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استهداف السعر كأساس لتحقيق تقنية التكلفة المستهدفة للوحدات الاقتصادية العاملة في بيئة الأعمال الحديثة
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تمثل الأسعار تعبيرا" نقدياً لقيمة السلع والخدمات المقدمة للزبون، وتعد عملية التسعير من العمليات المهمة وذات الأثر البالغ على نجاح واستمرار منظمات الأعمال، نظراً لما لها من تأثير على المقدرة الربحية وإعادة توزيع الدخل القومي المخصص للاستهلاك، إذ أنه بتحديد الأسعار يستطيع الفرد أن يوزع دخله بين ما يعده ضرورياً من السلع وما يعد كمالياً.

وعموماً فإن لعملية التسعير مجموعة من الأهداف التي تحققها والتي تختلف فيما بين المنظمات، كما أن هذه العملية تتأثر بمجموعة من العوامل التي تتطلب الاستجابة لها.

وتقليدياً فإن هناك مدخلان لتحديد الأسـعار هما المدخل الاقتصادي والمدخل المحاسبي حيث يقوم المدخل الاقتصادي بتشكيل أساسي على تقيد حالات السوق وما يسودها من تفاعلات لقوى العرض والطلب، أما المدخل المحاسبي فينطلق من الكلفة التي يعدها الأساس لتحديد الأسعار وضمن مجموعة من الطرق والتي أياً كانت ونظراً لظروف المنافسة وزيـادة ونمو مدخل التوجه نحو الزبون لتحقيق ما يرضيه، الأمر الذي شخص تصور المدخل التقليدي لتحديد الأسعار التي أصبحت في الوقت الحاضر توجه من قبل السوق بدلاً من الكلفة، الأمر الذي بدوره انعكس على استهداف الكلفة.

لذا يتمحور هذا البحث في بيان أثر السعر المستهدف على استهداف الكلفة من خلال دراسة المداخل المعتمدة في التسعير تقليدياً.

ولغرض تحقيق ذلك فقد تم تقسيم البحث إلى خمسة مباحث تسبقهما المنهجية العلمية التي اعتمدها الباحثان وكآلاتي:-

م1: مدخل في التسعير.

م2: المدخل الاقتصادي والمحاسبي في التسعير.

م3: السعر المستهدف وأثره في استهداف الكلفة.

م4: المنهجية المقترحة وآلية التطبيق.

م5: الاستنتاجات والتوصيات.


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Publication Date
Tue Dec 15 2020
Journal Name
Evaluating Industrial Products emotionally by Using Emojis: محمد علي حسين القيسي
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Researches in the field of evaluation of industrial products emotionally are internationally new and non-existing in the Arabic speaking countries, which is considered the crux of the problem in the current research, in addition to the need of the designers and design students to know how to measure the emotional responses for the industrial product in order to get benefit from them in their designs. The research objective is to get a tool that uses emojis in measuring the emotional responses for the products. The researcher designed an emotional verbal wheel and emojis wheel. The sample of the research consisted of (7) chairs different in design and use, and the respondents were (89) students. The most important results are:
1- Desi

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The Concept of Real Religiosity in Graham Greene’s The Heart of the Matter
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Religion in its general and simplified form is defined as a set of values or moral laws, which include provisions that people should follow to organize their affairs and ratify that they are provisions sent from the divine. 

      The concept of religion is not limited to the narrower sense represented by the performance of the virtual rituals of worship and religious fashions, etc., but also includes all the moral and spiritual values, conduct and good dealing that reflect the true essence of religion, which boils down to a set of values – such as sincerity, honesty and dedication to work, merciful dealing and compassion, etc. All religions agree on the moral content of religion. The Prophet of Is

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 14 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Images of ruin in "Throne" and " Water stream" by Maysaloon Hadi and "War" by Glezio: A Compartive Study: Les images du débris dans "Le trône et le ruisseau " de Maysaloon Hadi et "La guerre" de Le Glézio (étude comparative)
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Our research comes to shed light on Iraqi literature as literature that arose in special circumstances alongside foreign literature. Using comparative research methods, we chose to highlight two distinguished writers, who have their mark in the world of literature. The first is the Iraqi writer Maysaloun Hadi, who is considered an icon of Iraqi feminist literature, and the second is the French writer Le Clézieu, who won the Nobel in 2008. We will see through the research how the two authors expressed their views of modernity and urbanism. And how each of them separately portrayed the psychological and moral projections that formed the essence of man today. 


Notre recherche abord un des points inc

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The vision of Hebrew writers and critics of the future of the Jews in their writings at the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the twentieth c: דעותיהם של הסופרים והמבקרים העבריים על עתידם של היהודים לפי כתבותיהם בשלהי המאה ה-19 ובתחילת המאה ה-20
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It is very known  how great is the  role of the Jewish writers in the system of the Zionist movement. The movement relied on writers and writers to carry out their programs, especially those pertaining to the creation of a "national homeland" for Jews. Most Jewish writers sang of  Palestine even though they were not born there.

