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(Estimation and Analysis of the Cobb-Duglas Production Function for the Rail Transport Sector in Iraq for the Period 1990-2016 using the ARDL Model)
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Since the railway transport sector is very important in many countries of the world, we have tried through this research to study the production function of this sector and to indicate the level of productivity under which it operates.

It was found through the estimation and analysis of the production function Kub - Duglas that the railway transport sector in Iraq suffers from a decline in the level of productivity, which was reflected in the deterioration of the level of services provided for the transport of passengers and goods. This led to the loss of the sector of importance in supporting the national economy and the reluctance of most passengers and owners of goods The acquisition of that service in mobility and transfer to other modes of transport and then loss of competition with other means of transport.

As shown in the estimate of the output function that the capital variable negatively affects the value of production, and this is evident from the capital coefficient that took the negative signal and was associated with the inverse relationship with the level of productivity, and this result shows the poor implementation of investment projects and not implemented on time and that was not In parallel with the level of services provided. On the other hand, there was a positive relationship between the work and the value of the output. This was achieved by reducing the number of workers in this sector according to the period of time chosen in the research. It also became clear that the conditions and events that Iraq experienced had a great impact on the railway sector and other sectors. For other economies.

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 29 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Separation Worry and its Correlation with Working Memory of the Primary School Pupils
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The concept of the separation worry is considered one of the common disorders in children. The causes and effects of this worry influence the child mental and cognitive ability and the child ability to communicate with others, has friendship and the ability of adaptive with the environment, peers and teachers and it also influences the child's academic and social performance.
The importance of this study is represented in handling the working memory, one of important subject in cognitive psychology. Many universal studies show that the working memory is very important in several daily functions such as continuous attention, followinstructions, implement instructions of many steps, the moment of information remembering and keep focusin

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The Catholyte Effects on The Microbial Desalination Cell Performance of Desalination and Power Generation
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A microbial desalination cell (MDC) is a new approach to bioelectrochemical systems. It provides a more sustainable way to electrical power production, saltwater desalination, and wastewater treatment at the same time. This study examined three operation modes of the MDC: chemical cathode, air cathode, and biocathode MDC, to give clear sight of this system's performance. The experimental work results for these three modes were recorded as power densities generation, saltwater desalination rates, and COD removal percentages. For the chemical cathode MDC, the power density was 96.8 mW/m2, the desalination rate was 84.08 ppm/hr, and the COD removal percentage was 95.94%. The air cathode MDC results were different

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Sun Aug 11 2024
Journal Name
Lecture Notes In Networks And Systems
International Financial Reporting Standards and Their Impact on the Value of the Economic Unit
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This study examines the impact of adopting International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) on the value of economic units. Given the global push toward standardization of financial reporting to enhance financial statement transparency, comparability, and reliability, this research seeks to understand the implications of these standards for economic valuation within a region characterized by its unique economic and regulatory challenges. A questionnaire was distributed to 86 Iraqi academics specializing in economics, accounting, and finance to collect their views on the impact of adopting international financial reporting standards. Through careful statistical analysis, the study concluded that applying international financial reporting s

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Mar 23 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Meta-Motivation and its Relationship to the Uniqueness Seeking of the Engineering Colleges Students
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The current study aims to identify:The meta-motivation and Uniqueness seeking of the study sample. The correlated  relationship among them. The present study sample consists of (400) students from the colleges of engineering, University of Baghdad, and the University of Technology in the academic year (2019-2020), and the researcher has adopted the Chen Scale (1995)to measure the meta-motivation after its translation into Arabic by(Al-Samawi,2011).The scale includes six dimensions. The researcher has also adopted the Snyder&Fromkin scale (1980) to measure the uniqueness  seeking after translating and adapting it into the Arabic environment. The scale consists of three dimensions. The results show that students of the Facult

