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الادارة بالقيم: الفلسفة الجديدة للنظام الاقتصادي المعاصر
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الدخول للموضوع: الحاجة لمواجهة التعقيد

تتناول هذه الورقة الفكرية فلسفة الادارة الجديدة وتطبيقاتها عبر ما يسمى "الادارة بالقيم" – MBV- (Management by values) التي تستند على الاحتياجات الحالية لبيئة المنظمات. ففي بحث (Dolan & Michley, 2006)، واستناداًَ لخبراتهما وممارساتهما اقترحا نموذج القيم ثلاثي المحاور (Tri- axial values model)، وهي: المادية- الذرائعية (Economic- Pragmatic)، الاخلاقية (Ethical)، والعاطفية- التطويرية (Emotional- Developmental). وستحاول تلك الورقة ان تحدد اسباب تبنيها لذلك. فلقد اعتبرت القيم في اوقات معينة من قبل المدراء بأنها مرنة للغاية
(Too soft)، بحكم تضمينها لأي مدخل جاد في الادارة، وبحيث اصبحت جزءاً مركزياً من التوجهات السائدة لها بالوقت الحاضر (Dolan & Garcia, 2002; Dolan et al., 2003).

انتشر مفهوم الادارة بالقيم بسرعة مذهلة في الاقتصادات العالمية الناشئة (Emerging world economies) مثل اسبانيا والبرازيل، واصبح الدافع الرئيسي لإعادة هندسة الثقافة التنافسية وادامتها. ففي سبيل المثال، شركة (Telefonica) التي تعد من كبريات الشركات الخاصة بإسبانيا حيث تستخدم ما يقارب (184.000) عامل. وقد طورت رؤيتها ورسالتها ومبادئها الادارية بإعتماد نموذج الادارة بالقيم. وحتى كوبا هذه الذي الحق الحظر الامريكي ضرراً اقتصادياً كبيراً عليها، فإن حكومتها تبنت مفهوم الادارة بالقيم (بالرغم من الجدل الايديولوجي)، والزمت جميع المدراء الكبار بمرافق الدولة كافة، على ضرورة ادارتها بموجب تطبيق هذا المفهوم، وبحيث اعدت وطورت مجموعة كبيرة من البرامج التدريبية بغية خلق حالات الالتزام والتمسك بهذه الفلسفة.

اذن، لماذا حدثت مثل هذا التغيرات؟ ولماذا لم تبادر الشركات الامريكية والانكلوسكسونية بتبي ذلك؟ والجواب على اية حال يعد معقداً للغاية، كونه يرتبط بمزيجية اهداف هذه الشركات وتعددها، فضلاً عن تداخل الجوانب الشخصية للمالكين والمدراء والظروف غير الموضوعية في ادارتها. ويشهد عالم اليوم، على نحو واسع تحولاً متميزاًُ في تركيز الادارة (Management focus) على ذلك، بسبب الطلبات المتزايدة في المجتمع على المدراء ذوي التبعية المهنية العالية، الى جانب الاهتمام العالي بالنوعية والزبائن (Dolan et al, 2004) .

لقد غدا العالم مكاناً يتصف باللاتأكد العالي والتعقيد المتزايد، ولم يعد بمقدور المدراء ان يتفادوا التعامل مع ذلك، وانما على النقيض من ذلك بزغت الحاجة الملحة والضرورة الحتمية بأن يواجه هؤلاء المدراء التعقيد بإمتلاكهم مهارات جديدة تصب في فهم واستيعاب نظرية التعقيد، والتناقضات، والفوضى، والنظم، وما شابه ذلك
(Dolan et al., 2003). كما اصبح واضحاً للعيان بالوقت الحاضر، ان اشارة التقدم والنمو لأي كيان (شخص، منظمة، مجتمع) ليست اكبر واغنى واطول واسرع من اشارة التقدم والنمو نحو فهم التعقيد الداخلي المتزايد والتبسيط المتكافئ للتفاعلات البينية بين الكيانات ذاتها- وبالتالي اذا لم يتم التوجه الحقيقي نحوها، فإن اجراس انذار الادارة يجب ان تقرع قبل وقوع الكارثة.

