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The global financial crisis and the role of war and its characterization as solutions "The objective roots and the legal possibility of the crisis in economic thought"
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في البداية اود الاشارة الى ان فهم حقيقة الازمة هو ذو جانب فني يتعلق بالجينات الوراثية لنظام يملك في احيناته قدرة عالية على تفريخ المشتقات. هذا النظام الذي يزداد عقما وتدميرا يزداد قدرة على خلق النقود الائتمانية/المشتقات، وكلما اقتربنا اكثر من فهم هذا الجانب كلما اسقطت في ايدينا تلك التوصيفات الاكاديمية الجاهزة في نقص الرقابة والاشراف، تركيز المخاطر،....الخ التي تناولتها الكتابات الشائعة في معظم طروحات اساتذة الاقتصاد والمحاسبة والمهتمين من الماليين والمصرفيين.

ان الخلط الذي يقع فيه الكثير، هو عدم التمييز بين اصدار الاسهم والسندات وبين مرحلة التحول نحو ما يسمى التسنيد التي وفر شرطها الضروري، ليس عجز ميزان المدفوعات الامريكي، فحسب، وهو مايرفضه العديد من النقوديين الذين يعزوه الى حركة الاصول الاوروبية في جزء مهم منها، وانما فك ارتباط الدولار بالذهب، والخروج عن قاعدة الذهب في 15/اب/1971 التي تضمنها خطاب الرئيس نيكسون ذي العشر نقاط، اهمها الغاء قابلية تحويل الدولار الى ذهب، طرد الذهب من المعاملات الدولية، تصفية موجودات الصندوق والبنك الدوليين من الذهب، وفرض ضريبة على الواردات الامريكية بنسبة 10%. المهم في الامر ان هذا الاجراء الصادر من اكبر دولة في العالم، والذي وفر الشرط الضروري لتحرير الدولار، وكذلك حال العملات الاخرى من اي غطاء، وبالتالي توفرت عملية اصدار النقود كأمكانية دون محددات (عدا ماتعارف عليه الفكر التقليدي من مخاوف ومحاذير)، ان تلك الامكانية ظلت كامنة حتى اوجد مناخها الملائم دهاء كيسنجر عندما قام بترتيبات رفع اسعار النفط تحت ضجيج التاميم في عدد من بلدان العالم، ودورها في رفع اسعار النفط من 6 دولارات للبرميل الى 36 دولار، التي كانت تهدف لتدوير الدولارات الجاثمة على صدر اوروبا لصالحUSA ، والتي ارتضت بها اوروبا مندهشة، وهي تستمع الى كيسنجر في اجتماعه مع وزير الخارجية الفرنسي انذاك وهو يقول، في معرض رده على سؤال الوزير الفرنسي ماانتم فاعلون..؟ (ان زمن النفط الرخيص انتهى. وانتهى معه مشروع مارشال)!!
"محمد حسنين هيكل.1985.ص427".

بأختصار يمكن تلخيص الية (ميكانزم) ما حصل بالاتي:-

  1. ان فك ارتباط الدولار بالذهب وفر امكانية الاصدار النقدي دون ان يحدها محددا كالذهب.
  2. ان رفع اسعار النفط ترافق بتوفر امكانية مواجهة ارتفاع اسعاره من قبل الدول الاوروبية
    (من خلال الفقرة 3 ادناه).
  3. تدوير الدولار الاوروبي الذي اتخذ شكل تحويلات دولارية كمدفوعات مقابل النفط المستورد الى اوروبا، من جهة، ووفر امكانات واسعة لحركة الاقراض الدولية،، وبالذات للبلدان غير النفطية التي تضررت من رفع اسعار النفط، من جهة اخرى (فهي التي أوجدت دائنين جدد، ودائنين غير مؤهلين، ودائنين موضع ثقة مهتزة. اصبحوا بين عشية وضحاها اصلاً للثقة، كالبرازيل، بيرو، اليونان، هنكاريا، شركة طيران زائير) "سيدني جيمس.1973. ص 224"
  4. تحول الدولار الاوروبي الى مايسمى بالدولار النفطي. بغض النظر عن الاثار الاقتصادية الحقيقية وارتفاع واردات البلدان النفطية وغرق البلدان غير النفطية بالمديونية....الخ.

بغض النظر عن كل ذلك دعنا  نبقى في اطار الاقتصاد النقدي. فماذا حصل؟

  1. زادت امكانية اصدار العملات وعلى رأسها الدولار الامريكي.
  2. زادت الودائع الاصلية ونمت بفعل ارتفاع اسعار النفط وبفعل تدوير الدولار الاوروبي.
  3. زادت امكانات البنوك على خلق نقود الائتمان، بطريقة لاتقل سرعة عن حجم الاصدارات النقدية، وهنا يثار سؤال مفاده، كيف تقوم البنوك بخلق نقود الائتمان /المشتقات/ التفرعات، وما هي حدودها؟ بل وماهي القاعدة التي تحكمها؟ بالتعرف على تلك الحقائق في جوانبها الفنية نستطيع ان نفهم اسباب هذه الزيادة الهائلة في المشتقات التي بلغت 60 ضعف الناتج الاجمالي العالمي حسب اخر التقديرات، واذا علمنا ان الناتج الاجمالي العالمي لا يزيد على 27 ترليون دولار فهذا يعني ان حجم المشتقات يبلغ 1620 ترليون دولار، بل، ان بعض المؤسسات المالية تتعامل بما يزيد على مائة الى ثلثمائة ضعف رأسمالها الحقيقي.

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 09 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The role of using blockchain technology in improving the quality of digital financial reports
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This study aims mainly to identify the role of the use of blockchain technology in improving the quality of digital financial reports, answering questions and testing the hypothesis of the study, the researchers relied on the descriptive analytical approach, and to obtain the necessary data a questionnaire was distributed after evaluation to the study community.