    On such a  basis, we have followed closely the writings of writers, critics and others by the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth century. We found that these writings are based on one common question: What is the fate of the Jewish people?

    Most of these writings were accompanied by Theodor Herzl's proj

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The trend to Joint Audit as an approach to Improve the Financial Reports Quality - An Applied Study –
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This study aimed at identifying the trend to applying the Joint Audit as an approach to improve the financial reports quality with all their characteristics (Relevance, Reliability, Comparability, Consistency), as well as enclose the difficulties that faced the auditors in the Gaza Strip in implementing the Joint Audit. In order to achieve the study aims, a measure was used to identify the trend to apply the Joint Audit and it was distributed to the study sample which is consisting of (119) individuals and retrieved thereof (99) valid for analysis, approximately (83.2%), (69) of them are Auditors, (30) financial managers and accountants. The researcher used the analytical descriptive method, and after analyzing the results, the s

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Impact of Architecture design quality in build competitiveness for contracting companies in The Ministry of Housing and Construction of Iraq
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The study aimed at interpreting the role of architectural design quality in in build competitiveness model in accordance with the proposal included the idea of ​​architectural design quality for its removal; interesting design factors of the environment, good design of the spaces, and design aesthetic explanatory variable. The competitiveness dimensions; the level of innovation, stimulate research, and the quality of the company's products, and activating the role of human resources, entrepreneurship, profitability, market share and competitiveness, variable responsive. The study of construction companies in the Ministry of Housing and Construction has taken the Iraqi society for the study. The sample consisted of (48) manage

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 02 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Principles of modeling a dictionary article in the «Dictionary of the Russian Folklore: lexicon epics» (M.A. Bobunova, A.T. Khro: Принципы моделирования словарной статьи В «словаре языка русского фольклора: Лексика былины» (М. А. Бобунова, А. Т. Хроленко)
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The article describes the basic principles of modeling a dictionary article in the “Dictionary of the Language of Russian Folklore Lexicon epics” (M. A. Bobunova, A. T. Khrolenko). Among such principles are the principle of linguocentrism (representation of universal cognitions in strict observance of the traditions of lexicographic science), the principle of anthropocentrism (language learning as a means of human consciousness / subconsciousness), the principle of expansionism (attracting material from various knowledge bases), the principle of explanatory ("explanatory moment"), and fractal principle (synergistic potential of the presented material: nonlinearity and self-similarity; hierarchical organizati

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The Exploitation of Carmen Valero Garces' Theory in the Criticism of Literary Texts: Saleh al-Jafari's Arabic Translation of "Rubbayat al-Khayyam" as a: کاربست نظریه¬ی کارمن والرو گارسس در نقد ترجمه¬ی ادبی (مورد مطالعه: تعریب صالح الجعفری از رباعیات خیام)
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There is a mutual relationship between the form of a text and its meaning so as separating these two or devaluating the role of one of them leads to the absence of the value therein. Thus, a translation is important as to how it relates the details of a text. That is, the text has special features which go beyond form, and these set out its distinctiveness. Here, we tackle Saleh al-Jafari's Arabic translation of  "Rubbayat al-Khayyam" of Naysapour descriptively and analytically by depending on extracts from the original text. This translation is evaluated on the basis of Spanish critic Maria Carmen Valero Garces. Herein, we discuss the effectiveness of this theory in the criticism of literary texts. It has been concluded that al-Jaf

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 20 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Influence of Rewards on Games Flow, Challenge, and Its Effects Towards the Engagement of Malaysian Digital Traditional Games
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Games engagement has become one of the main concerns in game industry. Early study revealed that Malaysian digital traditional games are suffering with the same issue due to several factors. One of it is the lack of the game itself. Although many Malaysian traditional games have been digitized, none of them has incorporated rewards despite its importance in games engagement. Realizing the importance of rewards in games engagement, one of Malaysian traditional Congkak has been chosen to be enhanced by incorporating rewards. Experiments have been conducted among 50 gamers among the Millennials. Prior interview, game demo and human test are conducted. Experiments focused on the influence of rewards on games flow, games challenge, and its ef

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 07 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The predictive capacity of Coronavirus Impacts with Psychological Adjustment among University Students in Oman
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The present study was designed to determine the predictive capacity of Coronavirus’s impact, as well as, the psychological adjustment among university students in Oman. A total of (566) male and female students were employed to form the swtudy sample. The descriptive method was used. The findings showed that there is a significantly university student affected by Coronavirus; the dimensions of scale were arranged as follows: the Academic requirements of pandemic came first, the social communication came second, and the academic future stress came in third. The results also showed that Psychological Adjustment among University Students was affected by the Coronavirus pandemic, the average was low. Also, the result showed that the Corona

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