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Evaluate the implementation of the investment plan projects A study on the field of the plan projects for the period 2013-2016
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The main problem of this research is the delay of implementation of the investment plan projects for the period (2013-2016) and the weakness of the staff ability in the ministries and they don’t have the sufficient experience to carry out the implementation process.

Therefore, the research aims to evaluate the implementation of programs and projects of the investment plan in a manner consistent with the objectives set for them without any wasteful of efforts, time and money. And then identify the problems and obstacles to determine the deviations of the implementation of the specific for each sector according to the criteria of evaluation and the form of cost, quality, time and implementation.

And on the premise that the use of criteria for evaluation of the implementation of investment projects through the analysis of problems and obstacles encountered in the field will lead to the results are close to reality and provide a high degree of confidence in making corrective decisions for the stage of implementation of projects and avoid falling into the same mistakes when taking Future investment decisions.

The research is based on the analytical field study of indicators of implementation of investment plan projects in the Iraqi Ministry of Planning for the period (2013-2016) 

Through it reached several conclusions, the most important of them is the weakness of the efficiency of contractors and contractors companies by using determinants of projects to use criteria for evaluation, while not following the scientific basis for setting these determinants,The recommendations of the research are  the necessary possibilities and recommendations to solve the problems that were the cause of low rates of financial and material implementation and the emergence and increasing of problems.

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
On Finitely Null-additive and Finitely Weakly Null-additive Relative to the σ–ring
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     This article introduces the concept of finitely null-additive set function relative to the σ– ring and many properties of this concept have been discussed. Furthermore, to introduce and study the notion of finitely weakly null-additive set function relative to the σ– ring as a generalization of some concepts such as measure, countably additive, finitely additive, countably null-additive, countably weakly null-additive and finitely null-additive. As the first result, it has been proved that every finitely null-additive is a finitely weakly null-additive. Finally, the paper introduces a study of the concept of outer measure as a stronger form of finitely weakly null-additive.

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 01 2010
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Preparation of Xerogel Films Doped with R6G Laser Dye using spin coating technique and Study the Spinning parameters Baha T.
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Spin coating technique has been applied in this work to prepared Xerogel films doped with Rhodamine 6G laser dyes. The solid host of laser dye modifies its spectroscopic properties with respect to liquid host. During the spin coating process the dye molecules suffer from changing their environment. The effects of three parameters were studied here: the spinning speed, multilayer coating and formaldehyde addition

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 25 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Study the Levels of Glucagon Like Peptide-1(GLP-1) and Related Parameters in Iraqi Hyperlipidemia Patients with Diabetes Mellitus.
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     The glucagon-like peptide-1 is secreted by intestinal L cells in response to nutrient ingestion. It regulates the secretion and sensitivity of insulin while suppressing glucagon secretion and decreasing postprandial glucose levels , additionally, glucagon-like peptide-1 delays gastric emptying and suppresses appetite. The impaired secretion of glucagon-like peptide-1 has negative influence on hyperlipidemia, diabetes  and insulin resistance related diseases the levels of its secretion change with the intake of different nutrients. Some drugs also have influence on GLP-1 secretion .


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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study the Spectral Properties of Coumarine -47 Dissolved in Chloroform: Rafah Abdul Hadi Omer|Mohammed T. Hussian|Lamia Kand Kalif
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The spectral propetties (absorption and fluorescence) of Coumarine-47 laser dye have been studied. This type of laser dye belong the Coumarine family and it has dissolved in chloroform at different concentrations (1x10-5, 5x10-5, and 1x10-4 M) at room temperature. The achieved results have been pointed out to increase in the absorption and fluorescence as the concentration increased which are agreements with Beer – Lambert law. These have been also showed an expansion in the spectral range of absorption and fluorescence with a noticed shift in the direction of longer wavelength (Red-shift) with increasing concentration. The quantum efficiency of the dissolved C47 in chloroform has been computed by using the brevious concentrations

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 07 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
An Ecological Study of the Brown Garden snail Cornu aspersum (Müller, 1774) from selected habitats in Jadiriya in Baghdad vicinity.
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The present study is considered a pioneer investigation that deal with the terrestrial brown garden snail Cornu aspersum (Müller), in Iraq. Cornu aspersum however is considered an exotic species in many parts of the world ,The species is most probably infiltrates with plants transferred from one place to another. The species has gained importance in many ways. Nutritionally, the species is consumed as food item in many countries, but in other cases it is considered as pest for the damage it causes when feeding on valuable plant shoots. It also has medical importance for its role and ability in healing wounds, burns and remedy of other skin problems. This snail species however may act as a vector for some parasitic nematodes that

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 08 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Study of properties structure and some optical properties forcopper Oxid (CuO) Thin film prepared by thermal evaporation in Vacume
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in this paper copper oxide (cuO thin films were prepared by the method of vacum thermal evaporation a pressure.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Desalination And Water Treatment
The removal of Pb(II) ions from aqueous solutions by immobilized (Chlorophyta) macroalgae: an equilibrium, kinetic, and desorption-regeneration study
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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2012
Journal Name
مجلة واسط للعلوم والطب
Study of nuclear characters to some 164, 166, 168 68 Er isotopes by using the interacting boson model IBM-1
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The aim of this study is to show the concepts of nuclear shape and the geometrical picture to the even-even nuclei of 164,166,168E isotopes in the context of the Interacting boson Model IBM-1. The energy spectra were calculated and the effective charge values (eB) of the electromagnetic transition strength were obtained and used to calculate the B(E2) values of the electromagnetic transitions and the quadrupole moment Q of 2+ -states. The Hamiltonian parameters were calculated by taking in account the properties of these nuclei. Comparison were made with the available experimental data and included in tables. The geometrical picture of these nuclei were looked at by calculating the deformation which were represented by the potentia

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
The Marginal Fitness of CAD/CAM All Ceramic Crowns Constructed by Two Typesof Direct Digitization Techniques (An In Vitro Study)
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Background: In capturing a negative image, the digital impression secures a digital record for the purposeof designing and creating restorations. The introduction of scanning system presents a paradigm shift in the way of the dental impression procedure and encourages the accuracy of obtained restoration especially in the marginal area as a result of producing accurate final impression The digital system offers many advantages over the Conventional method.. The objective of this present in vitro study was to evaluate the marginal fitness of all ceramic crowns fabricated by direct digital scanning of the prepared tooth using two types of intra-oral cameras (Bluecam camera with strip light projection technique and Omnicam camera with video sa

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Using Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems to Study the Change Detection in Temperature and Surface Area of Hamrin Lake
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This study was conducted on Lake Hamrin situated in Diyala governorate, focal Iraq, between latitudes 44º 53ʹ 26.16 '- 45º 07 ʹ 28.03ʺ and 34º 04ʹ 24.75ʺ ــ 34º 19ʹ 12.74ʺ . As in this study, the surface area of Hamrin Lake was calculated from satellite images during the period from October 2019 to September 2020, with an average satellite image for each month, furthermore,by utilizing the Normalized Differences Water Index (NDWI), the largest surface area was 264,617 km2 for October and the lowest surface area 140.202 km2 for September. The surface temperature of the lake water was also calculated from satellite images of the Landsat 8 satellite, based on ban

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