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The reality of smart city development management in the comprehensive development plan for the city of Baghdad 2030
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Abstract has many advantages as has historically been one of the regions leading cultural centers . for centuries , it has been a center of commertial and financial operations in Iraq. it is also rich in archeological sites and natural resources, but because of its wars and implementation of urban development strategies are effective and sustainable , so contracted the secretariat of Baghdad with the company (khatib and scirntiffic) for the preparation of the comprehensive development plan for the city of Baghdad in 2030 and funded by the world bank and the fact that the plan was approved ( three stages of it ) and only one phase remains the fourth stage, which is under discussion the aim of the research is to identify the extent to which it is oriented towards the smart cities approach that the cities of the world are dealing with today through a sample representing the consultative team of the comprehensive plan of the city of Baghdad 2030 and its supporters in the municipality of Baghdad which number (51) people tha data was collected by means of several tools, namely, questionnaire and personal inter views and a number of statistical methods were used to process the information including the comparative rations of the empirical analysis to test the hypotheses of the study, which states that there is a significant correlation between the study variables, there was a significant correlation between the study variable varibles, the effects of significant significance among the variables of all study and the study reached a set of conclusions, the most important of which is the comprehensive development plan for the city of Baghdad requires the integration of all its vocabulary with in the development of smart cities

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Global Pharma Technology
Using tobacco leaves as adsorbent for the orange-g dye removal from its aqueous solutions
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The removal of commercial orange G dye from its aqueous solution by adsorption on tobacco leaves (TL) was studied in respect to different factor that affected the adsorption process. These factors including the tobacco leaves does, period of orange G adsorption, pH, and initial orange G dye concentration .Different types of isotherm models were used to describe the orange G dye adsorption onto the tobacco leaves. The experimental results were compared using Langmuir, and frundlich adsorption isotherm, the constants for these two isotherm models was determined. The results fitted frundlich model with value of correlation coefficient equal to (0.981). The capacity of adsorption for the orange G dye was carried out using various kinetic models

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Scopus (5)
Publication Date
Wed Aug 01 2018
Journal Name
Association Of Arab Universities Journal Of Engineering Sciences
Slow sand filtration as a tertiary treatment for the secondary effluent from sewage treatment plant
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A field-pilot scale slow sand filter (SSF) was constructed at Al-Rustamiya Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) in Baghdad city to investigate the removal efficiency in terms of Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5), Chemical oxygen demand (COD), Total Suspended Solids (TSS) and Chloride concentrations for achieving better secondary effluent quality from this treatment plant. The SSF was designed at a 0.2 m/h filtration rate with filter area 1 m2 and total filter depth of 2.3 m. A filter sand media 0.35 mm in size and 1 m depth was supported by 0.2 m layer of gravel of size 5 mm. The secondary effluent from Al-Rustamiya STP was used as the influent to the slow sand filter. The results showed that the removal of BOD5, COD, TSS, and Chloride were

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 03 2017
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Innovative Method for Vaccine Preparation Against Multidrug Resistant and Virulence Acinetobacter baumannii Iraqi Isolates
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The expanding of the medically important diseases created by multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii warrants the evolve a new methodology for prevention includes vaccination and treatment. Totally of forty-five clinical isolates identified as A.baumannii were obtained from hospitalized patients from three hospital in Baghdad City during the period from February 2016 to August 2016. Followed by diagnosing using different methods. Every strain was tested for susceptibility testing also some important virulence factorswere detected. Two isolates were chosen for the immunization and vaccine model, the first one remittent for most antibiotics except one are too virulence (strong) and the second is less virulent and resistance (weak).Enzyme-

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 30 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Wellbore Instability Analysis to Determine the Safe Mud Weight Window for Deep Well, Halfaya Oilfield
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Wellbore instability is one of the most common issues encountered during drilling operations. This problem becomes enormous when drilling deep wells that are passing through many different formations. The purpose of this study is to evaluate wellbore failure criteria by constructing a one-dimensional mechanical earth model (1D-MEM) that will help to predict a safe mud-weight window for deep wells. An integrated log measurement has been used to compute MEM components for nine formations along the studied well. Repeated formation pressure and laboratory core testing are used to validate the calculated results. The prediction of mud weight along the nine studied formations shows that for Ahmadi, Nahr Umr, Shuaiba, and Zubair formations

