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The global financial crisis and the role of war and its characterization as solutions "The objective roots and the legal possibility of the crisis in economic thought"
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في البداية اود الاشارة الى ان فهم حقيقة الازمة هو ذو جانب فني يتعلق بالجينات الوراثية لنظام يملك في احيناته قدرة عالية على تفريخ المشتقات. هذا النظام الذي يزداد عقما وتدميرا يزداد قدرة على خلق النقود الائتمانية/المشتقات، وكلما اقتربنا اكثر من فهم هذا الجانب كلما اسقطت في ايدينا تلك التوصيفات الاكاديمية الجاهزة في نقص الرقابة والاشراف، تركيز المخاطر،....الخ التي تناولتها الكتابات الشائعة في معظم طروحات اساتذة الاقتصاد والمحاسبة والمهتمين من الماليين والمصرفيين.

ان الخلط الذي يقع فيه الكثير، هو عدم التمييز بين اصدار الاسهم والسندات وبين مرحلة التحول نحو ما يسمى التسنيد التي وفر شرطها الضروري، ليس عجز ميزان المدفوعات الامريكي، فحسب، وهو مايرفضه العديد من النقوديين الذين يعزوه الى حركة الاصول الاوروبية في جزء مهم منها، وانما فك ارتباط الدولار بالذهب، والخروج عن قاعدة الذهب في 15/اب/1971 التي تضمنها خطاب الرئيس نيكسون ذي العشر نقاط، اهمها الغاء قابلية تحويل الدولار الى ذهب، طرد الذهب من المعاملات الدولية، تصفية موجودات الصندوق والبنك الدوليين من الذهب، وفرض ضريبة على الواردات الامريكية بنسبة 10%. المهم في الامر ان هذا الاجراء الصادر من اكبر دولة في العالم، والذي وفر الشرط الضروري لتحرير الدولار، وكذلك حال العملات الاخرى من اي غطاء، وبالتالي توفرت عملية اصدار النقود كأمكانية دون محددات (عدا ماتعارف عليه الفكر التقليدي من مخاوف ومحاذير)، ان تلك الامكانية ظلت كامنة حتى اوجد مناخها الملائم دهاء كيسنجر عندما قام بترتيبات رفع اسعار النفط تحت ضجيج التاميم في عدد من بلدان العالم، ودورها في رفع اسعار النفط من 6 دولارات للبرميل الى 36 دولار، التي كانت تهدف لتدوير الدولارات الجاثمة على صدر اوروبا لصالحUSA ، والتي ارتضت بها اوروبا مندهشة، وهي تستمع الى كيسنجر في اجتماعه مع وزير الخارجية الفرنسي انذاك وهو يقول، في معرض رده على سؤال الوزير الفرنسي ماانتم فاعلون..؟ (ان زمن النفط الرخيص انتهى. وانتهى معه مشروع مارشال)!!
"محمد حسنين هيكل.1985.ص427".

بأختصار يمكن تلخيص الية (ميكانزم) ما حصل بالاتي:-

  1. ان فك ارتباط الدولار بالذهب وفر امكانية الاصدار النقدي دون ان يحدها محددا كالذهب.
  2. ان رفع اسعار النفط ترافق بتوفر امكانية مواجهة ارتفاع اسعاره من قبل الدول الاوروبية
    (من خلال الفقرة 3 ادناه).
  3. تدوير الدولار الاوروبي الذي اتخذ شكل تحويلات دولارية كمدفوعات مقابل النفط المستورد الى اوروبا، من جهة، ووفر امكانات واسعة لحركة الاقراض الدولية،، وبالذات للبلدان غير النفطية التي تضررت من رفع اسعار النفط، من جهة اخرى (فهي التي أوجدت دائنين جدد، ودائنين غير مؤهلين، ودائنين موضع ثقة مهتزة. اصبحوا بين عشية وضحاها اصلاً للثقة، كالبرازيل، بيرو، اليونان، هنكاريا، شركة طيران زائير) "سيدني جيمس.1973. ص 224"
  4. تحول الدولار الاوروبي الى مايسمى بالدولار النفطي. بغض النظر عن الاثار الاقتصادية الحقيقية وارتفاع واردات البلدان النفطية وغرق البلدان غير النفطية بالمديونية....الخ.

بغض النظر عن كل ذلك دعنا  نبقى في اطار الاقتصاد النقدي. فماذا حصل؟

  1. زادت امكانية اصدار العملات وعلى رأسها الدولار الامريكي.
  2. زادت الودائع الاصلية ونمت بفعل ارتفاع اسعار النفط وبفعل تدوير الدولار الاوروبي.
  3. زادت امكانات البنوك على خلق نقود الائتمان، بطريقة لاتقل سرعة عن حجم الاصدارات النقدية، وهنا يثار سؤال مفاده، كيف تقوم البنوك بخلق نقود الائتمان /المشتقات/ التفرعات، وما هي حدودها؟ بل وماهي القاعدة التي تحكمها؟ بالتعرف على تلك الحقائق في جوانبها الفنية نستطيع ان نفهم اسباب هذه الزيادة الهائلة في المشتقات التي بلغت 60 ضعف الناتج الاجمالي العالمي حسب اخر التقديرات، واذا علمنا ان الناتج الاجمالي العالمي لا يزيد على 27 ترليون دولار فهذا يعني ان حجم المشتقات يبلغ 1620 ترليون دولار، بل، ان بعض المؤسسات المالية تتعامل بما يزيد على مائة الى ثلثمائة ضعف رأسمالها الحقيقي.

