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The Degree of Management Practice of Roaming and Its Role in Achieving Organizational Justice ((An analytical Study of the Opinions of Directors in Anbar Education Directorate))
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This Study aimed to investigate the reality of the application of the degree of management practice by Walking Around, namely (discovery of facts, improvement of communication, motivation, development, creativity and feedback) and Its role in achieving organizational justice (procedural justice, distributive justice, Interactional Justice),The availability of the core principles of this system from the point of view of the senior management personnel in the Directorate of Anbar Education, and the importance of research in the philosophical rooting of the nature of the variables as a modern administrative terminology, the research dealt with a problem expressed by a number of intellectual and applied questions, To the status quo witnessed by the Anbar Educational Directorate, and represented the gap in fact a lack of understanding the importance of respondent variables, In order to achieve the above, the researcher developed a virtual model based on the documentation and assignment of tasks. It was adopted in the formulation of hypotheses based on the research problem and its questions in order to achieve the purposes of the research. The research was based on the descriptive and analytical method. The questionnaire was used as a research tool And distributed to a sample of managers in the Directorate of Education Anbar and its branches amounted to (64) . The study was analyzed using statistical methods through the statistical program (SPSS). The study came out with the theoretical conclusions of the study, the most important of which is the inability to employ the benefits of the administration by roaming towards achieving organizational justice because the heads of departments do not have sufficient authority to follow the reports of the tours to solve the problems and difficulties, and applied the actual reality of the variables investigated in the environment of Anbar Directorate, Which focuses on activating the concept of management by roaming in organizations to the ability to find a fair balance between the inputs distributed to the employees and the outputs they have to be in a general context calling for equity and comparison with others

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 20 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Text Encryption Algorithm Based on Chaotic Neural Network and Random Key Generator
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This work presents a symmetric cryptography coupled with Chaotic NN , the encryption algorithm process the data as a blocks and it consists of multilevel( coding of character, generates array of keys (weights),coding of text and chaotic NN ) , also the decryption process consists of multilevel (generates array of keys (weights),chaotic NN, decoding of text and decoding of character).Chaotic neural network is used as a part of the proposed system with modifying on it ,the keys that are used in chaotic sequence are formed by proposed key generation algorithm .The proposed algorithm appears efficiency during the execution time where it can encryption and decryption long messages by short time and small memory (chaotic NN offer capacity of m

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Publication Date
Thu May 28 2015
Journal Name
International Journal Of Recent Scientific Research
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The increased use of hybrid PET /CT scanners combining detailed anatomical information along withfunctional data has benefits for both diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. This presented study is to makecomparison of cross sections to produce 18F , 82Sr and68Ge via different reactions with particle incident energy up to 60 MeV as a part of systematic studies on particle-induced activations on enriched natNe, natRb, natGa 18O,85Rb, and 69Ga targets, theoretical calculation of production yield, calculation of requiredtarget and suggestion of optimum reaction to produce: Fluorine-18 , Strontium-82 andGermanium-68 touse in Hybrid Machines PET/CT Scanners.

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 20 2020
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
ON-Line MRI Image Selection and Tumor Classification using Artificial Neural Network
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When soft tissue planning is important, usually, the Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is a medical imaging technique of selection. In this work, we show a modern method for automated diagnosis depending on a magnetic resonance images classification of the MRI. The presented technique has two main stages; features extraction and classification. We obtained the features corresponding to MRI images implementing Discrete Wavelet Transformation (DWT), inverse and forward, and textural properties, like rotation invariant texture features based on Gabor filtering, and evaluate the meaning of every

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2016
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Secondary skull tumors: Prevalence, MRI findings as a diagnostic tool, and treatment
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Background: Skull secondary tumors are malignant bone tumors which are increasing in incidence.Objective: The objectives of this study were to present clinical features , asses the outcome of patients with secondary skull tumors ,characterize the MRI features, locations, and extent of secondary skull tumors to determine the frequency of the symptomatic disease.Type of the study: This is a prospective study.Methods: This is a prospective study from February 2000 to February 2008. The patients were selected from five neurosurgical centers and one oncology hospital in Baghdad/Iraq. The inclusion criteria were MRI study of the head(either as an initial radiological study or following head CT scan when secondary brain tumor is suspected , vis

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2017
Journal Name
Ocean Engineering
Stresses and pore water pressure induced by machine foundation on saturated sand
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In this study, the response and behavior of machine foundations resting on dry and saturated sand was investigated experimentally. In order to investigate the response of soil and footing to steady state dynamic loading, a physical model was manufactured. The manufactured physical model could be used to simulate steady state harmonic load at different operating frequencies. Total of (84) physical models were performed. The parameters that were taken into considerations include loading frequency, size of footing and different soil conditions. The footing parameters were related to the size of the rectangular footing and depth of embedment. Two sizes of rectangular steel model footing were used (100 200 12.5 mm) and (200 400 5.0 mm).

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Crossref (20)
Publication Date
Wed Mar 29 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Multi-Stage Hydraulic Fracturing Completion Design Based on Ball-and-Sleeve Method
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This paper proposes a completion that can allow fracturing four zones in a single trip in the well called “Y” (for confidential reasons) of the field named “X” (for confidential reasons). The steps to design a well completion for multiple fracturing are first to select the best completion method then the required equipment and the materials that it is made of. After that, the completion schematic must be drawn by using Power Draw in this case, and the summary installation procedures explained. The data used to design the completion are the well trajectory, the reservoir data (including temperature, pressure and fluid properties), the production and injection strategy. The results suggest that multi-stage hydraulic fracturing can

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 30 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Crack Growth Behavior through Wall Pipes under Impact Loading And Moisten Environment
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This search concerns study the crack growth in the wall of pipes made of low carbon steel under the impact load and using the effect of moisture (rate of moisture 50%). The environmental conditions were controlled using high accuracy digital control with sensors. The pipe has a crack already. The test was performed and on two type of specimens, one has a length of 100cm and other have length 50cm. The results were, when the humidity was applied to the pipe, the crack would enhance to grow (i.e. the number of cycles needed to grow the crack will reduce). In addition, when the test performed on the specimens of length 50cm the number of cycles needed to grow the crack is increased due to the effect of bending stress on the

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 07 2021
Journal Name
Rimak International Journal And Humanities And Social Sciences
children were exposed to animation on specialized satellite channels and verified gratifications
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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2017
Journal Name
Iosr Journal Of Computer Engineering
Lossy Image Compression Using Wavelet Transform, Polynomial Prediction And Block Truncation Coding
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Publication Date
Sat Jun 30 2012
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Thickening Time and Compressive Strength Correlations for Bentonitic- Class "G" Cement Slurries
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Empirical equations for estimating thickening time and compressive strength of bentonitic - class "G" cement slurries were derived as a function of water to cement ratio and apparent viscosity (for any ratios). How the presence of such an equations easily extract the thickening time and compressive strength values of the oil field saves time without reference to the untreated control laboratory tests such as pressurized consistometer for thickening time test and Hydraulic Cement Mortars including water bath ( 24 hours ) for compressive strength test those may have more than one day.

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