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الثقة، الصراع والسلوك التعاوني مع الاخذ بالاعتبار العلاقات التبادلية داخل المنظمات
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كثيرة هي البحوث والدراسات التي نراجعها في السلوك التنظيمي، بحكم عملنا كأستاذ دراسات عليا بتخصص ادارة الموارد البشرية ونظرية المنظمة، ووقع بيننا بحثاً نظرياً متميزاً للباحثين
(Karin Sanders & Birgit Schyns)([1])، نشر في مجلة اصيلة هي (Personnel Review)، في عام (2006)، بمجلدها (35) وبالعدد (5)، تحت عنوان (Trust, Conflict and Cooperative Behaviour: Considering Reciprocity Within Organizations) . ولنقل الفائدة العلمية للمتخصصين والمعنيين والمهتمين بهذا الموضوع الحيوي، أرتأينا ترجمته بالتصرف الذي يفيد القارئ باللغة العربية. فالبحث يصب غرضه في دراسة قضية محددة تتعلق بالثقة، الصراع، والسلوك التعاوني كحلقات مهمة في العمل التنظيمي، ذلك لأن مخرجات العاملين (Employees Outcomes) المتعلقة بإتجاهاتهم، وسلوكياتهم، تأتي من العلاقات التبادلية التي تقع بينهم، والتي ينبغي اختبارها كخصائص لعلاقاتهم هذه، وليس كسمات لهم. ففي اطار ذلك، تتمثل قيمة هذا البحث برأينا بمحاولة ملئ فجوة التبادلية في علاقات المدراء- والمرؤوسين- المرؤوسين، والتركيز عليها بشدة لتفسير تلك القضية المحددة آنفة الذكر. وبحكم كون البحث الحالي، طبيعته تتصف بالمراجعة العامة للفكر الاكاديمي المطروح على الساحة، فإنه يرتبط بمصطلحات علمية سلوكية كثيرة ابرزها: سلوك العاملين (Employees behaviour) اتجاهات العاملين (Employees attitudes)، احتواء العاملين (Employees involvement) العلاقات الصناعية (Industrial relations)، ادارة الموارد البشرية التطبيقية (Applied human resources management).


[1])) ان  (Karin Sanders) استاذ علم النفس التنظيمي والعمل بجامعة (Twenke, The Netherlands)
(Birgit Schyns)، استاذة مساعدة بدراسات الموارد البشرية بجامعة (Tilburg, The Netherlands).

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 20 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The concept of violence in political thought (Theoretical study, compared with the concept of terrorism)
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The researcher of human history finds that the first social relations on earth were represented by the violence of Adam, peace be upon him, Cain and Abel. Violence has been a phenomenon of life and society. The history of history is full of all forms of violence and its forms. It speaks of cruelty, oppression and states. History began, in some of its chapters, written with the blood of the victims. It is a testimony to the cruelty of human beings. His human nature and his sin have played a major role that can not be overlooked in the development of important and fundamental developments in some historical turning points where violence was a necessity for life, and its launching change, renewal and reform, and major revolutions in human h

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
Arm Span to Height Ratio in Relation to Severity of Dyspnea
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Background: Arm span is the closest physiologic measurement to standing height. Increased arm span to standing height ratio, which indicates a possible loss of height, due to aging, often results from osteoporosis-related vertebral collapse or other causes. This has possible consequences on lung functions.
Objective: To evaluate the effects of aging related loss of height to severity of dyspnea.
Method: Patients visited pulmonary function test laboratoryat Baghdad teaching hospital outpatient clinic department from first of November 2009 to thirty first of December 2010 for preoperative assessment were recruited to participate in our study. All recruited subjects were evaluated with a clinical history and physical examination follo

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Design Sampling Plan when Life Time Follows Logistic Distribution
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Design sampling plan was and still one of most importance subjects because it give lowest cost  comparing with others, time live statistical distribution should be known to give best estimators for  parameters of sampling plan and get best sampling plan.

