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Using Time Series Methods To Modify The Seasonal Variations in the Consumer Price Index
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     As is  known that the consumer price index (CPI) is one of the most important  price indices because of its direct effect on the welfare of the individual and his living.

       We have been address the problem of Strongly  seasonal  commodities in calculating  (CPI) and identifying some of the solution.

   We have  used an actual data  for a set of commodities (including strongly seasonal commodities) to calculate the index price by using (Annual Basket With Carry Forward Prices method) . Although this method can be successfully used in the context of seasonal  commodities  the  index  does not  get  rid  of  the  tremendous  season  fluctuations  .       

     In order to use (CPI) in  measuring  the general inflation and monthly or quarterly comparison ,we must  first  decompose the seasonal component and eliminate  its effect on the (CPI) series to get  a seasonal adjusted series of (CPI) .

     Many statistical methods are used to analysis (CPI) series, and one of these methods is the method of time series that takes into account the seasonal variations in the study of phenomena.

test to  Ljung-Box  We have used Box-Jenkens method in models building and then test the modesl ,also we have found the seasonal adjusted series by using time series  method

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Useing the Hierarchical Cluster Analysis and Fuzzy Cluster Analysis Methods for Classification of Some Hospitals in Basra
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In general, the importance of cluster analysis is that one can evaluate elements by clustering multiple homogeneous data; the main objective of this analysis is to collect the elements of a single, homogeneous group into different divisions, depending on many variables. This method of analysis is used to reduce data, generate hypotheses and test them, as well as predict and match models. The research aims to evaluate the fuzzy cluster analysis, which is a special case of cluster analysis, as well as to compare the two methods—classical and fuzzy cluster analysis. The research topic has been allocated to the government and private hospitals. The sampling for this research was comprised of 288 patients being treated in 10 hospitals. As t

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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The increase in obesity and the many accompanying diseases is attributed to the increased production and consumption of foods made of non-nutritive sweeteners without regard to the risks of consuming additional calories, and this in turn leads to hormonal imbalance and metabolic disorders and the resulting imbalance and ill health that have spread to all segments of society. During the research, 0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04 and 0.05 % of stevia sweetener was added to the cream instead of the sugar used. Physical and chemical tests were performed for the stevia extract and the microbial content in the cream, as well as the sensory evaluation. It was noted that fortifying the cream with calorie-free stevia sugar led to the production of

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Using Index of Compaction in interpreting the distribution and shapes of soil map units of Lower Diyala project.: Using Index of Compaction in interpreting the distribution and shapes of soil map units of Lower Diyala project.
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This study was conducted by using soil map of LD7 project to interpret the
distribution and shapes of map units by using the index of compaction as an
index of map unit shape explanation. Where there were wide and varied
ranges of compaction index of map units, where the maximum value was
0.892 for MF9 map unit and the lower value was 0.010 for same map unit.
MF9 has wide range appearance of index of compaction after those indices
were statistically analyzed by using cluster analysis to group the similar
ranges together to ease using their values, so the unit MF9 was considered as
key map unit that appears in the soils of LD7 project which may be used to
expect another map units existence in area of

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Effectiveness of Monetary Policy in Neutralizing Oil Price Fluctuations on the Gross Domestic Product in Iraq for the Period (1990-2019)
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The research aimed to measure the reality of monetary policy and its role in neutralizing the impact of fluctuations in total domestic oil prices, through the most important monetary policy variable (money supply). An example of this is using a simple technique in the previous example, turning it into a straightforward user interface by (Judd and Kunee). After estimating the impact of the policy with the domestic gross domestic oil prices in Iraq, the effect of fluctuations in the domestic gross domestic oil prices in the simple regression model, while the morale of oil prices was not proven with a negative sign, while the morale of money supply and their impact on the increase of the domestic was proven in the multiple regressio

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 21 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Research In Social Sciences And Humanities
Managing Trading Decisions Using The True Strength Index –An Applied Study
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The purpose of this research is to test the ability of the true strength index To time and manage trading in the financial market to select the best stocks and achieve a higher return than the Simple buy and hold strategy. And To achieve the objectives of the research, it relied on the main hypothesis, which is By using the True Strength Index to manage trading decisions buying and selling, can be achieved higher returns than the buy and hold strategy . The research community has been identified with all stocks listed on the Iraq Stock Exchange. Implementing the financial research tests requires selecting a sample from the research community that fulfills the test requirements according to a number of conditions So (38) companies we

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 15 2023
Journal Name
Dramatic Dialogue And Its Effectiveness In Enhancing The Characteristics Of The Alienated Character In The Television Series
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Dialogue is one of the pillars of character building in the television series, through which it is possible to identify the most important characteristics and traits of the personality, in addition to its ability to reveal the most important problems at all levels. The following: (How does dialogue contribute to enhancing the traits of the alienated personality?). It therefore aims to identify the effectiveness of the dramatic dialogue in enhancing the traits of the alienated personality represented by (powerlessness, isolation, meaninglessness, objectification, non-standardization and rebellion). (The traits of the alienated character, and the second is the psychological function of the dramatic dialogue), to extract from them the main

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 29 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Explanation of the correct jurisprudence for calculating the value of the selling price, not the purchase, in the zakat of trade offers
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 After completing the research, with the help and success of God  Almighty , I will summarize what has been mentioned in a concise and understandable form, without boring prolongation or abbreviation .

    The subject, in general, was clarified, clarified and corrected, as I mentioned, for an incorrect concept, about paying zakat on trade goods.

    It has known trade offers parts and combination of language and idiomatic .

   The rule of zakat on trade goods, and evidence from the Qur'an, Sunnah and consensus .

    As well as the conditions of its zakat according to the jurists and their differences in it .


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Publication Date
Sun Mar 29 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Using Different Methods to Predict Oil in Place in Mishrif Formation / Amara Oil Field
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The reserve estimation process is continuous during the life of the field due to risk and inaccuracy that are considered an endemic problem thereby must be studied. Furthermore, the truth and properly defined hydrocarbon content can be identified just only at the field depletion. As a result, reserve estimation challenge is a function of time and available data. Reserve estimation can be divided into five types: analogy, volumetric, decline curve analysis, material balance and reservoir simulation, each of them differs from another to the kind of data required. The choice of the suitable and appropriate method relies on reservoir maturity, heterogeneity in the reservoir and data acquisition required. In this research, three types of rese

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 29 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Calculating the variations of sunrise, sunset and day length times for Baghdad city.With comparison to different regions of the world in year 2019
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     The sunrise, sunset, and day length times for Baghdad (Latitude =33.34º N, Longitude =44.43º E) were calculated with high accuracy on a daily basis during 2019. The results showed that the earliest time of sunrise in Baghdad was at 4h: 53m from 5 Jun. to 20 Jun while the latest was at 7h: 07m from 5 Jan. to 11 Jan. The earliest time of sunset in Baghdad was at16 h: 55m from 30 Nov. to 10 Dec. whereas the latest was at 19h: 16m from 25 Jun. to 5 Jul. The minimum period of day length in Baghdad was 9h: 57m) in 17 Dec. whereas the maximum period was 14h: 22m) in 20 Jun. Day length was calculated and compared among regions of different latitudes(0, 15, 30, 45 and 60 north).

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing‏
Modify Multi-Connect Architecture (MMCA) associative memory‏
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Modify Multi-Connect Architecture (MMCA) associative memory‏