptual framework be developed for identity? What about individual, collective, cultural, ethnic, political and regional identity? Is there a definition of identity in the urban environment in particular? If there is a definition of identity, what about social mobility responsible for social change? How can we see identity through this kinetics? Can we assume that identity in the urban environment has a variable structure or is of variable shape with a more stable structure? Can we determine the spatial-tempora

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 06 2015
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study the genesis of the Moons of Jupiter and their Physical Properties
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A developed model has been put for the hypothesis of capturing moons in explaining the origin of Jupiter moons, and study the change of the orbital properties of these satellites as well as the distance from the planet. Jupiter moons were divided into two types according to their physical and orbital properties, they are the moons , which are formed from the same material as the planet, so it was named the original moons ,while the moons that have been captured from the surrounding space was renamed exotic moons . And the moons of exotic origin asteroid belt and the Kuiper belt in the region which is behind Neptune, the origin of each clique of moons is an asteroid fragmented after colliding previously with another body and

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 28 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Forecasting the performance and profitability of companies using the equation of Tobin’sq
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The main objective and primary concern to every investor not only to achieve a greater return on his or her investments, but also to create the largest possible value of these investments the, researchers and those interested in the field of investment and financial analysis  try to develop standards  for performance      valuation      is guided through the                                     &nbsp

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 29 2017
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Textual jurisprudence and jurisprudence of the science of the text: Linguistic study
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The modern textual study researched the textuality of the texts and specified for that seven well-known standards, relying in all of that on the main elements of the text (the speaker, the text, and the recipient). This study was to investigate the textuality of philology, and the jurisprudence of the science of the text.


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Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The impact of market orientation and the commitment of employees to performance
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أستهدفت الدراسة اختبار أثر التوجه السوقي والتزام العاملين على أداء المنظمة المسوقة لخدمات النقل الجوي. حيث تم اختيار شركة الخطوط الجوية الملكية الأردنية كمجال تطبيقي.وقد اعتمدت الدراسة في قياس المتغيرات على مقاييس مختبرة وقد تأكد صحتها وثباتها لقياس المتغيرات في البيئة الحالية.  وقد بينت نتائج التحليل الإحصائي الذي استخدمت فيه أساليب إحصائية مختلفة بالاستعانة ببرنامج SPSS))

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2019
Journal Name
Plant Archives
Effect of the level of corticosteron hormone in the blood of local Iraqi chicken mothers on the sex ratio of the produced offsprings
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This study was conducted to investigate the relationship between corticosterone hormone in the blood of local Iraqi white chicken mothers and the sexual ratio of the hatching chicks. A field experiment located at the Poultry Research Station, Livestock Department, Agricultural Research Department, Ministry of Agriculture for the period from 16 of September 2018 to 25 of December 2018. One hundred and forty birds of Iraqi local chicken mothers (100 females+ 40 males) at the age of 28 weeks were provided from the poultry research station. The birds were raised in individual cages and distributed sequentially to the cages after the numbering of the females. Data were recorded in three periods, each period was of 28 days, and then the general a

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Scopus (6)
Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The interference between effects of Adhatoda vasica (Nees) extracts and Bacillus thuringiensis (Berliner) for controlling population of fig moth, Ephestia cautella Walker
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The activity of Adhatoda vasica crude plants extracts against B.thuringiensis bacteria was determined by MIC test and sensitivity test which showed no response of this type of bacteria against extracts .The interference between the effect of hot and cold aqueous extracts and Bacillus thuringiensis bacteria for controlling the population of fig moth when males and females released before treatment under control condithion was gave a highly percentage of larval mortality which reached to 100% in (B.t. + hot aqueous extract ) and 97.3% in (B.t + coldaqueous extract ) after two weeks of treatment when concentration of 50% of aqueous extracts and 5×10?1of Bacillus thuringiensis bacteria but when the insect (males & females) released after

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