Research dell with design sampling plan when live time distribution follow Logistic distribution with () as location and shape parameters, using these information can help us getting (number of groups, sample size) associated with reject or accept the Lot

Experimental results for simulated data shows the least number of groups and sample size needs to reject or accept the Lot with certain probability of

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Statistical testing mediation in structural equations models variables with practical application
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In this research was the study of a single method of estimation and testing parameters mediating variables (Mediation) in a specimen structural equations SEM a bootstrap method, for the purpose of application of the integrated survey of the situation Marital data and health mirror Iraqi (I-WISH) for the year 2011 from the Ministry of Planning - device Central Bureau of Statistics, and applied to the appropriate data from the terms of the data to a form of structural equation SEM using factor analysis affirmative (Confirmatory Factor analysis) CFA As a way to see the match variables that make up the model, and after confirming the model matching or suitability are having the effect of variables mediation in the model tested by the

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Tue Dec 29 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Personal tax exemptions "a comparative study with some Arab and European system legislations
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This research aims primarily to highlight personal tax exemptions A comparative study with some Arab and European regulations. And by conducting both theoretical comparative analyses. Most important findings of the study is the need to grant personal and family exemptions that differ according to the civil status of the taxpayer (single or married). In other words, the exemption increases as the number of family members depend on its social sense. Also taking into account some incomes that require a certain effort and looking at the tax rates, it is unreasonable for wages to be subject to the same rates applied to commercial profits.      

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 02 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
Factor V Leiden Mutation in Iraqi Patients with Deep Venous Thrombosis.
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Background: Factor V Leiden is considered the most common inherited risk factor for venous thrombosis in Caucasian populations, including those in the Eastern Mediterranean region. While several studies have addressed Factor V Leiden prevalence in patients with venous thrombosis in the Eastern Mediterranean countries, none have been reported from Iraq.
Objective: To study the prevalence of Factor V Leiden in an unselected group of Iraqi patients with Deep Venous thrombosis.
Materials and Methods: A total of 50 unselected patients with deep venous thrombosis referred to the Medical City Teaching Hospital in Baghdad, Iraq, as well as 40 age and sex matched controls, were enrolled. The evaluation included in addition to detailed histo

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Person-Organization's Environment Fit and it's Reflection on the Work Outcomes
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This study aims to studying of Person and organization’s environment fit in a sample of Private bank’s reflection in its basic dimensions (Person-organization fit ,Person-Job fit, Person-group fit and Person- Person-fit )in the Work Outcomes (job satisfaction, the intention to leave the job, Job Engagement, and organizational  citizenship behavior ).

The questionnair’e has been used as a basic  instrument to gather data , As well as personal interviews with some of the staff of the research sample of private banks which were represented by (5) and included banks (Bank of Assyria for investment, the North Bank for Finance and Investment , Bank of the Tigris

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 27 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
Effects of hypertension with and without smoking on salivary electrolytes concentration
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Background: Hypertension from smoking is a chronic medical condition that impacts human health. It has been proved that it could be a significant risk factor for different disorders like brain damage, the lung disease and has been related to the growth of oral diseases. However, there are few and conflicting research on its effect on salivary electrolytes concentrations.

Aim of the study: To assess the effect of hypertension with and without smoking on electrolyte concentrations in saliva and to identify its effect on normal oral balance.

Methods: A total number of 90 subjects included, which is comprised of (49) (54.4 %) males subjects and (41) (45.6 %) females subjects in

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
Evaluate the correlation of Inflammatory Cytokines with Chlamydia pneumonia in Coronary Atherosclerotic Patients
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Background: Coronary atherosclerosis is an inflammatory disease, caused by high concentrations of plasma cholesterol, in particular those with high concentrations of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, which considered as one of the principal risk factors for atherosclerosis.
Objective: The study focused on detecting risk factors and biomarkers for coronary atherosclerotic in order to develop interventions preventing their progressions.
Patients and Methods: The present case control study was carried out between December 2012 and May 2013, in Hawler cardiac center, 74 coronary atherosclerotic patients were enrolled in our study (44 males and 30 females), their age ranged between 30 years to 75 years old, 25 (33.8%) were type 2 dia

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 22 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Using Mehar method to change fuzzy cost of fuzzy linear model with practical application
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  Many production companies suffers from big losses because of  high production cost and low profits for several reasons, including raw materials high prices and no taxes impose on imported goods also consumer protection law deactivation and national product and customs law, so most of consumers buy imported goods because it is characterized by modern specifications and low prices.

  The production company also suffers from uncertainty in the cost, volume of production, sales, and availability of raw materials and workers number because they vary according to the seasons of the year.

  I had adopted in this research fuzzy linear program model with fuzzy figures

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