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تقييم إداء السياسة النقدية في العراق وأثرها في التضخم دراسة تحليلية للمدة من (1980- 2003)
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تلعب السياسة النقدية دوراً فاعلاً ومتميزاً في تحقيق معدلات نمو عالية وتحقيق الاستقرار والتوازن الاقتصادي وبالاخص الحد من ظاهرة التضخم.

يمكن حصر اهداف السياسة النقدية في الدول النامية والعربية خصوصاً من خلال التعرف على الاغراض المنصوص عليها في التشريعات وتشمل (تحقيق استقرار نقدي، المحافظة على قيمة العملة، تشجيع النمو الاقتصادي، تطوير الاسواق المالية والنقدية، استقرار الاسعار، تحقيق التوازن الداخلي والخارجي)([1])

مع ملاحظة وجود اولويات للاهداف المعلنة فمثلاً نجد في الولايات المتحدة تركيز على استقرار الاسعار وفي بريطانيا فإن البنك المركزي حدد الهدف الرئيسي وهو المحافظة على استقرار قيمة العملة والمحافظة على استقرار النظام المالي محلياً ودولياً، اما في المانيا فإن هدف السياسة النقدية ينصب على تحقيق استقرار الاسعار. ان عملية التصحيح الاقتصادي والتي تعنى بتصحيح اوضاع اقتصادية مثل العجز في ميزان المدفوعات او عجز الميزانية العامة او ارتفاع الاسعار او زيادة المديونية وتظهر الكثير من الادبيات الاقتصادية اهمية الدور المتميز للسياسة النقدية في عملية التصحيح الاقتصادي.

وبالرغم من تطور مهمة السياسة النقدية الا انها تتفاعل مع السياسة المالية في عدد من المجالات لأن السياسيتين تستهدفان اهدافاً نهائية واحدة ويشتركان في بعض قنوات التأثير ونجد ايضاً ان هدف السياسة النقدية يكون احياناً هدف مالي مثل الدين العام.

وقد تسعى احياناً السياسة المالية الى تحقيق اهداف نقدية اذن نستطيع القول ان السياسة النقدية تحتاج الى اجراءات مكملة من قبل السياسة المالية تكملها ولا تتعارض معها للوصول الى الهدف النهائي.

عند القاء الضوء على واقع الاقتصاد العراقي في الوقت الحاضر نجد ان المشكلة الرئيسية المطروحة هي وجود بطالة بنسبة عالية تفوق ما حددته الامم المتحدة في نسبة المقبولة من البطالة والتي حددت بـ 6% اما في العراق فإن نسبة البطالة تجاوزت الحد المعقول حيث تقاربت التصريحات بهذه النسب والتي قيل عنها انها بلغت 30% وفق تقديرات وزارة التخطيط والأنماء.

وبغض النظر عن هذه الارقام نجد ان ظاهرة البطالة تزامنت مع وجود تضخم كبير ومزمن وارتفاع في مستوى الاسعار على سبيل المثال بلغت نسبة التضخم في المستوى العام للاسعار عام 2002   19.31% وهذه دلالة واضحة بأن التضخم الموجود في الاقتصاد العراقي هو تضخم جامح ومنفلت.


([1]) د. علي توفيق الصادق (السياسة النقدية في الدول العربية) صندوق النقد العربي مايو 1996.

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 05 2020
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Overlapping international positions United State and Russian Federation towards the Syrian crisis
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Abstract: Due to the geopolitical importance of Syria in the Middle East region, which constitutes the captain's egg in regional and international balances, which made it a battleground, specifically after 2011 through the outbreak of the Syrian revolution and exacerbation was significantly to form an international crisis, and the emergence of intense regional competition. A broad regional polarization, the main objective of which is the uniqueness of regional leadership among the regional leaders of the region's leadership (Iran, Israel, Turkey, Saudi Arabia), It has taken a wide turn which resulted in a significant development in political events, which led to the failure of regional influential poles in the region to contain the crisi

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Work pressure of the administrative and academic members of Biskra University, its sources and its relation to some personal and functional variables
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  The study aimed to highlight the reality of the functional pressures with its dimensions (role ambiguity, role conflict, role burden, glass ceiling, and discrimination in composition). The researchers also relied on the questionnaire as a essential tool for data collection. The field study was conducted at the University of Mohammed Khiedr - Biskra -, the study was conducted on the basis of the total survey, which included all the workers of the 6 faculties of Biskra University (523 female employees).