The results of the study have shown that the use of blockchain technology helps to provide a high degree of reliability in digital financial reports published to banks over the Internet, ensure the speed of completion and completion, and maintain the privacy and confidentiality of the information contained in the digital financial reports of banks

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The Patterns of the Strategic Environment and its Role in Determining Strategies for Dealing with Conflict and Peace Situations
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The decision maker needs to understand the strategic environment to be addressed through different means and methods. It is obvious that there is a difference between the three strategic environments (conflict environment, peace environment, post- peace environment) in terms of inputs and strategies to deal with each one of them. There is an urgent need to understand each pattern separately, analyze its inputs, and identify the factors and variables that affect the continuity of this situation (conflict, peace, post-peace). It is not appropriate to identify treatment without diagnosis of the condition, so it is very important to understand the type of strategic environment to be dealt with it.

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Wed May 09 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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The Objective of the research is to identify the Strategic Vigilance and effect in the Managerial Decision Quality, by knowing the interest of the organization influence the Strategic Vigilance in the Managerial Decision Quality, adopted four dimensions of the Strategic Vigilance is (Environmental Vigilance, Commercial, Competitiveness & Technology) to indicate the extent individually and collectively impact in the Managerial Decision Quality, The questionnaire was used as a main tool to survey the views of a sample of 45 managers, was named Supreme Judicial Council society for research, and the statistical program SPSS, and research found a clear positive impact dimensions Strategic Vigilance in the Manageri

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Analysis of the relationship between modernity and economic development Analysis of the relationship between modernity and economic development
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This research shows the problem of the economic development of underdeveloped countries in an unconventional way, as these papers explain the problems of the economic development. This research not only reviews the problems, but it illustrates them in a philosophical way, basis of the data of modernity, this mean it is a process of connecting between the absence of the modernity values and the failure of development in underdeveloped countries. The Search follows the descriptive approach to get to the goal of search by four main axes. The first axis includes clarifying  modernity and its principles, the second axis includes clarifying the economic development , the third axis includes the features of the mod

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 19 2022
Journal Name
Ishraqat Tanmawia
The reality of the divorce problem in Iraqi society Reasons, solutions and results
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Praise be to God, who created people from one soul, and made her husband, and prayers and peace be upon His Messenger, Mercy given and the grace given, and on a machine and companions pure. Divorce cases have increased in recent years in a worrying manner, especially since divorce has unforeseen consequences at the individual and social levels. The source of concern stems from the fact that the cohesion and integrity of society starts from a family as it is the cornerstone of the social structure, which is the foundation upon which the large society is based. Marital life may suffer from problems and obstacles that are difficult to solve, so the man presents the divorce of his wife and that the phenomenon of divorce is not a result of it, b

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Role of Knowledge Economy in Financial Reporting System Development proposed model ""
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This  world is moving towards knowledge economy which basically depends on knowledge and information. So, the economic units need to develop its financial reporting system which helps to provide useful information in timeliness for investors in accordance with the requirements of  the knowledge economy and meets the needs of those investors. This  research aims to revealing the reflects of knowledge economy on the approaches of financial reporting and suggesting a financial reporting model in the environment of knowledge economy,  depending on combining the value approach with the events approach using database and communication technology and providing useful accounting information for all users regardless of

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 15 2023
Journal Name
The effectiveness of modern technologies used in television news bulletins And its role in facilitating the presenter's work
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The impact of television has made it an essential technology that can't be dispensed with in all circumstances and situations, measuring the society's need for it. Some argue that there is no stronger media than television in introducing people of the world to each other, as it has the most powerful impact and attracts millions of viewers.
Television is deemed as the most effective tool of media as it is designed to capture both sound and image. The image, in itself, has the ability to engage and interact with our thoughts. In light of the aforementioned, it is noticeable that this interactive medium (television) has significantly evolved over the years, thanks to modern technologies that have been introduced over time. These advancem

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 05 2016
Journal Name
Modern technology and the possibility of their use for the development of the domestic copper industry
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Industries copper a craft that requires precision and patience great in the processes of industrialization and execution of product launches brass designs and a variety of forms , and the goal of research into the possibility of the use of modern technologies in the development of industries copper local , and identifies research study models of industries copper local to the city of Baghdad , and are available in the markets for the period from (200 - 2011) , Chapter II Multi industries copper local and technical in the copper industry , and after analysis models the sample was the most important conclusions : can work forms a multi- product copper formations deep or window using the technique work motifs and patterns. - formations deco

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 03 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Using financial and non-financial information ) SASB standards) to enhance investor confidence
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Companies seek to enhance investor confidence by achieving the highest level of transparency in disclosure of financial and non-financial information (SASB standards) for Iraqi insurance companies listed on the financial market. The aim of the research is to identify the extent of the ability of financial and non-financial information to enhance transparency in reporting, which is reflected in Investor confidence. And the standards of sustainability development accounting issued by (SASB) through the electronic questionnaire that was distributed. Companies seek to achieve a set of goals, the most important of which is to enhance investor confidence by improving transparency in disclosure. Concerning the employment of financial an

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Role Tourism in achieving Economic Development in Iraq (1990 – 2015)
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       Tourism is one of the essential economic fields of many countries, both developed and developing. The social plays a greater role in the continuous awareness of a tourist culture based on the need to attract tourists continuously. the tourism heritage and state-owned tourism are the main factors in attracting more tourists. The interest in this strategic sector makes the country the first and most active framework in the development of appropriate mechanisms for investment in this sector, all within the framework of sustainable development of society through the rational use of resources obtained by various bodies in the implementation of seve

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