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Measuring the impact of interest rates on the movement of international financial flows (Japan case study) for the period 1985-2005
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يعد الاقتصاد الياباني احد اكبر الاقتصادات الرأسمالية المتقدمة ويحتل المرتبة الثالثة بعد الاقتصاد الأمريكي واقتصاد الاتحاد الاوربي من حيث حجم الناتج المحلي الإجمالي والذي يكاد يقترب من (5) تريليون دولار سنويا.

لقد ادت التطورات المتلاحقة التي شهدها الاقتصاد العالمي وخاصة في حقل التمويل الدولي خلال العشرين سنة الاخيرة الى تصاعد وارتفاع في حجم وحركه رؤوس الاموال الدولية على اوسع نطاق بحيث اصبح يحتل احد اهم مصادر التمويل محليا واقليميا ودوليا حيث انه اصبح يستحيل على اي اقتصاد في العالم ان يعتمد فقط على ما يملكه من موارد ذاتيه تساهم لوحدها في بناء اقتصاده وان كان للاكتفاء الذاتي فيه نسبة عالية ومهمة الا انه لابد من التعامل مع الاخرين مما يتطلب معه دخول هذه الدول في اتفاقات ماليه او كتكتل لتسهيل الربط بين موارد هذه الدول وامكاناتها .             

وحيث ان الاقتصاد الياباني يعتبر من الاقتصادات التي يعتد بها في هذا المضمار فسيتم تناول وتحليل تطور هذه التدفقات المالية الدولية من الاقتصاد الياباني واليه خلال العقدين الماضيين مستندين في ذلك على ما هو والاستثمار الاجنبي غير FDI متوفر لدينا من بيانات وارقام ودراسات تخص الاستثمار الاجنبي المباشر اللذان يعدان احد اهم عناصر التدفق الشامل للموارد المالية بين بلدان العالم المختلفة كما وان FPI  المباشر لسعر الفائدة اثر كبير في اتجاه حركة الموارد المالية من والى بلدان العالم.

     لقد تم تقسيم البحث الى ثلاث مباحث تضمن المبحث الاول دراسة تطور التدفقات المالية الدولية نحو الاقتصاد الياباني فيما ذهب المبحث الثاني الى تناول تطور ابرز المؤشرات النقدية والمالية في الاقتصاد الياباني وانصب المبحث الثالث على قياس اثر وتقدير وتحليل.

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Use of Auto-Regressive Distributed Lag Method in Investigating The Impact of Interest Rate on Foreign Direct Investment in Yemen for the Period 1990-2018
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 Foreign direct investment has seen increasing interest worldwide, especially in developing economies. However, statistics have shown that Yemen received fluctuating FDI inflows during the period under study. Against this background, this research seeks to determine the relationship and impact of interest rates on FDI flows. The study also found other determinants that greatly affected FDI inflows in Yemen for the period 1990-2018. Study data collected from the World Bank and International Monetary Fund databases. It also ensured that the time series were made balanced and interconnected, and then the Auto Regressive Distributed Lag method used in the analysis. The results showed that the interest rates and

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 04 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Measuring the impact of internal governance mechanisms on the quality of financial reports
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                The research aims to define the theoretical framework for corporate governance and its mechanisms and shed light on corporate governance in Iraq as well as the theoretical framework for the quality of financial reports and their relationship and the role of corporate governance in activating them. A commercial bank as a sample for the research, and a survey list was prepared to show the extent to which the research sample banks are committed to applying internal governance mechanisms. imposed on them by the local environment, which leads to improving the quality of financial reports for these banks.

