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تحديد أثر مبادئ إدارة الجودة الشاملة في الأداء الإستراتيجي دراسة استطلاعية لآراء عينة من القيادات الجامعية
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The management of the overall quality (TQM)) of the philosophies that gained the attention of a large number of leaders and managers, practitioners and academics, as one of the prevailing management philosophies and desirable in the current period, is associated with the concept of quality itself, which shows the overall features and characteristics and attributes that related to the service and meet the needs of beneficiaries phenomenon and full, as was the concept of strategic performance with a significant level of interest from organizations because it is closely linked to the success of the organization in light of the changing competitive environment. These were the study in an attempt to see how a clear vision of the university leadership for total quality management and its principles, and performance indicators at the strategic application of the principles (TQM), which is reflected in turn strengthen the capacity of universities to survival, growth and competition, P demolishes the present study analyzing the nature of the relationship between the principles of total quality management and strategic performance in the study sample and the impact of application in strategic performance. The current study has adopted a set of indicators and statistical tests with a view to a scientific approach can be adopted for the University of the principles and applications contained in the above and, finally, the study found a set of conclusions and field theory, which was drawn on to provide a set of recommendations consistent with these conclusions.


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Publication Date
Sat Mar 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Effectiveness of the organization and its role in achieving the requirements of Strategic success: A survey study of the opinions of a sample of workers at the Asia Telecom Company in Baghdad
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The research aims present to highlight the importance of creating construction Organizational appropriate to achieve strategic success and reduce many of the negative effects experienced by organizations has been developing his questionnaire especially so was distributed to a sample of workers in the Asia-cellular as sample included (60) responsive 0 and can embody intellectual dilemma following questions (What are the dimensions of the organizational infrastructure, and what are the justifications for carrying out the reform and development cleared the organizational structure to make it more flexible) to contribute to the achievement of the strategic requirements for success of the organization surveyed.
Find recommended a number o

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 01 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
تكامل المقارنة المرجعية وقياس كلفة النوعية الرديئة لدعم عمل أدارة الجودة
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The two quality management concepts of benchmarking and poor quality cost measurement have been developed completely separate from each other and without any interaction between them. Both have also experienced some shortcomings that to some extent has limited their use and results. This paper explores these shortcomings and demonstrates how benchmarking and poor quality cost measurement in some ways is similar and in other ways complement each others’ weaknesses. An integrated framework that combines the two concepts into a powerful approach for assisting an organization’s quality management work is presented. Different points of intersection between the two concepts in this integrated framework are discussed, and it is demo

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Role Of Smart Leadership Dimensions In Crisis Management- A study For Opinions Of Sample Of Administrative Leaderships In A number Of Humanities Colleges At The University Of Mosul
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This research aims at answering many questions raised by the research problem concerning the view of the organizations under consideration for the concept of smart leadership and its most important dimensions, as well as the view of crisis management and its concept and most important methods through research objectives that define and clarify the smart leadership with its dimensions and methods of crisis management.

For the purpose of reaching the results of the research and testing the assumptions about the relationship between smart leadership and methods of crisis management, the researcher adopted a questionnaire, designed especially to be a criterion for the research, as the main tool for data coll

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 01 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
أتجاهات مقارنة في تنظيم الادارة المحلية دراسة تحليلية
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ليست الادارة المحلية أو نظام الحكم المحلي ابتكاراُ حديثاً للانسان، بل أنه لازم البشرية منذ أقدم العصور وحتى الآن، إذ الملاجظ أن القرى الصغيرة نشأت قبل أن تنشئ الدولة أو قيل أن يتبلور مفهوم الدولة في الوقت الحاضر وكانت القرى والمدن تجتمع بين حين وأخر- اجتماع أفرادها- لادارة شؤونهم وحل مشاكلهم، وكان هذا خير دليل لتطبيق مفهوم الديمقراطية المباشرة بين أفراد المجتمع الواحد، ولذلك فإن الحك