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 25 2021
Journal Name
Kufa Journal For Nursing Sciences
Assessment the Indication for Caesarean Section among Women's attending AL -Dewaniya Maternity and Pediatric Hospital
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Background: Knowing the indications for a cesarean section will help to have a better understanding of this common obstetrical procedure and prepare for the high level of care management that it entails. Aims of the study: The goal of this study was to determine the factors that influence caesarean section indications among women who visited AL-Dewaniya Maternity and Pediatric Hospital, as well as the relationship between caesarean section women's indications and socio-demographic data. Methodology: A descriptive cross-sectional study design is conducted for the period of December 26th 2020 to June 1st 2021 at Al Dewaniya Maternity and Pediatric Hospital. The validity of the questionnaire is determined through a panel of experts and reliabi

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 31 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Spectroscopic study the plasma parameters for SnO2 doped ZnO prepared by pulse Nd:YAG laser deposition
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 In this work, plasma parameters such as (electron temperature (Te), electron density (ne), plasma frequency (fp) and Debye length (λD)) were studied using spectral analysis techniques. The spectrum of the plasma was recorded with different energy values, SnO2 and ZnO anesthetized at a different ratio (X = 0.2, 0.4 and 0.6) were recorded. Spectral study of this mixing in the air. The results showed electron density and electron temperature increase in zinc oxide: tin oxide alloy targets. It was located  that  The intensity of the lines increases in different laser peak powers when the laser peak power increases and then decreases when the force continues to increase.

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 21 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Spectroscopic study the plasma parameters for Pb doped CuO prepared by pulse Nd:YAG laser deposition
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In this work, plasma parameters such as, the electron temperature )Te(, electron density ne, plasma frequency )fp(, Debye length )λD(
and Debye number )ND), have been studied using optical emission spectroscopy technique. The spectrum of plasma with different values of energy, Pb doped CuO at different percentage (X=0.6, 0.7, 0.8) were recorded. The spectroscopic study for these mixing under vacuum with pressure down to P=2.5×10-2 mbar. The results of electron temperature for X=0.6 range (1.072-1.166) eV, for X=0.7 the Te range (1.024-0.855) eV and X=0.8 the Te is (1.033-0.921) eV. Optical properties of CuO:Pb thin films were determined through the optical transmission method using ultraviolet visible spectrophotometer within the ra

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 01 2023
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Modis Satellite Data Evaluation for Detecting the Dust Storm Using Remote Sensing Techniques Over Iraq
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Abstract<p>The phenomena of Dust storm take place in barren and dry regions all over the world. It may cause by intense ground winds which excite the dust and sand from soft, arid land surfaces resulting it to rise up in the air. These phenomena may cause harmful influences upon health, climate, infrastructure, and transportation. GIS and remote sensing have played a key role in studying dust detection. This study was conducted in Iraq with the objective of validating dust detection. These techniques have been used to derive dust indices using Normalized Difference Dust Index (NDDI) and Middle East Dust Index (MEDI), which are based on images from MODIS and in-situ observation based on hourly wi</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Mon Oct 06 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Self-determintion and Emotional Experience and their Relationship with achievement striving for the college Students
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Human beings have an innate and natural aim to achieve their self-interests and to show their ability to overcome challenges in a better way, therefore the move towards self determination is expressed by intrinsic motivation. The desire of absorbing in this task is to enjoy the task in it self and benefitting from it such a motivation is the desire rooted in human nature to judge and choose in which individual is conscious in his self, abilities and adequacy that help him in control the different  situations of life passed by him. His choices and actions are voluntary  and non-restricted to intervention or external control because control is inner and subjective, while his behavior is self-regulated with the feeling of

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 08 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Laser Field Effect on Chemisorption Energy and Its Contributions for the System Na2 / W(100)
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In this study, a mathematical model is presented to study the chemisorption of two interacting atoms on solid surface in the presence of laser field. Our mathematical model is based on the occupation numbers formula that depends on the laser field which we derived according to Anderson model for single atom adsorbed on solid surface. Occupation numbers formula and chemisorption energy formula are derived for two interacting atoms (as a diatomic molecule) as they approach to the surface taking into account the correlation effects on each atom and between atoms. This model is characterized by obvious dependence of all relations on the system variables and the laser field characteristics which gives precise description for the molecule –

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