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Publication Date
Thu May 28 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Studying the Atomic and Molecular Hydrogen Mass (MHI, MH2) Properties of the Extragalactic Spectra
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The purpose of this study is to deal with dust and interstellar molecular and atomic gas owing to obtaining a proportion of cold gas to dust and to understand the characteristics of the molecular gas in extragalactic data selected from the Herschel SPIRE/ FTS archive. The physical properties of a sample of 65 extragalactic spectra characterized by the activity of star formation were discussed in this work. Statistical analyses, using STATISTICA program, were made for the content of cold gas (MHI, MH2), dust mass (Mdust), cold temperature of dust (Td) and luminosities in Far-infrared to CO line radiations, while coefficients of partial correlation within those characteristics were established. The results

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Scopus (7)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Dec 28 2023
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Contents of the photo coverage of the Gulf Cup Championship on the pages of photojournalists on Instagram: An analytical study
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This study intends to examine the content of photo coverage related to the Gulf Cup (Gulf 25) as presented by Iraqi photojournalists on Instagram between 02/01/2023 and 27/01/2023. Utilizing content analysis, the two researchers employed the survey method to evaluate 674 digital photos posted by seven photojournalists specializing in this sporting event, which concluded with the Iraqi team's victory in the city of Basra.
Key findings from the study include:
1. The Category "Photos from the Gulf Cup matches" predominated, accounting for 291 instances or 42.794% of the total.
2. Photojournalists exhibited a keen interest in capturing images of attending fans and documenting celebrations surrounding th

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Theoretical asp ects of trans lation of a lite rary text in the fram ework of lingu istic and cult ural analysis: Теоретические асп екты перевода художес твенного текста в рам ках лингвокультурологического ана лиза
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          The present art icle discusses the prob lems of understanding and translating the lingu istic and cult ural aspect of a foreign lite rary text. The article considers the trans lation process through the pr ism of cult ural orientation. In the process of transl ation, the nati onal cultural iden tity should be expressed to the max imum extent, through all me ans of expre ssion that include imagery and inton ation. In addi tion to the author's sty le, special atte ntion should al so be pa id to tro pes, phraseological uni ts, colloquial wo rds and dial&n

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Innovative approaches to the development of the lexical composition of the oil and gas industry : Инновационные подходы развития лексического состава нефтегазовой промышленности
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 The present study discusses one of the most relevant and required topics in the recent period during globalization, the modern Russian system of terms for the oil and gas industry as a whole acquired a complete form in the second half of the twentieth century. The period of the late XX - early XXI centuries. marked by cardinal transformations in all areas of the political, economic, social and cultural life of Russia. These changes could not but affect industrial production. Transition to a new vector of development of the Russian economy based on the development of commercial trade, on the change and improvement of the development of industrial enterprises in the context of the implementation of national projects and the introduction

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 12 2022
Journal Name
Communications In Mathematical Biology And Neuroscience
The influence of fear on the dynamic of an eco-epidemiological system with predator subject to the weak Allee effect and harvesting
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In this paper, an eco-epidemiological prey-predator system when the predator is subjected to the weak Allee effect, and harvesting was proposed and studied. The set of ordinary differential equations that simulate the system’s dynamic is constructed. The impact of fear and Allee’s effect on the system's dynamic behavior is one of our main objectives. The properties of the solution of the system were studied. All possible equilibrium points were determined, and their local, as well as global stabilities, were investigated. The possibility of the occurrence of local bifurcation was studied. Numerical simulation was used to further evaluate the global dynamics and understood the effects of varying parameters on the asymptotic behavior of t

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Scopus (1)
Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Sep 23 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Isoscaler and isovector for one body of magnetic dipole transitions of Ba(A=130- 136) isotopes using IBM-1
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Isoscalar   and  isovector   for  one   body  of  magnetic   dipole transitions    of   even even   Ba   (A=l30-136)  isotopes   have   been calculated using IBM-1 . The present calculations are predicted that the maximum   values    of   magnetic    dipole   reduced   matrix   clement (11  II fr.·Hil lll1 


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