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Private investment and its role in the process of economic reform in Iraq
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بعد ثورة تموز عام 1958في العراق, لم يكن يسمح للقطاع الخاص بأن تكون له استثمارات كبيرة في القطاعات الاقتصادية. وذلك بسبب الإيديولوجيات التي كانت تؤطر الفكر السياسي. حيث كان النهج الاشتراكي هو الغالب في إدارة الأنشطة الاقتصادية. إذ قامت الدولة بتأميم معظم الاستثمارات الخاصة الكبيرة ،لاسيما في القطاع الصناعي مطلع عقد الستينات من القرن الماضي. وظل النشاط العام هو النشاط المهيمن على جميع الفعاليات الاقتصادية. مما حرم الاقتصاد العراقي فرصة الاستفادة من دور القطاع الخاص الوطني إلا في استثمارات صغيرة محدودة رأس المال. كما حرم هذا القطاع من التطور والحصول على الخبرات التكنولوجية، نتيجة عدم السماح للاستثمار الأجنبي بالعمل داخل العراق.

وأن أهمية الاستثمار الوطني أو الأجنبي، ليست متأتية فقط من الحاجة إلى الرأسمال في الدول التي تعاني من شح مواردها المالية، وإنما ً تأتي من المساعدة التي يقدمها الرأسمال الخاص والأجنبي في نقل التكنولوجيا والخبرات الفنية وخلق فرص عمل لامتصاص ظاهرة البطالة التي تعاني منها البلدان النامية ومنها البلدان العربية .

ولأهمية الاستثمار في عملية النمو الاقتصادي وتحقيق قدر من التوازن بين القطاعات الاقتصادية، نجد ان معظم الدول النامية قد أصدرت قوانين لتشجيع حركة الاستثمارات فيها، وعملت على اعتماد سياسات إصلاحية  لتهيأة المناخ الملائم لجذب الاستثمارات الخارجية. لاسيما بعد أن رسخت القناعة بأهمية عملية الإصلاحات الاقتصادية والتفاعل مع المعطيات التي أفرزتها المتغيرات الدولية في عملية التطور الاقتصادي ،وفي مقدمتها الانفتاح على الاستثمار الخارجي. مما ساعد خلال العقدين الماضيين إلى زيادة كبيرة في تدفقات رؤوس الأموال تجاه الدول النامية.

وعراق اليوم يحتاج إلى اعتماد سياسات إصلاحية أكثر من أي وقت مضى تساعد في إعادة هيكلة الاقتصاد العراقي على أسس حديثة، والنهوض بواقع القطاعات الاقتصادية وعدم الاعتماد فقط على القطاع ألاستخراجي. وكان في مقدمة هذه السياسات الإصلاحية تشجيع الاستثمار بجميع أشكاله لإعادة بناء الاقتصاد العراقي. وكانت أولى الخطوات الأساسية في عملية تغير النهج الذي سار عليه في تنمية الاقتصاد العراقي، هو صدور قانون الاستثمار الجديد رقم (13) لسنة (2006) الذي يعد خطوة هامة في تشجع الاستثمارات الخاصة الوطنية والعربية والأجنبية. الى ا

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Role of tax expenses in promoting direct foreign investment in Iraq
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The purpose of research is highlighting the role of tax expenses in promoting direct foreign investment in Iraq, The main objective of the increase in the field of tax expenses is to manage the competition in the production of goods and services locally, in addition to the various qualities of the economical. As the search contributes to the idea of the role of the policy of the tax expenses in the promotion of foreign companies operating in Iraq. The analytical and transparent transparency used by adoption of cases of the relevant body of the tax body. For each image or form of tax expenses have been reliably related to the promotion of direct foreign investment, the taxpayers highlighted the annual controls, tax cuts as the sample was

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Institutional Structures and the Transformation of the Private Sector in Iraq
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            Requires economic work finding built institutional paint strategies and policies are formulated general economic and clarity in its stated objectives and the involvement of all economic institutions, political and stakeholders to discuss all the issues of economic, financial, monetary and analyzed for the purpose of renewal energies and determine the duties and responsibilities, leaving full freedom to the private sector in the formation of institutions to carry out his duties economic, and that the institutional structures to create the right climate for the implementation of its economic policies, which would facilitate the task of the private sector, and this h

