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Analysis of the theoretical framework of the REA accounting model Used in the design of accounting information systems

Researchers often equate database accounting models in general and the Resources-Events-Agents (REA) accounting model in particular with events accounting as proposed by Sorter (1969). In fact, REA accounting, database accounting, and events accounting are very different. Because REA accounting has become a popular topic in AIS research, it is important to agree on exactly what is meant by certain ideas, both in concept and in historical origin. This article clarifies the analyzing framework of REA accounting model and highlights the differences between the terms events accounting, database accounting, semantically-modeled accounting, and REA accounting. It also discusses potentially productive directions for AIS research.

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 28 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Design of Robotic Arm Control System Mimics Human Arm Motion

This paper presents a control system to make the robotic hand mimic human hand motion in real time and offline mode. The human hand tracking system is a wearable sensing arm (potentiometers) used to determine the position in space and to sense the grasping task of human hand. The maskable sensing arm was designed with same geometrical arrangement of robotic hand that needs to be controlled. The control software of a robot was implemented using Visual Basic and supported with graphical user interface (GUI). The control algorithm depends on joint to joint mapping method to match between the motions at each joint of portable sensing arm with corresponding joint of a robot in order to make the robot mimic the motion.

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 04 2016
Journal Name
International Journal Of Renewable Energy Development
The Temperature Profile for The Innovative Design of the Perforated Fin

The development of the perforated fin had proposed in many studies to enhance the heat transfer from electronic pieces. This paper presents a novel derivative method to find the temperature distribution of the new design (inclined perforated) of the pin fin. Perforated with rectangular section and different angles of inclination was considered. Signum Function is used for modeling the variable heat transfer area. Set of parameters to handle the conduction and convection area were calculated. Degenerate Hypergeometric Equation (DHE) was used for modeling the Complex energy differential equation and then solved by Kummer’s series. In the validation process, Ansys 16.0-Steady State Thermal was used. Two geometric models were consider

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 18 2021
Journal Name
Palarch’s Journal Of Archaeology Of Egypt/egyptology

The increasing level of residents’ requirements of the local community led to the necessity for sufficient local funding to satisfy the residents’ requirements and services of the local units affiliated with the decentralized administrative systems on the one hand, and to the role of local financing in the financial independence of local units on the other hand.With the presence of local financing, the financial independence of local units is achieved and is considered one of the conditions for financial independence, which is the provision of local financing to the units away from central support. The study focused in this research to clarify the concept of local financing for local units with a statement of its conditions and importan

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 02 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The effectiveness of the structural model of learning in the acquisition of geographical concepts among students of the first grade average)

The current research aims to find out ( the effectiveness of the structural model of learning in the acquisition of geographical concepts at the first grade average students ) , and achieving the goals of research has been formulating the null hypothesis of the following :

    " There is no difference statistically significant when Mistoi (0.5 ) between the mean scores of the collection of students in the experimental group that is studying the general geographical principles " Bonmozj constructivist learning " and the mean scores of the control group , which is considering the same article ," the traditional way " to acquire concepts.

The researcher adopted th

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Developing a Learning Organization According to Analysis of the Relationship between Knowledge Gap and Strategic Performance Gaps: Field Study in a Sample of Private Banks in Baghdad.

The purpose of this research shed light on the analysis of the relationship between the knowledge gap and the strategic performance  gap and diagnose the level of impact this relationship in building a learning organization, and sought search to achieve a number of goals, cognitive and Applied been tested nature of the relationship and effect between variables in a sample size (62) of the managers of banks civil in Baghdad (Baghdad, Gulf, Assyria, Union, Elaf) and focused research problem in question is bold is whether the analysis of the relationship between the knowledge gap and the performance gap strategic leads to recognize organizations need to shift to organizations educated, either in the side of the field was the pr

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The problem of elevating the status of values in scienceStudy in economic thought and macro analysis

ان من اهم القضايا التي تثيرها المعرفة البشرية في تجلياتها، وتعبيراتها المفاهيمية، تكمن في مدى تأصلها وانتمائها الى البنى والتشكيلات الموضوعية (في مستوياتها التاريخية) التي تسعى لتفسيرها وادراكها ومضاهاتها. فالينبوع الذي يغرف منه الفكر مادته هو الكيان الاجتماعي المتموضع خارج الوعي والايدولوجيا.

ان قدرة الوعي على ادراك الواقع الموضوعي بخصائصه العامة يشكل الشرط  الضروري لاكتساب الوعي ل

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 01 2020
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering
Fatigue Characterization for Composite Materials used in Artificial Socket Prostheses with the Adding of Nanoparticles
Abstract<p>The prostheses sockets use normally composite materials which means that their applications may be related with the human body. Therefore, it was very necessary to improve the mechanical properties of these materials. The prosthetic sockets are subjected to varying stresses in gait cycle scenario which may cause a fatigue damage. Therefore, it is necessary or this work to modify the fatigue behavior of the materials used for manufacturing the prostheses sockets. In this work, different Nano particle materials are used to modify the mechanical properties of the composite materials, and increase the fatigue strength. By using an experimental technique, the effect of using different volu</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Mon Jun 19 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Manufacturing and Study the performance of Selective Surfaces that used in flat plate Solar Collectors

In this research an experimental study has done for testing the thermal performance of selective surfaces used in solar collectors for substrate of iron, galvanized iron and aluminum which are commercially available. The coating process for the samples has done in two ways, the electroplating and the chemical spray pyrolysis. The results of the thermal performance test of these samples are comparing with the thermal performance of a sample without paint and other paint with black paint without shines commercially available. For the electroplated samples, the performance study has done for different immersion time in plating bath, the
distance between electrical poles, the current density, and area ratio of the sample plated area to

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Effect of Woods model in the Acquisition of Grammatical Concepts on students at the Sixth primary

The research aims at identifying The Effect of Woods model in the Acquisition of Grammatical Concepts on students at the Sixth Primary. The total number of students is (49) male and female. students are distributed in two groups . The First group is the experimental group which is taught the( Woods Model) and it is (25) students . The second group is the control group which is taught according to the traditional method of teaching and it is (24) students . The researcher has matched between the two groups by the following variables : the age (in months), their intelligence, their parents, academic level of education . The research has constructed multiple choice test of (20) items . The reliability of The test has been calculated and it

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Design and Analysis of the Hexagonal-Shaped Antenna with Multi-Band Feature for WLAN, WiMAX, and LTE Applications

Developing and researching antenna designs are analogous to excavating in an undiscovered mine. This paper proposes a multi-band antenna with a new hexagonal ring shape, theoretically designed, developed, and analyzed using a CST before being manufactured. The antenna has undergone six changes to provide the best performance. The results of the surface current distribution and the electric field distribution on the surface of the hexagonal patch were theoretically analyzed and studied. The sequential approach taken to determine the most effective design is logical, and prevents deviation from the work direction. After comparing the six theoretical results, the fifth model proved to be the best for making a prototype. Measured results rep

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