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The effect of changing interest rates on net interest income and earnings per share in commercial banks
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              Interest rates are one of the important aspects that affect the banking business directly, which is characterized by unstable dynamic dynamics, which must be viewed on a daily and continuous basis through the macroeconomic view, which directly affects the bank’s income realized from loans as interest received or interest paid on its deposits as an expense. Hence the earnings per share. The relationship between interest rates and between net income and earnings per share was measured and a correlation was found between them, and then the effect between them was measured using regression equations and they were applied and th

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Measuring the impact of the financial value of human resources on investor decisions: (An Empirical Study)
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The aim of the research is to clarify the measurement of the impact regarding financial value of human resources on investors' decisions by considering that the human element is one of the assets of the company. Therefore, a set of criteria must be available to determine the applicability of these standards in the human resource because it has an effective role in the success for the company. Is to measure the value of human resources in a financial format according to the first two methods depends on the value and the second depends on the cost.

In order to achieve the objectives of the study, a questionnaire was designed to survey the views of a number of employees of the General Company for Leather Industries in order to arriv

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The impact of financial development on economic growth in Iraq for the period (2004-2018):An Analytical Econometric Study
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            The objective of this study is to measure the impact of financial development on economic growth in Iraq over the period (2004-2018) by applying a fully corrected square model (FMOLS) Whereas, a set of variables represented by (credit-to-private ratio of GDP, the ratio of money supply in the broad sense of GDP, percentage of bank deposits from GDP) were chosen as indicators for measuring financial development and GDP to measure economic growth.

Major tests have been carried out, such as the stability test (Unite Root Test), the integration test (Cointegration). Results of the study showed that there

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Impact of the global financial crisis on the efficiency of activity of the Iraqi Stock Market, "An Empirical Study for the period 2006-2008”
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  financial market occupy very important place in the economic activity all over the world countris, and its importance increased with considerable technological progress in the world of transportation ,communications and information where its impact have spread over the whole world, which led to link the international economy in a kind of international relations so that the open policy became the prevailing trend in national and regional economies within the framework of the new world order.

the international economy has faced the financial crisis, global, that hit all world economies although the United States is the center of the crisis and the starting spark for it w

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 27 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The impact of systems and information technology on stock market activity: Case study in Iraq stock market
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Financial markets play an important role in the economy, as it contributes to the financial and economic system of the state stability, as it reduces the adoption of the companies on the loans granted by the banks, as financial markets contribute to attracting and channeling savings to small savers who will be able to buy a number of shares proportional to their savings, It also provides them the place of exchange, and play technology and information systems an important role in facilitating exchanges and increased market activity, in this research touched on the importance of information technology in effect on the activity of the financial markets. Research is divided into three demands of the first concept of eating and the importance

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 04 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Measuring the impact of oil price fluctuation on the budget Deficit base in Iraq for the period (2003-2020)
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                 The research dealt with a studying the impact of oil price fluctuations on one of the rules of financial discipline, which is the rule of budget deficit in the Iraqi economy for the period (2003-2020) as it is one of the quarterly economies that rely mainly on volatile oil revenues that fluctuate with oil prices in global markets, and therefore the general budget suffers. from The state of instability and then the government resorts to borrowing for a long time . this deficit in the general budget and increase the debt burden in the public debt.The research aim to measure and study the impact of oil price flu

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2020
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Constructivism Theory in International Relations (Case Study on the War on Terrorism)
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        The topic of the research revolves around constructivist theory, which is one of the most important theories that added weight to the theoretical and epistemological field of international relations. The constructivist theory studies international relations from a completely different side of theories by focusing on the social aspects of international relations, and by looking at international relations as social constructs. Ideas, cultures, norms, standards and language play a major role in their formation. The study also examines the state of the war on terrorism as it represents one of the most international cases in which its composition and composition coincide with constructive ideas and a

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Analysis of the sustainability of the public debt in light of the volatile oil revenues in Iraq for the period (2005-2015)
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This study deals with the fluctuations of oil revenues and its effect on the public debt. This can be studied through the indicators of debt sustainability, the financial, and economic indicators which express the risk of debt. The study focuses on clarification of the public debt path and its management both domestic and foreign. The sustainability of debt takes an important role according the macroeconomic variables. This study stresses the relationship between the rental economy in Iraq and the risk of the public debt, it is very important to work high oil prices, and on investigating during high work to establish a fund to support the budget deficit. This will reduce future risks arising from the use of publi

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