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Effect of Development International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) in Quality of Accounting Information for sample of banks listed on the Iraq Stock Exchange
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The bodies responsible for the organization of accounting in the world seek to keep abreast of repaid development, by provide the information required by users, which they need to make efficient decision that return them to the desired benefits, and avoid the risks they could face if they made their decision based on misleading information, or insufficient, or not accurate, Hence, the IASB has undertaken to review the standards, and make the necessary adjustment and clarifications to remove the ambiguities that some of the paragraphs may have in IFRS issued.

And the Iraqi Central Bank obliges banks to convert from local accounting standards to apply IFRS only a step towards keeping pace with developments in the field of accounting, and to seek to open the Iraqi financial market to the global financial markets, as a step towards attracting investment and foreign capital, thus achieving the desired economic development.

Therefore, the aim of the research was to highlight the latest developments in accounting literature, which is the development of IFRS  and its importance and impact on the quality of accounting information, the research reached several conclusion, the most prominent of which comes :-

1- There is a significant positive effect of the development in IFRS in quality   accounting information in the financial statements of the Iraqi banks the sample of the research if applied in the future.

2- The results of the statistical analysis showed that all relations between the development of IFRS and the qualitative characteristic of accounting information are (fundamental &  enhancing) statistically significant.

The research also reached several recommendations, most notably the following :-

  • Necessity the Accounting and Auditing Standards Board in Iraq and the Central Bank of Iraq to oblige companies in general and banks in particular to apply IFRS, especially after proving the quality of accounting information prepared on its basis.
  • Necessity the responsible authorities to open the training courses, and the establishment of scientific seminars, and workshops for the training of accounting staff in the Iraqi environment on apply IFRS, especially in the current transitional period.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The impact of the strengths and weaknesses in Iraqi newspapers: The evolution of the consumer - the reader
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The first section of this research discussed  the manner of the research from many sides like the problem it faces, importance of it , its targets ,boundaries, the way to collect and get information's and its assumption.

When the second chapter discussed the press – manufacturing and the development ,importance and types of newspapers, also its merits and weaknesses.

The third chapter talked about the scientific side and how to choose an assumption for the research . as it talked also about the apparent honest and stability tests that help in analyzing the research until getting results and so the right assumption for  the research will be chosen.

And finally, the fourth chapter put highlight on the be

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Use of information and communications technology to archive data: A suggested form in the Tax Audit and Examination Department of the General Tax Authority
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The current world is observing huge developments in presenting the opportunity for organizations and administrative units to use information and communication technology and their adoption by administrative work due to its importance in the achievement of work with higher efficiency, speed, and facility of communication with all individuals and companies using various means of communication Depending on the Internet networks. Therefore, the research dealt with the study of electronic systems designed and adopted in the creation or construction of a database for archiving data, which is the main method in organizations and administrative units in developed countries. Where this system works to convert documents, and manual processes and t

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 20 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
North Korea's nuclear program is facing the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
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لخلاصة Nuclear energy is among the most important discoveries reached by the human terms contributed to the solution of many problems faced by the states. The last of these that are not only utilizing it in a peaceful area, but tended toward the military field and the nuclear weapons industry , Among these countries, we find North Korea, which has openly declared their manufacture of nuclear weapons and thus entry to the club of nuclear countries. International Atomic Energy Agency has worked to resolve the North Korea standoff but has not been able to achieve positive results, prompting the intervention of European countries in order to end the crisis. تعدُّ الطاقة النووية من بين أهم الاستكشافا

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
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The stories of children in Iraq during the past two decades have received a number of important scientific studies. Despite tyranny of the historical study method on most of these studies, they have been and still are very important, because they have established a chronicle of this literary style that has been neglected and based not only on the academic level and serious in-depth university studies but also on the enclosed sight that doesn’t consider studied art as an innovation with its specificity and its typical technical components. While many of the public impressions and self-reflections contributed to the dominance of some of the provisions and concepts that were circulated as critical remarks and adopted by som