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Emotional Trends, and Emotional Exhaustion in organizations: (Developing foundations the philosophy and thinking in organizational behavior)
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Emotional exhaustion considered one of the critical factors in the formation and composition of organizational behavior of individuals within organizations, as well as social behavior and psychological, and emotional exhaustion is one of the three components of burnout, as well as depersonalization (cynicism) and low achievement, the emergence of research relevant to this concept began at the beginning of the seventies of the twentieth century, then started to become clear features in the eighties it. This research aims to build intellectual framework for draining emotional exhaustion through highlight on most important philosophical contents, as well as review and analysis of some models associated with this concept, and then a

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Mon Sep 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Customer Satisfaction... New Accounting Revolution
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During the ongoing economic revolutions of the economic There is a new economic revolution is emboded by upseting the balances of prevailing classic ideas and refusing axioms considered postulates which were not touched including, for example, the theory of ( supply and demand) espoused by (Adam Smith and Marshall and others ) that assumes the existence of a strong relationship between the supply of goods and services and the demand for them, in the light of successive economic developments, considerable technological progress and the information revolution of the complex telecommunication network led to a serious shift of this theory and the emergence of a new theory called (market economies) turned the traditional scales of production,

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 03 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
توظيف الشخصية في القصيدة الجديدة/ حميد سعيد انوذجا
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This poem is regarded an important Harmonized structure in modern and Contemporary Culture to achieve aqualitative poem Comported with the other cultural structures inorder to discover the ego and aspiration in shaping distinctive voices.
The Iraqi poetry is affected tangibly by this poem because of the intellective vaccinating between Iraqi and Arab poets ingeneral and western cultures in particular as a result of the tranplahin movement and other important means.
The modern poet wood to ask some important characters to enrich his technician text inspite the fact that this is not a new way in Arab poetry but it takes avarant – criented to become outside the limits of rigid description within ongoing kinematic structure to be in

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2024
Journal Name
المتابعة والرقابة في الادارة الرياضية
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تعد المتابعة أحد العناصر الأساسية في الإدارة الرياضية، حيث تسهم في تحسين الأداء وتحقيق الأهداف المنشودة ويهدف هذا التقرير إلى تسليط الضوء على دور المتابعة واهميتها في سياق الرياضة.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 23 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
الادارة الإدارة في الدولة العثمانية
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Continued Ottoman rule in the Arab world until the end of World War I in 1918, and during the four centuries of Ottoman control, care of the Ottomans install and floating their rule, and to prevent the Arabs from the establishment of a political entity separate from the people to facilitate the rule of the Arab world and to ensure the

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 21 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
"An analytical study of The New Urbanism in the urban suburbs
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                 The research deals with the concept of a New Urbanism as an urban development strategy in the suburbs of cities or in its centers that are affected by pedestrian-oriented design and the possibility of walking, as well as integrating economic classes through the diversity of housing and its costs, and this works to facilitate access to jobs and services while providing more diverse neighborhoods and reducing the use of cars , As designing separate houses in the suburbs and increasing car trips poses a threat to the environment and the quality of urban life, and thus the new urban provides a good strategy for developing

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 28 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Economic Television Media and Shaping Public Trends
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The problem of this paper is identified by knowing the role of the economic television media in shaping the audience's attitudes. It seeks to understand the type of relationship between the dependence of the economic elite audience on news bulletins and its cognitive implications. The categories of Iraqi society, namely, the economic elite category. This paper adopted the descriptive survey method for the period from 3/1/2022 - 6/31/2022. The sample was extracted according to the relative stratified sampling method in the city of Baghdad. A set of results has been concluded, the most prominent of which is the public's heavy reliance on economic news bulletins to obtain news and information, as indicated by (63%) of the respondents partic

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 12 2025
Journal Name
Imam Ja'afar Al-sadiq University Journal Of Legal Studies
The legal framework for the protection of new plant varieties
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TRIPS agreement was The first to apply protection by patents. However, this type of protection, which grants exclusive and monopoly rights to patent owners, came at the expense of developing countries which are considered rich in biodiversity and also at the expense of traditional and poor knowledge of modern technologies. The release of new plant varieties has led to the emergence of biopiracy and looting of the rights of developing countries without a license

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 06 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Temporary management of funds placed under custody
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The interim administration is an application of the idea of ​​management required by certain circumstances, which are necessary and urgent, and most laws, especially the laws we have compared (the French Civil Code and the Egyptian civil law and the Iraqi civil law) did not regulate the idea of ​​interim administration accurately, This idea is interrelated, but this idea is highlighted whenever a temporary administrator is needed. It is often necessary to maintain a financial or financial burden that is impossible for the owner to manage his own money for one reason or another, the appointment of a temporary manager who manages these funds, we find the legislator resort in such a case to appoint a manager to temporarily save and ma

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Economic Researcher & Methodology of Scientific research
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The paper contains a theoretical analysis of the interrelation between methodology of economics used by economic researchers and the methodology of scientific research, encouraging readers to think differently about one of the most complicated & controversial subjects.

The analysis begins with the determination of propositions that were discussed and explained in the course of the argument.

1- The economic researcher, like a scientific one, goes after the procedures of physical sciences and benefits of the forms of logic.

2- Economics deals with human behavior while the natural sciences deal with the matter.

3-This similarity a

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