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Investing Information Technology and its Interactional Role in the Relationship between Value Added Intellectual Capital and Financial Performance An Analytical Comparative Rese
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The basic aim of this research is to study the interactional effect of investing information technology on the relationship between value added intellectual capital and financial performance as literature review suggested on the theoretical level, including previous studies, with the deduction of its trends strongly predicted by research hypotheses and their content associated with the investment in intellectual capital after information technology tools being employed in this direction to improve the financial performance of the studied companies at the levels of both industrial and service sectors, a non-random sample was chosen included (40) forty Iraqi Joint-Stoc

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The role of electronic trading and central filing in the performance of the Iraq Stock Exchange for the period (2008-2018)
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The rapid development of information technology and its use in all areas has had a positive impact on all areas, and financial markets have had a share of this development through the use of an electronic trading system to settle transactions, enhance transparency and disclosure in all activities of these markets and revitalize their performance.

The reason for choosing this topic is that it is a very important topic for what modern technology addresses in trading operations in financial markets. It is worth noting that these innovations have eliminated the need for direct contact with people, but through the Internet and telephone networks, and the new technology has reduced the costs of building systems

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Assessing the efficiency of the Economic performance of the general company for Vegetable oil Industry for the period (2003-2007)
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The State company for vegetable oils industry one of the most dynamic

companies in the Iraqi economy and is one of the companies manufacturing(food) that takes astrategic dimension and production within the concept of food security, this as well as to reduce dependence on imports and operation of national manpower.This study aims to describe the performance of the State company for vegetable oils industry for the period (2003-2007) which was characterized by economic and security instability of the country and give an accurate picture of their efficiency and their capacity to produce during this Period.    

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 05 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Variation of the Labor Force Distribution according to the Economic Activity of the Population of Anbar Province for the Period 1987 – 2011
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This study deals with the Spatial and Periodical Variation of the Economical Activities for the
Population of Al – Anbar Province on the level of districts , according to the Population
Computation for the period 1987 and 1997 and the results of determinations and numberings
for the year of 2011 .
This study depends on the Details Classifications of the 17th Activities for 1997 and 2011
beside the Triple Classification of the Economical Activities for the three study years .
The study proves that there is a spatial and periodical variation on the level of study area , and
that’s because of many factors , one of the most important of them was the distribution of
economical siege, as well as the weakness of the

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 30 2018
Journal Name
Risalat Al-huquq Journal
Legal protection for producers of phonograms in Iraqi law
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Piracy on phonograms is now, rightly, the crime of the electronic age. Despite the protection sought by States to provide for such registrations, whether at the level of national legislation or international agreements and conventions, but piracy has been and continues to pose a significant threat to the rights of the producers of those recordings, especially as it is a profitable way for hackers to get a lot of money in a way Illegal, which is contrary to the rules of legitimate competition. Hence, this research highlights the legal protection of producers of phonograms in light of the Iraqi Copyright Protection Act No. (3) of 1971, as amended.

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Private Financial Institutions and their Role in the Development of Small and Medium sized Enterprises in Iraq
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the reality of small and medium enterprises analysis reflects weaknesses plaguing these enterprises and strengths that are characterized by, and thus the formulation of appropriate solutions to the obstacles faced by these enterprises to enhance its contribution to the achievement of economic and social development. Iraqi small and medium enterprises suffer from several obstacles stand in front of development and  support their competitiveness, the finance one of the main obstacles which impede growth and development of these enterprises, noting the banking system in Iraq reluctance to lend to small and medium-sized enterprises, as a result of the high cost of lending these enterprises compared to large projects, as well as

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 28 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The impact of sins and disobedience on the individual and society in the Holy Quran objective study
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     The Noble Qur’an is the book of God, the Blessed and Exalted, in which is the teachings of God Almighty’s religion, which is Islam, in order for people to unite it and establish servitude to it. The individual and the society alike saw it appropriate to make my opinion alerting the seriousness of this matter, so the research was entitled (The Impact of Sins and Disobedience on the Individual and Society in the Holy Qur’an - Objective Study), knowing that we touched upon some of the effects, which we found it appropriate to mention in this research in the service of the good. Its details came in the Holy Qur’an without referring to others, noting their arrangement in the Holy Qur’an..

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The expansion of granting bank credit and its impact on the financial position of some Iraqi banks
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                   The study aimed to identify the expansion in granting credit to Iraqi banking institutions and its impact on the financial position of Iraqi banks in terms of revenues, profits, expenses and property rights in banks, as the expansion in granting bank credit will correspond to an increase or decrease in some items of the balance sheet and the financial position of banks, so the problem of the current study It will be determined through whether the expansion of granting bank credit will affect the financial position of Iraqi banks or not by studying the selected research community of the 10 Iraqi banks listed in the Iraq Stock Exchange, The research sample included the u

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Publication Date
Tue Jul 01 2014
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Foreign direct investment in Iraq and its role in economic development
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الاستثمار الاجنبي المباشر في العراق ودوره في تحقيق التنمية الاقتصادية

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Publication Date
Thu Feb 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Using financial ratio to compare performance of the commercial and the Islamic banks Listed on Palestine Exchange
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        The research aimed to compare the performance of the commercial and the  Islamic banks listed in the Palestinian's Stock Exchange .To achieve the objectives of the study we selected all  the commercial and the Islamic banks listed in the Palestinian Stock Exchange  to obtain the necessary data for the analysis process during the period of (2009-2013) .the comparison based on the performance indicators ( liquidity rate, profitability rate ,the activity rate and the market rate).

        a statistical method was used to analyze the date to find the performance differences between the commercial banks,

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