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Estimate size sub-population by Killworth method
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The aim of the thesis is to estimate the partial and inaccessible population groups, which is a field study to estimate the number of drug’s users in the Baghdad governorate for males who are (15-60) years old.

Because of the absence of data approved by government institutions, as well as the difficulty of estimating the numbers of these people from the traditional survey, in which the respondent expresses himself or his family members in some cases. In these challenges, the NSUM Network Scale-Up Method Is mainly based on asking respondents about the number of people they know in their network of drug addicts.

Based on this principle, a statistical questionnaire was designed to include questions about population groups known to the number and other questions related to the target community, interviewed or interviewed by their parents at Ibn Rushd Hospital in Baghdad, with 104 persons for the period from April to June 2017.

In order to extract the indicators, we was used network's package in R. First, the estimation of the personal network size is estimated by relying on the number known of 20 groups. In the Recursive Back estimation of these groups, the groups whose estimation is very remote

 The real value and here will be used 3 methods for the purpose of deleting the groups with weak estimates, namely the method of (direct deletion , trimming and successive) method have been found that there are 8 groups were underestimated and this means will be based on 12 groups to estimate the number of users and the number of (33,183) people, including (6,636) persons under the age of 18 years.

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Publication Date
Wed May 10 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Difficulties of Rendering Both “Imra’a” امرأة and “Zawj” زوج in the Glorious Qur’an into English
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Women are considered important characters and subjects of discussion in the Glorious  Qur’an. Some are portrayed in a positive light while others are condemned . Most women in the Glorious Qur’an are represented as either the mothers or wives of certain leaders and prophets. But the lexical items “Imra’a” امراة and “zawj” زوج occur in the Glorious Qur’an with different meanings depending on the context where they occur.

     Translation of the Glorious Qur'an has always been a problematic and difficult issue. Since the Glorious Qur'an is regarded as miraculous and inimitable (i'jaz al-Qur'an), Muslims argue that the Qur'anic text should not be separated from its

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
Alustath Journal For Human And Social Sciences
Musical relational in Andalusian poetry (Ibn al-Abar (d. 595 AH - 658 AH) as an example)
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The voice had a special place in the writting of the Andalusian poet (Ibn al-Abar ) , which aroused my attention because of the sonic capacity of the lettering inside the poetic at Ibn al-Abar poems . So Istudied the qualities of the lettering , structures and their exits . Scientists have not been able to determine the musical from the nonmusical sound , but we find the innate ability of Ibn al-Abar , which was able to determine this by using the lettering the right places and to revival the life to reflect the moments of his life , therefore came votes to express his purposes of praise and pride Etc. The poet Ibn al-Abar could exploit the lettering features in the effect of bilateral – static and moving and its ability to e

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 31 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages
إيقــاع النفـــس الشـــاعـرة في شعر الشاعر الصّقلي علي بن عبد الرحمن البلـَّنوبي
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درست الباحثة البنية الإيقاعية عند الشاعر الصقلي

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 15 2021
Journal Name
Consistency and Consistency in Contemporary Iraqi Painting - Selected Models-: حسين شاكر قاسم العيداني
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  The tagged research is concerned with observation and investigating the concepts of consistency and harmony in contemporary Iraqi painting (selected models) in order to reveal the mechanisms and rules of these two concepts in the artistic field and their mechanisms of operation. How reflected tools Consistency and harmony in contemporary Iraqi painting? What is consistency and what are its mechanisms and principles? Is consistency a unit product quality? Are there similarities between consistency and harmony? What is harmony and its principles and rules? As for the second chapter, it included two topics that dealt with the first topic - consistency and harmony between concept and significance, while the second topic meant - histor

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 09 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The role of governors and Arab workers in helping the needy and the poor in the eras Rashidin and Umayyad
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The research deals with financial and supplies support from the rulers and governors of the
Arab cities and Islamic regions to the poor of common people and the poor of their own . The
Islamic Arab community was characterized , since the prophet's era , with great humanistic
features that formed the cultural characteristic which organized individual's economic life .
The prophet , senior Muslims and the rich cared a lot about this side . There was a large
variation in the degrees of wealth and poverty in the Muslim Arab community as a heritage
from the pve – Islamic society where there is no concern about helping the needy and poor .
Thus , the research sheds light on the different forms of help offered by rulers a

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Effectiveness of an Educational Program in Enhancing Nurses’ Knowledge about Occupational Health Hazards
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Objective: To determine the effectiveness of an Educational Program in Enhancing Nurse’s Knowledge about Occupational Health Hazards at Medical City Hospitals in Baghdad City.

Methodology: The present study employed a quasi-experimental design held at Medical City Hospitals in Baghdad City. A non-probability sample (convenience sample) consisted of (60) nurse. Data were collected by using a self-report questionnaire which consisted of six parts (a) socio-demographic characteristics (b) physical hazards knowledge (c) chemical hazards knowledge (d) biological hazards knowledge (e) psychological hazards knowledge and (f) mechanical hazards knowledge. Data were analyzed using the statistical packag

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The Neglected Narrators in " Weak and Abandoned narrators" Book of Al-Darqutni and Their Relationship to the Abandonment
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The research handles the prominent books of The Weak and Unknown Narrators , which is written by Imam Abu Al-Hasan Al-Daraqutni. It contains a brief introduction about the book and about Abu Bakr Al-Barqani, as well as Abi Mansour Ibn Hamkan.

The research handles the issue of unknown narrators and their relationship to the abandonment stipulated in the preamble to the book.

The research dealt with the identification and comparison between the sayings of Al-Daraqutni and his students - especially Al-Burqani, the publisher of his knowledge, as he is the one who narrated the sayings of Al-Daraqutni. The study concluded that the principle is to abandon the me

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
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Measuring the level of communicative competence in news headlines and the level of stylistic and semantic processing in its formulation requires creating a quantitative scale based on the bases on building the scales and their standards. As judging by scientific of journalism studies lies in the possibility of quantifying the journalistic knowledge, i.e. the ability of this knowledge to shift from qualitative language to its equivalent in the language of numbers.

News headlines and editorial processing are one of the journalistic knowledges that should be studied, analyzed stylistically and semantically; their conclusions drawn and expressed in numbers. Press knowledge is divided into two types:<

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Evaluation the performance efficiency of the Public Manufacturing Sector in Iraq for the Period (2000-2009)
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The industrial production sector has an important role in the national economy of the advanced countries as well as the developing ones to get higher levels for their economy . We in Iraq , just like most of the develpoing countries , our economy still suffers of great shortage in this active sector in spite of the repeated statements about the desire of activating the contribution of this sector in the national economy . The industrial sector in Iraq suffers in general of many problems , especially the public industrial sector (manufacturing) . These problems have been  existed because of the unnatural conditions that Iraq has passed during the previous decades especially in the political and security sides . which reflecte

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
“Using the Statistical Analysis for deduction the childhood status in Iraq during 2006-2010”
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   To deduct the childhood status in Iraq, it was important manner to use statistical tools and approaches concerned with interpreting the causal relationships and their attitudes and use classification method for the important effects (variables) to draw an obvious picture of the phenomena under study in order to make it useful through investing, updating and improving it in by demographic studies in the future. Two statistical methods had been used in the field of analyzing data of multivariate analysis namely, Cluster Analysis and Factor Analysis.  

The present study focuses on four fundamental axes .The nutrition axis, health axis, Educational axis, and the social axis. The study has ca

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