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
العدالة التنظيمية في إطار إدراكات العاملين (دراسة ميدانية)
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يهدف هذا البحث الى تحديد اثر الاختلاف في ادراكات العاملين للعدالة التنظيمية في المنظمات قيد البحث. وقد تم اعتماد الادراك كمتغير تفسيري، اما العدالة التنظيمية فمثلت المتغير الاستجابي بانواعها الثلاث (العدالة التوزيعية، العدالة الاجرائية، والعدالة التفاعلية)، ولتحقيق اهداف البحث فقد تم اختيار دائرة صحة بغداد/ الكرخ مجتمع للدراسة. وجرى تصميم استبانة ووفق مقياس خماسيي الدراجات وجرى تحليل البيانات باستخ

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Publication Date
Fri May 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Physical Education
دراسة مقارنة بـالرجل الضعيفة، والقوية وعلاقتهما بقوة التصويب ودقته، بالقفز من الزاوية في كرة اليد
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تعد كرة اليد من الألعاب السريعة جداً سواء في تمرير الكرة أو تصويبها. وبما أن عدد الأهداف هو الحد الفاصل في حسم المباراة, فإن إصابة الهدف هي الغرض الاساسي لمباراة كرة اليد, عليه تعد مهارة التصويب من أهم المهارات الأساسية وإن كل المهارات تصبح عديمة الفائدة مالم تنته بإصابة الهدف. ويهدف البحث الى التعرف على الفروق بين التصويب بالقفز من الزاوية بالرجل الضعيفة، والقوية بكرة اليد. والتعرف على العلاقة بين التصوي

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 31 2018
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
مخالفات الامام ابن الحاجب للامام الامدي في الاجماع من خلال كتابه منتهى السول: (دراسة مقارنة )
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ملخـــص البحــــث

اختصر الامام ابن الحاجب كتاب الاحكام في اصول الاحكام للإمام الامدي بكتاب اوسمه بمنتهى السول وخالف به الامام ابن الحاجب الامام الامدي بمسائل كثيرة فجمعت ما خالفه به في الاجماع ليكون بحثا متواضعا عسى الله ان ينفع به

وقسمته الى مبحثين: المبحث الاول وفيه ثلاثة مطالب : المطلب الاول تناولت فيه (حياة الامام ابن الحاجب) والمطلب الثاني تناولت فيه (حياة الامام الامدي) والمطلب الثال

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The impact of managing employees' performance in building intellectual capital Analytical study of the views of a sample of heads of scientific departments At the University of Kirkuk
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The research aims to identify the impact of managing performance's employees in building intellectual capital, Because employing the practice of managing the performance of employees may acquire familiar skills to improve their performance and reflect on the construction of intellectual capital in the surveyed area, Especially that the independent dimension represented by the management of the performance of employees is one of the important topics that has received attention in the world of management in general and human resource management in particular.  While the adopted dimension was represented by Intellectual capital in the important practice of human resource management in the increasing of  their knowledge, to

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Reflection of knowledge workers characteristics on knowledge acquision “Survey Study of the views of a sample of engineers and technicians in the Directorate of Electricity In the city of Sulaymaniyah
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Purpose: The research aims to diagnose the current availability of knowledge workers characteristics and the role of these characteristics in knowledge acquision in the city of Sulaimaniya Directorate of Electricity, and to identify the differences between personal and occupational characteristics of a sample of research and its impact on the availability of such properties.

Design/methodology/approach :to achieve the objectives of the research questionnaire was developed especially for it and then distributed to a sample of engineers and technicians working in the Directorate of Electricity city of Sulaimaniya, where the sample of the research (52) respondents.

Findings:  the most important conclusions reached

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 19 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Al-rafidain University College For Sciences ( Print Issn: 1681-6870 ,online Issn: 2790-2293 )
المهارات الفكرية للموارد البشرية وانعكاسها في الأداء الاستراتيجي
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يهدف البحث تحليل طبيعة علاقات الارتباط والتأثير بين المهارات الفكرية للموارد البشرية والاداء الاستراتيجي، اذ تشكل المهارات الفكرية للموارد البشرية المحرك الاساسي لتنفيذ كافة الواجبات والعمليات التي تقوم بها المنظمة، ونتيجة التغييرات الحادة التي شهدتها البيئة التي تعمل فيها، استوجب الامر قيام هذه المنظمة بتحديد اهم المؤشرات المالية وغير المالية التي يتوجب اعتمادها في تحقيق الاداء الاستراتيجي لضمان

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