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The Comparison between the BEKK and DVECH Models of Multivariate GARCH Models with Practical Application
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The Purpose of this research is a comparison between two types of multivariate GARCH models BEKK and DVECH to forecast using financial time series which are the series of daily Iraqi dinar exchange rate with dollar, the global daily of Oil price with dollar and the global daily of gold price with dollar for the period from 01/01/2014 till 01/01/2016.The estimation, testing and forecasting process has been computed through the program RATS. Three time series have been transferred to the three asset returns to get the Stationarity, some tests were conducted including Ljung- Box, Multivariate Q and Multivariate ARCH to Returns Series and Residuals Series for both models with comparison between the estimation and forecasting models based on the criterion, mean Squared error (MSE), compared to the Suitability of these two models of the nature of the data and the ability to Capture the volatility. We concluded that BEKK is better than DVECH in forecasting from the model.

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Comparison Branch and Bound Algorithm with Penalty Function Method for solving Non-linear Bi-level programming with application
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The problem of Bi-level programming is to reduce or maximize the function of the target by having another target function within the constraints. This problem has received a great deal of attention in the programming community due to the proliferation of applications and the use of evolutionary algorithms in addressing this kind of problem. Two non-linear bi-level programming methods are used in this paper. The goal is to achieve the optimal solution through the simulation method using the Monte Carlo method using different small and large sample sizes. The research reached the Branch Bound algorithm was preferred in solving the problem of non-linear two-level programming this is because the results were better.

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 17 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Use Of Some Parametric And Non parametric Methods For Analysis Of Factorial Experiments With Application
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In this search, we examined the factorial experiments and the study of the significance of the main effects, the interaction of the factors and their simple effects by the F test (ANOVA) for analyze the data of the factorial experience. It is also known that the analysis of variance requires several assumptions to achieve them, Therefore, in case of violation of one of these conditions we conduct a transform to the data in order to match or achieve the conditions of analysis of variance, but it was noted that these transfers do not produce accurate results, so we resort to tests or non-parametric methods that work as a solution or alternative to the parametric tests , these method

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
A comparison between Objective and subjective tests
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This paper aims at presenting a comparison between objective and subjective tests . This paper attemptsto shed light on these two aspects of tests and make do a compression by using suitable techniques for objective and subjective tests .

     The paper compares between the two techniques used by the objective and subjective tests respectively, the time and efforts required by each type, the extent to which each type can be reliable, and the skills each type is suitable to measure.

     The paper shows that objective tests, on the contrary of the subjective ones, encourages guess> Objective tests are used to test specific areas of langua

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 05 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Comparison of Poisson Regression and Conway Maxwell Poisson Models Using Simulation
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Regression models are one of the most important models used in modern studies, especially research and health studies because of the important results they achieve. Two regression models were used: Poisson Regression Model and Conway-Max Well-  Poisson), where this study aimed to make a comparison between the two models and choose the best one between them using the simulation method and at different sample sizes (n = 25,50,100) and with repetitions (r = 1000). The Matlab program was adopted.) to conduct a simulation experiment, where the results showed the superiority of the Poisson model through the mean square error criterion (MSE) and also through the Akaiki criterion (AIC) for the same distribution.

Paper type:

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Probabilistic Inventory Models With Pareto Distribution
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Inventory or inventories are stocks of goods being held for future use or sale. The demand for a product in is the number of units that will need to be removed from inventory for use or sale during a specific period. If the demand for future periods can be predicted with considerable precision, it will be reasonable to use an inventory rule that assumes that all predictions will always be completely accurate. This is the case where we say that demand is deterministic.

The timing of an order can be periodic (placing an order every days) or perpetual (placing an order whenever the inventory declines to units).

in this research we discuss how to  formulating inv

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Banking Entrepreneurial requirements: Models for selected countries: Models for selected countries
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The research aims to identify the requirements of banking Entrepreneurial in Saudi Arabia and Singapore, where banking Entrepreneurial is an important way to lead employees to acquire the experience and knowledge required by the banking environment, so we note the pursuit of the banking management to acquire new technology proactively and distinctively to compete with others through the introduction of modern technologies that help senior management to develop new banking methods adaptable to the surrounding environmental changes. The problem of research highlights the extent to which the requirements of banking Entrepreneurial are applied in Saudi Arabia and the Republic of Singapore and will be addressed through three investigation

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 30 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Comparison of Some Methods for Estimating Mixture of Linear Regression Models with Application
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 A mixture model is used to model data that come from more than one component. In recent years, it became an effective tool in drawing inferences about the complex data that we might come across in real life. Moreover, it can represent a tremendous confirmatory tool in classification observations based on similarities amongst them. In this paper, several mixture regression-based methods were conducted under the assumption that the data come from a finite number of components. A comparison of these methods has been made according to their results in estimating component parameters. Also, observation membership has been inferred and assessed for these methods. The results showed that the flexible mixture model outperformed the others

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Comparison of Multistage and Numerical Discretization Methods for Estimating Parameters in Nonlinear Linear Ordinary Differential Equations Models.
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Many of the dynamic processes in different sciences are described by models of differential equations. These models explain the change in the behavior of the studied process over time by linking the behavior of the process under study with its derivatives. These models often contain constant and time-varying parameters that vary according to the nature of the process under study in this We will estimate the constant and time-varying parameters in a sequential method in several stages. In the first stage, the state variables and their derivatives are estimated in the method of penalized splines(p- splines) . In the second stage we use pseudo lest square to estimate constant parameters, For the third stage, the rem

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Islamic Banks   Between ideal theory and practical application
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This research was from an introduction, three topics and a conclusion, as follows:
The first topic: the concept of Islamic banks and their emergence and development, which includes three demands are:
The first requirement: the concept of Islamic banks and types, and there are two requirements:
* Definition of Islamic banks language and idiom.
* Types of Islamic banks.
The second requirement: the emergence and development of Islamic banks.
Third requirement: the importance of Islamic banks and their objectives.
We learned about the concept of banks and their origins and how they developed and what are the most important types of Islamic banks
The second topic: Formulas and sources of financing in Islamic banks and

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
A Study on Transportation Models in Their Minimum and Maximum Values with Applications of Real Data
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The purpose of this paper is to apply different transportation models in their minimum and maximum values by finding starting basic feasible solution and finding the optimal solution. The requirements of transportation models were presented with one of their applications in the case of minimizing the objective function, which was conducted by the researcher as real data, which took place one month in 2015, in one of the poultry farms for the production of eggs

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