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The Causal Relationship between Stock Market Indices Volatility and Oil Prices Volatility: Empirical Evidence from Iraqi Stock Exchange
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The study investigates the relationship between the volatility of the Iraqi Stock Exchange Index (ISX), and the volatility of global oil prices benchmarks, Brent and West Intermediate Texas (WTI), in additional to the Iraqi Oil, Basra Crude Light (BSL) which represents the most exported Iraqi oil and the major influential factor on the Iraqi governmental revenues. Using monthly data covering the period: 1/2005-12/1205, econometrical and technical tools represented by Co-incretion, Vector Error Correction Model – VECM, Granger Causality, and Bollinger band were employed in order to explore the relationship between the variables.

The econometric analysis revealed the impact of the oil prices volatility on ISX, while there was no impact of the Iraqi Stock Exchange volatility on crude oil pricing.

The analysis also showed that the reliance of ISX performance on Basra crude oil has increased significantly after 2009, proving that oil prices fluctuation is the superior factor that governs the economic activity, which represents the business cycle in Iraq. 

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 10 2007
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
The Effect of He:Ne Laser on Viability and Growth Rate of Leishmania Major
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An isolate of Leishmania major was grown on the semisolid medium and incubated at 26ºC. The isolate was irradiated by He: Ne laser (632.8 nm, 10 mW) at exposure times (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30) minutes in their respective order. The unirradiated groups represent control group. Growth rate and percentage of viability were examined during six days after irradiation. The change in these two parameters reflects the effect of irradiation on the parasite. The results refers that the general growth effected by irradiation in comparison with un irradiation group, The growth rate of parasite decrease with increasing the exposure time in comparison with control group. Parasite viability decrease with irradiation and the percentage of living cell dec

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
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This search aim to measure Hardness for Epoxy resin and for unsaturated Polyester resin as base materials for composite Hybrid and the materials used is Hybrid fiber Carbon-Kevlar. The Hand Lay-up method was used to manufacture plates of Epoxy resin (EP) and unsaturated Polyester EP,UPE backed by Hybrid fiber (Carbon-Kevlar) and with small volume fraction 5,10 and 15 for every there are Layer of fibers (1,2 and 3). The hardness test was count for material EP, UPE resin and there composites and that we notice that the Hardness (HB) decreased with increase of temperatures.

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 27 2020
Journal Name
Proceedings Of The 2020 2nd International Conference On Sustainable Manufacturing, Materials And Technologies
The complex dynamic in three species food webmodel involving stage structure and cannibalism
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A three species food web model involving a stage structure and cannibalism in the top predator species is proposed and studied. It is assumed that the prey species growth logistically in the absence of predator and the predation process occurred according to theLotka-Volterra functional response. The existence, uniqueness and bounded-ness of the solution of the model are investigated. The local and global stability conditions of all possible equilibrium points are established.The persistence conditions of the model are also determined. The local bifurcation near each of the equilibrium points is analyzed. The global dynamics of the model is investigated numerically and compared with the obtained analytical results. It is observed that the p

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2019
Journal Name
Biochem. Cell. Arch.
The Morphological and Pollen Grains Study of Ipomoea Carnea Jacq. (convolvulaceae) In Iraq
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The current study included a detail morphological study of all parts of the species Ipomoea carnea Jacq. (Convolvulaceae) cultivated in different gardens, the roots, stems, leaves, flowers and fruit were studied in detail, also the pollen grains were studied and there are photographs for all the parts were putted.

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 05 2016
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Formal unknown and its role in enriching the speech communication designs women's fabrics
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The design fabrics of the most important episodes that are at the core process rhetorical communication, until they became these episodes ample room for research and investigation, and the issue of non-familiar formality is nothing but the result of those relationships Constructivism, which is the result of an effort builders coherent activate the shape and attributes of phenotypic, therefore it will cause him a lot of questions about his and founded the organization in order to activate the speech communication between the product(cloth)and the receiver .On this basis, the research problem identified on imposing the question follows:1. Does the non-familiar formal role in enriching communication discourse of women's fabric designs?2. Ar

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 02 2013
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Computational Optimization of the Radial and Spiral Distortion Aberration Coefficients of Magnetic Deflector
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Abstract:The optimum design of the magnetic deflector with the lowest values of the radial and spiral distortion aberration coefficients was computed. The optimized calculations were made using three models, Glaser bell-shaped, Grivet-lenz and exponential models. By using the optimum axial field distribution, the pole pieces shape which gave rise to those field distributions was found by using the reconstruction method. The calculations show that the results of the three models coincide at the lower values of the excitation parameter. In general the Glaser- bell shaped model gives the optimum results at the whole range of the excitation parameter under investigation.The negative values of the spiral distortion aberration coefficient appears

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Madenat Alelem College
Morphological description and Histological structure of the liver in Passer domesticus (House sparrow)
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This study showed that liver of Passer domesticus bilobed the right lobe is cardiac shape while the left is elliptical and the liver colour is brown. It is occupying most of anterior and middle parts of abdominal cavity. The liver is surrounded by Glison capsule which is represented by a thin layer of connective tissue with septum extend peripherally in liver tissue. The liver tissue is formed from polyhedral hepatocyte arrange as irregular hepatic cord surrounded the central vein. Each cell contains one or two nucleus with one or more nucleolus. The blood sinusoid appeared between the liver cells .The hepatic cord arranged radially around the central vein. The portal area is clear and surrounded by connective tissue. Gallbladder is almost

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2023
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Matrix acidizing in carbonate rocks and the impact on geomechanical properties: A review
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Acid treatment is a widely used stimulation technique in the petroleum industry. Matrix acidizing is regarded as an effective and efficient acidizing technique for carbonate formations that leads to increase the fracture propagation, repair formation damage, and increase the permeability of carbonate rocks. Generally, the injected acid dissolves into the rock minerals and generates wormholes that modify the rock structure and enhance hydrocarbon production. However, one of the key issues is the associated degradation in the mechanical properties of carbonate rocks caused by the generated wormholes, which may significantly reduce the elastic properties and hardness of rocks. There have been several experimental and simulation studies regardi

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 29 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Agricultural Sciences
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The experiment was conducted using Potato( Solanum tuberosum L.) at the eastern Radwaniyah at private field during fall season 2020/2021 and spring 2021 to study the effect of nitrogen levels to 350, 275, 200 kg N h-1 ( N1, N2, N3) and phosphorous to 100, 180, 360 kg P2O5 h-1 ( P1, P2, P3) and potassium to 100, 200, 300 kg K2O h-1 ( K1, K2, K3) to vegetative growth and yield of industrial potato, The seeds of the hybrid potato Sinora, Class A, were planted in the fall season on 15/9/2020 and Elite in the spring season on 31/1/2021. The experimental fertilizers were added in four batches and in proportions according to the stages of plant age, Factorial experiment with RCBD using three replications. The results showed that changing t

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
Research Journal Of Pharmacy And Technology
Estimating the plain and negative tendonography techniques for evaluating injured tendon in rabbit
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