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Analysis the Impact of Corruption on Investment in Iraq
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There are different types of corruptions such as administrative, political, economic and financial corruption. The corruption forms also varied such as bribery, nepotism and extortion. All types and forms of corruption play significant role in the all economic variables generally and on investments in particular, and the corruption used to be an intermediate means in reducing the rate of economic growth.  The corruption contributes in reducing the domestic investments via pay bribery by investors to officials’ persons for supplemental contracts and tenders which finally leads to reduction in the investment efficiency. The corruption also contributes in rise of operational costs for the investment projects.  In additio

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Elements of the economic intelligence of the organization and its role in achieving economic growth: Applied research
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   The aim of the research is to demonstrate of the relation and the influence of the components of economic intelligence (strategic alertness, information security policy, impact policy) in achieving of economic growth (creativity, competitiveness, quality improvement). The questionnaire was used as a main tool for selected sample. Answers analyzed by using the statistical program (SPSS)  to calculate the arithmetic mean, standard deviation, weight percentage, correlation, F test, and Squared factor (R2).

 The research derived its importance from the distinguished role of information systems in the work of industrial companies, and its impact toward achieving economic growth rates in its various activities. T

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Transer towards economic substance over the legal form and its role in improving the quality of financial reporting.
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The follower of the needs of the users of accounting information notices the necessity of adopting faithful representation of information Hence, IASB adopted the economic substance approach as the basis for the Formulation and development of international accounting standards Therefore, this research discusses the reflection of the economic phenomenon in terms of its economic substance on the subject of measurement , And it should be consistent measurement method where the problem of research is concentrated in the fact that the economic units operating in the local environment to address events and economic phenomena according to the legal form , as appropriate With the requirements of the unified accounting sys

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Efficiency of public investment spending and its impact on economic growth in Iraq For the period 2003- 2013
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Occupy public investment spending, a great deal of attention since the thirties of the last century, to play important role in economic and social development process and therefore most of the countries are trying different degree of economic development to the completion of the largest amount of public investment, especially in infrastructure, which is one of the pillars essential to economic development, and in order to maximize utilization of the completion of public investment should focus on achieving efficiency in completion.
    The current reality of public projects in Iraq, indicating the absence of several key characteristics that must be provided if these proje

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Public sector in Iraq Transition and partnership with the private sector
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  The role of the public sector- Investment customizations-  economic embargo -  The role of the private sector - Coexistence between the public and private sectors -   Ratio of growth

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 20 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The role of religious references in the reformation process in Iraq after 2003
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The Shiite religious authority in Iraq has played an active and vital role over its long history in promoting values of tolerance, rejecting extremism, advocating unity and confronting external challenges. This role has increased significantly after 2003 as a result of the great challenges that have passed in Iraq. Despite its clear policy of non-interference in political matters, except in cases of necessity, but the great role it played in maintaining national unity and advocating the rejection of extremism and sectarianism has made it a necessary need in Iraq to confront any deviations, dispersions or threats that affect society and the state. Therefore, its role in the process of reform was prominent on the political level by calling

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 25 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Investment in higher education and its impact on the labor market: Applied Research in private colleges
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      Investment in high education is considered to be most important factors of production which the return an individual and social than economic returns found by searching the growing problem of unemployment, especially among youth graduates, where the unemployment rate in 2010 (50%) of these high rates have led to increased migration of scientific minds graduate recently, "to search for job opportunities outside Iraq for not hiring functions and this is in vain" clear "in the human and financial resources lead to structural imbalances in the Iraqi economy.  When calculating the correlation coefficient between the graduates and the unemployment rate where it reached (0.21) emerged from the results of

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The priority of government investment for companies manufacturing sector in Iraq
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The study aimed at clarifying the contradictions of the general industrial companies despite the investment allocations and the government investment expenditure on manufacturing activities under the so- called rehabilitation programs. However, this did not contribute to a certain extent in the growth and industrial leap in the direction of developing the activities of the sector Industrial sector in Iraq because of the lack of adoption of a number of basic principles towards the need to take priority of investment in the field of manufacturing and industrial decision-making in the restructuring of industry according to the priorities of investment in light of the international industrial trend, Tosmarah available to the manufact

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