     After the analyzing of the data using the version 21 of the statistical program Spss, The study reached a number of results, the most of them is the low level of the functiona

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Positive Definiteness of Symmetric Rank 1 (H-Version) Update for Unconstrained Optimization
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Several attempts have been made to modify the quasi-Newton condition in order to obtain rapid convergence with complete properties (symmetric and positive definite) of the inverse of  Hessian matrix (second derivative of the objective function). There are many unconstrained optimization methods that do not generate positive definiteness of the inverse of Hessian matrix. One of those methods is the symmetric rank 1( H-version) update (SR1 update), where this update satisfies the quasi-Newton condition and the symmetric property of inverse of Hessian matrix, but does not preserve the positive definite property of the inverse of Hessian matrix where the initial inverse of Hessian matrix is positive definiteness. The positive definite prope

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Evaluating the performance of Inspector General Office of the Ministry of health in accordance with normative people and people results for the European excellence model EFQM 2013
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Current research has sought to apply the criteria of potential for altmizalaorbi model EFQM 2013 in assessing the performance of the Inspector General's Office/Ministry of health, so as to keep up with a modern and advanced management methods in the evaluation of performance, as well as to link performance to a citizen's life, and it takes him beyond the accepted service capabilities today, but of budget duties between dealers servicing responsibilities and future planning, financial control, competitiveness, human resources needs and maintaining quality and development, as well as the constant quest for continuous improvement, is the spirit of the principle underpinning the European Foundation Quality managemen

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 31 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Using Some Estimation Methods for Mixed-Random Panel Data Regression Models with Serially Correlated Errors with Application
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This research includes the study of dual data models with mixed random parameters, which contain two types of parameters, the first is random and the other is fixed. For the random parameter, it is obtained as a result of differences in the marginal tendencies of the cross sections, and for the fixed parameter, it is obtained as a result of differences in fixed limits, and random errors for each section. Accidental bearing the characteristic of heterogeneity of variance in addition to the presence of serial correlation of the first degree, and the main objective in this research is the use of efficient methods commensurate with the paired data in the case of small samples, and to achieve this goal, the feasible general least squa

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Green synthesis of CdS:Sn NPs by Starch as a Covering Agent and Studying its Physical Properties
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The aim of this research is to employ starch as a stabilizing and reducing agent in the production of CdS nanoparticles with less environmental risk, easy scaling, stability, economical feasibility, and suitability for large-scale production. Nanoparticles of CdS have been successfully produced by employing starch as a reducing agent in a simple green synthesis technique and then doped with Sn in certain proportions (1%, 2%, 3%, 4%, and 5%).According to the XRD data, the samples were crystallized in a hexagonal pattern, because the average crystal size of pure CdS is 5.6nm and fluctuates in response to the changes in doping concentration 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 %wt Sn, to become   4.8, 3.9, 11.5, 13.1, 9.3 nm respectively. An increase in crystal

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 05 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A Novel Water Quality Index for Iraqi Surface Water
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The study aims to build a water quality index that fits the Iraqi aquatic systems and reflects the environmental reality of Iraqi water. The developed Iraqi Water Quality Index (IQWQI) includes physical and chemical components. To build the IQWQI, Delphi method was used to communicate with local and global experts in water quality indices for their opinion regarding the best and most important parameter we can use in building the index and the established weight of each parameter. From the data obtained in this study, 70% were used for building the model and 30% for evaluating the model. Multiple scenarios were applied to the model inputs to study the effects of increasing parameters. The model was built 4 by 4 until it reached 17 parame

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Jun 30 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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Never the less, banking compliance function became one of the most important functions in banking sector according to its characteristics that considered as an interior control tools to control (executive management, departments, subsidiaries…etc) in any bank; and their compliance towards applying rules, recommendations and legislations. In addition to, estimating the risks and limited them; and controlling the anti-money laundering. Thus, these functions that covered the main concept of (Banking Compliance) would avoid the bank to be under the control of any sanctions.


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Publication Date
Fri Aug 20 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Laser
Design and Analysis of BIMD Double Clad MMF -MZI Using Optiwave Simulation
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This work focused on principle of higher order mode excitation using in- line Double Clad Multi-Mode Mach-Zehnder Interferometer (DC-MM-MZI). The DC-MM-MZI was designed with 50 cm etched MMF. The etching length is 5cm. The tenability of this interferometer was studied using opt grating ver.4.2.2 and optiwave
ver. 7 simulator. After removing (25, 35, 45, 55) μm from MMF and immersing this segment of MMF with water bath contained distilled water and ethanol, in addition to, air. Pulsed laser source  centered at 1546.7nm ,pulse width 10ns and peak power 1.33mW was propagated via this interferometer Maximum modes were obtained in case of air surrounded media which are 9800 and 25 um removed cladding layer, with peak power 49.800 m

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Re-distribution of income in favor of the poor - theoretical entrance of stagnation treatment
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Research deals the crises of the global recession of the facets of different and calls for the need to think out of the ordinary theory and find the arguments of the theory to accommodate the evolution of life, globalization and technological change and the standard of living of individuals and the size of the disparity in income distribution is not on the national level, but also at the global level as well, without paying attention to the potential resistance for thought the usual classical, Where the greater the returns of factors of production, the consumption will increase, and that the marginal propensity to consume may rise and the rise at rates greater with slices of low-income (the mouths of the poor) wi

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