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 13 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
A New Measurement Scale for Evaluating Health-Related Quality of Life in Men with Prostate Cancer
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Objectives: This study aimed to identify and study most properties of the specific and general health-related
quality-of-life (HRQoL) in prostate cancer patients, as well as creating a new measurement scale for assessing QoL
among prostate cancer patients.
Methodology: A cross sectional (descriptive) study was conducted to evaluate General Quality of life in patients
with prostate cancer. A sample of 100 prostate cancer patients from Al-Amal National hospital for cancer
management and Oncology Center in Baghdad Medical City. This study applied format of General World Health
Organization Quality of Life-BERF questionnaire. The methods used descriptive statistics to evaluate the General
QoL-Improvements, as well as inf

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 18 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
supervisory authorities role in protection the financial system " conservatorship model: an applied research in Albaraka investment bank
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The conservatorship is a legal action to protect troubled banks from credit risk and bankruptcy risk that banks cannot hedge them .The Central Bank role has to protect the financial system from these risks by controlling and supervising. This research studied these risks and explained the role of The Central Bank. This research presented and analyzed the legal framework for supervision and the imposition of conservatorship bank to address the effects that have been achieved as a result of poor management and weak internal controls. Baraka Bank for Investment and Finance was a research sample to measure the financial ratios for the troubled bank, and analysis the results that led to put the conservatorship. The research depends on the hyp

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2002
Journal Name
Alustath Journal For Human And Social Sciences
The development of Islamic periodicals in Iraq
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Islamic periodicals are defined as: publications issued periodically, and containing articles, research, or studies that convey Islamic thought and culture. Islamic periodicals have a prominent place among other types of sources of documentary and non-documentary Islamic information, because they are characterized by the speed of their issuance and the modernity and diversity of their Islamic information. This study aims to explain the reality of Islamic periodicals published in Iraq, graphically analyze their bibliographic characteristics and emphasize the importance of their issuance, as well as give a historical overview of the issuance and publication of Islamic periodicals in the Arab world and the world, while presenting examples of I

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 16 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Using Diatom Indices to Evaluate Water quality In Abu-Zirig Marsh Thi-Qar Province /south of Iraq
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The study attempts to assess water quality in Abu-Zirig Marsh which used epiphytic Diatom community for assessing water quality. Many of Diatom indices {Trophic diatom index (TDI), Diatom index (DI), Generic diatom index (GDI) have been used to give qualitative information about the status of the freshwater ecosystem(good, moderate, high pollution). In this study, the epiphytic diatoms on both host aquatic plants Phragmites australis and Typha domengensis were collected from Abu-Zirig Marsh within Thi-Qar Province at three sites in Autumn, 2018 and winter, 2019. Epiphytic diatoms were Identified by the preparation of permanent slides method, some species of epiphytic diatom showed dominance such as Cyclotella menegh

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Scopus (5)
Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Econometrics analysis of the impact of external shocks on foreign direct investment in Iraq for the period (1995-2016)
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The external shocks are one of the phenomena that the Iraqi economy is exposed to over a period of time. It is referred to as changes and events that come from outside the economic system and extends to many economic variables. However, foreign direct investment may be severely affected due to the extreme sensitivity to changes and local and international developments. This type of trauma and its characteristics to help manage and cope with external shocks, and in order to avoid the standard problems experienced by some models of simple linear regression, multi-linear regression models were used with variables Scientific and other dummy variables .

        The study foun

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Wed Feb 29 2012
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Effect of Construction Joints on Performance of Reinforced Concrete Beams
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Construction joints are stopping places in the process of placing concrete, and they are required because in many structures it is impractical to place concrete in one continuous operation. The amount of concrete that can be placed at one time is governed by the batching and mixing capacity and by the strength of the formwork. A good construction joint should provide adequate flexural and shear continuity through the interface.

In this study, the effect of location of construction joints on the performance of reinforced concrete structural elements is experimentally investigated.

Nineteen beam specimens with dimensions of 200×200×950 mm were tested. The variables investigated are the location of the construction joints

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