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The reality of smart city development management in the comprehensive development plan for the city of Baghdad 2030
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Abstract has many advantages as has historically been one of the regions leading cultural centers . for centuries , it has been a center of commertial and financial operations in Iraq. it is also rich in archeological sites and natural resources, but because of its wars and implementation of urban development strategies are effective and sustainable , so contracted the secretariat of Baghdad with the company (khatib and scirntiffic) for the preparation of the comprehensive development plan for the city of Baghdad in 2030 and funded by the world bank and the fact that the plan was approved ( three stages of it ) and only one phase remains the fourth stage, which is under discussion the aim of the research is to identify the extent to which it is oriented towards the smart cities approach that the cities of the world are dealing with today through a sample representing the consultative team of the comprehensive plan of the city of Baghdad 2030 and its supporters in the municipality of Baghdad which number (51) people tha data was collected by means of several tools, namely, questionnaire and personal inter views and a number of statistical methods were used to process the information including the comparative rations of the empirical analysis to test the hypotheses of the study, which states that there is a significant correlation between the study variables, there was a significant correlation between the study variable varibles, the effects of significant significance among the variables of all study and the study reached a set of conclusions, the most important of which is the comprehensive development plan for the city of Baghdad requires the integration of all its vocabulary with in the development of smart cities

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The poetry attributed to The Islamic orthodox caliphs
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The Islamic orthodox caliphs had a great importance in the history of Arabs in
particular, and of Muslims in general.
Some attributed poetry to them. This issue to see whether such an attribution is correct
or not.
This research tried to deal objectively with this poetry .it discussed the topic,
exploring the scholars’ opinions about poetry attributed to the Islamic orthodox
Caliphs, stating their dispute : some of them agreed while others rejected the
The research adopted the opinon that had rejected for reasons stated in the
research, of them: the weakness of poetry and its dealing with unimportant things, for
example, the caliph Omar composed verses about a new garment worn by him.
Is it

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 31 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The heart between the scientific and legal concept
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summary of the research

The heart is the pine-shaped flesh on the left side of the chest. The moral gentleness in this flesh is called the home of perception, reason and understanding, as well as the place of desires and passions, so it turns between one desire and another between good and evil. As for its parts, it consists of four main parts called chambers, two rooms on the right As for the two chambers below, it is called the ventricle, the heart works regularly and accurately to pump blood and distribute it to all parts of the body and vital organs. And the Holy Quran divided the types of heart into two main types of healthy hearts, which are types (healthy, hidden, living....)

And the second type is sick hea

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 12 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The parameters effect on the holographic optical elements
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In this work we fabrication holographic optical element diffraction grating thickness 40?m and mirror90?m by using dichromated gelatin,to perform that we have to use the Nd-yaG laser doubling frequency of wavelenght (532)nm and its powers of (80)mWatt.we have studyed the thickness and concentration dichromat effect in mirror reflaction ,effect of angle of reconstruction beam in band width and diffraction efficiency ,study effect gelatin hardener of the diffraction efficiency.

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 22 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Dimensions of binding and non-binding social responsibility and its relationship to organizational performance / Field Study in telecommunications companies in the Republic of yemen
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The study aims at measuring the dimensions of binding and non-binding social responsibility and its relation to the organizational performance in telecommunication companies in the Republic of Yemen using analytical descriptive approach and questionnaire as a main tool for data collection and comprehensive inventory method.

It has been found  that there is a positive effect and significant moral relation between social responsibility with its binding and non-binding dimensions  and the organizational performance of telecommunication companies in the Republic of Yemen at a level of significance below (0.05). It has also been found that the correlation between the non-binding social responsibilit

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
משבר הזהות במודרניזם של יהושע עיון בנובלה " שתיקה הולכת ונמשכת של משורר "* Identity crisis in modernity of Yahoshaa Study of “continuous silence of the poet"
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   המשבר הוא מצב מצוי רב בחברת המדינות אחרי המלחמות  והשינויים הגדולים במאה העשרים, ומשבר הזהות הוא ממשברי המאה העשרים שזכה בהתעניינות רבה בכל תחומי המדעים האנושיים, ומהם תחום הספרות. ובספרות העברית היה הסופר א. ב. יהושע מהסופרים החשובים שהתעניין בנושא הזהות בישות הציונית, הוא התווכח בנושא ביצירותיו, ראיוניו ורוב הכנסים התרבותיים והפוליטיים שנכח אותם, הוא השתמש באסכולה ספרותית מאו

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 18 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Data visualization and distinct features extraction of the comet Ison 2013
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The distribution of the intensity of the comet Ison C/2013 is studied by taking its histogram. This distribution reveals four distinct regions that related to the background, tail, coma and nucleus. One dimensional temperature distribution fitting is achieved by using two mathematical equations that related to the coordinate of the center of the comet. The quiver plot of the gradient of the comet shows very clearly that arrows headed towards the maximum intensity of the comet.

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 31 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
The Chages in Sex Hormones in Female Working in Battries Manufacturing Plant
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Lead has toxic effects on reproduction of both male and female.  It can cause decreased sex drive ,  infertility and abnormal menstrual cycle  in women.  This study was designed to evaluate the effect of exposure to lead in batteries female workers on sex hormones level in the serum.Thirty nine (39) female workers (volunteers) in Iraqi Batteries Manufacturing Plants, Al-Waziriya / Baghdad  were participated in this study. They are classified into 3 groups,  first group included fourteen (14) female that  have been employed for 1-7 years ,  second  group  included thirteen (13) female that have been employed for 8-14 years , third  grou

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
الذكاء العاطفي و علاقته بالخجل لدى طلبة جامعة بغداد
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The main purpose of the present research is to identify emotional intelligence for college students and its relation to gender (male-female) , and to identify shyness for college students and its relation to gender(male-female)and to identify the relationship between emotional intelligence and shyness. The sample of the present research consisted of (200) college students , (100)male students and (100)female students randomly selected. scale for measuring emotional intelligence as prepared consists of (46) items according to Golmans theory distributed into five subscales and these are : (self-awareness , emotion management, motivation, sympathy and social skills) and Alobaidi shyness scale is used to assess shyness and it consist

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 12 2006
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Line Narrowing in the Sulforhodamine B Dye Solution with TiO2 Scattering Center
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A random laser is a non-conventional laser whose feedback mechanism is based on dissorder-induced light. However, random lasers occur in gain media with numerous scatterers and produce coherent laser emission without any predesigned cavity. The generation of coherent emission from multiple scattering is quite general and its basic principles are shown here using sulforhodamine B-TiO suspensions system. These suspensions were pumped with 337.1 nm pulses from N2 laser and the spectral and temporal behavior of light emitted from the pumped surface was recorded. When we pump power above a certain threshold a dramatic narrowing of the emission line width and a shortening of the emitted pulses were observed. We have experimentally found that i

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Status Judgment : New Insight into the Promoting Process of Entrepreneurial Behavior
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The present study aims to explore determinants of entrepreneurial behavior from perspective of social theory. It is based on model notions of (Tyler & Blader, 2003) which have focused on studying role of positively personal and social identity in motivating employees to practicing desired behavior which serves the organization in which they work. Based on these notions and previous literature, study model were built. This model explains the relationship between status judgments (perceived internal respect and perceived external prestige)  and entrepreneurial behavior. It includes three main hypotheses. The first and second hypothesis are concerning the relationship between status judgmen

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