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The accounting perspective to activate the tools of globalization through the mechanisms of international accounting standards
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ان وضع معايير دولية محاسبية على شكل نماذج وارشادات عامة تؤدي باصحاب القرارات الاقتصادية استخدام معايير المحاسبة الدولية عند اعداد وتجهيز القوائم والبيانات المالية اصبح مطلب اساسي وضرورة ملحة لمختلف الاطراف في المجتمع الحالي فهذه المعايير قد اثمرت في معالجة الامور المحاسبية على الصعيد المحلي والاقليمي والدولي. وان عدد كبير من الدول اعتمدت هذه المعايير فقد تجاوزت 150 بلدا. مما نتج عنه ازالة الفوارق الكثيرة التي كانت قائمة البيانات المالية. وبالامكان ان يستفاد متبني العولمه من هذه المميزات التي تقدمها هذه المعايير على الصعيد العالمي.

لهذا فقد اهتم الباحث بالدور الذي ممكن ان تلعبه المحاسبية الدولية اذن هي نظام عالمي تتبناه جميع الدول عن طريق وضع مجموعة من المباديء والمعايير المحاسبية المقبولة قبولا عام كما يتم تحديد الاساليب والطرق المشتقة من تلك المباديء والمعايير وتطبيقها في جميع الدول كما وان الانترنت التجارة الالكترونية تعتبر القاعدة المادية والفنية لنجاح العولمة التجارية وبالتالي العولمة بمفهومها الواسع هي احد العوامل الاساسية الفاعلة في العولمة وهي ثورة في صنع القرارات التسويقية والشرائية. يترتب عليها الغاء الكثير من مكونات السوق وعناصره كما يترتب عليها خفض في كلفة العمليات التجارية في التجارة الالكترونية. وبذلك سوف يتطرق الباحث بدراسة معايير المحاسبه الدولية ودورها في رفع كفاءة الاداء المحاسبي على مستوى العالم وكيفيه استخدام اسعار التحويل كاحدى ادوات المحاسبه الدولية.

وفي هذه الدراسة تطرق الباحث على قواعد وبناء هيكل العولمة وهي منظمة التجارة العالمية وصندوق النقد الدولي والبنك الدولي التي نتشرف على تكوين البنية التحتية الاساسية للعولمة. حيث تسعى لجعل الاقتصاد العالمي اكثر انتفاخا واكثر ترابطا واكثر استقرارا متجاوزا الحدود السياسية والجمركية والبيئة الاستثمارية في كل دول العالم.

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 02 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Standards and the legal nature of the adjudication of the validity of Parliamentary membership
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            The question of challenging the validity of the parliamentary membership of some members of the House of Representatives in some parliamentary systems will appear for many reasons, including the failure to observe constitutional or legal texts or the regulations organizing the electoral process that are intertwined in its procedures and stages, such as the lack of conditions for nomination that were organized by law to allow the nomination for parliamentary membership or marred defects The procedures of the electoral process led to the demolition of its integrity, which guarantees the selection of the parliament that is able to delegate to the real author

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 03 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The role of the forensic accounting philosophy in the transparency and quality of financial statements: : An applied study on a sample of workers at the Trade bank of Iraq and the Gulf Commercial Bank in Babylon
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This research aims to identify the role that forensic accounting plays on the transparency and quality of the financial statements in trade bank of Iraq and the Gulf Commercial Bank in Babylon. This research came to address the problem that most financial institutions suffer from, which is represented by the lack of transparency and the quality of the financial statements issued in a manner. Annual also the manipulation and fraud in the financial data, which causes a big gap between that institutions and organizational stakeholders. According to the implementation of the research hypothesis and the objectives of the research, a questionnaire was prepared consisting of three axes, the first axis dealing with the demographic distri

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Lean accounting and its rolls for calculated costs on value stream
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At the last two decades , The environment has witnessed tremendous changes in many fields with the huge competition , various technological development and customer satisfaction , that are reflected in economic units a doption for lean production system .                 

      Lean Accounting that has appeared as aresponse for changes occurred of economic units adoption for lean accounting system instead of wide production system : through it management of economic units has been changed from management by top departments into management by value flows : has provide new method for accounting costs according to value flow

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The role of e-learning standards in auditing in auditing the performance of customer capita: applied research
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                  In light of the corona pandemic, educational institutions have moved to learning and teaching via the Internet and e-learning ,and this is considered a turning  point in course of higher education in Iraq in particular and education in general, which generated a great challenge for educational institutions to achieve the highest possible levels in practices and processes to reach the highest quality of their outputs from graduate students to the labor market that auditing performance by adopting e-learning standards is one of the effective tools that help the management of educational institutions by providing information on the ex

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 20 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The status of the state and its relationship to the concept of force in international relations
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The concept of power despite its implications unclear and unknown was one of the most standards in international relations ambiguity and lack of clarity, however was more standards important and influential in the conduct of international relations, and since that time until today since that ambiguity in the meaning of power and use it as a factor of international relations factors and drive the engines were very different and irony from case to case and from researcher to another, but it may be classified force as the international status enjoyed by the state in the international ocean and here is a structure formed of forces posed by the state, such as economic and political nature of the political system and military power and concept

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Evaluating the supervision tools of the Central Bank of Iraq to verify the continuity of private banks: An applied research in the Central Bank of Iraq
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The aim of the research to highlight the calendar of the most important tools used by the Central Bank of Iraq, in the implementation of the function of supervisory oversight, to verify the stability of the banking system, and protect the funds of shareholders, and depositors in general and the absence of any raises the risks of default and financial failure in particular, for commercial banks. The most important flaws and weaknesses in these tools, in the early detection of the risks of continuity in a timely manner, The study concluded a set of conclusions, including the weakness of the tools used in the performance of the function of supervisory oversight in detecting cases of default and financial failure in the early time as well as

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Standards Evaluate The Performance of Emergency Departments In Iraqi Hospitals / Case Study
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     This study aims to evaluate the performance of emergency departments according to international standards through studying the performance in some of Iraqi public hospitals, where the evaluation performance is considered one of the important topics that take a great deal of officials' attention, especially decision makers in health organizations.

      The researcher has derived the research idea from the importance of work in emergency department in hospitals and to what it provides of medical services and quick and immediate nursing care that help in patients' lifesaving, and it is the mirror that reflects the real image for the hospital

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Factors that Effect on the Level of Accounting Conservatism A sample study Of insurance companies which listed on the Amman Stock Exchange (2005-2016)
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This study aimed to measure  the accounting conservatism  and the lemited factors which  affected on it in the annual financial reports of insurance companies which listed on the Amman Stock Exchange during the period from 2005 to 2016, these factors were represented by firm age, firm debt and firm size.

Using the market value model (MV) To book value  ( BV) Beaver and Ryan (2000) The level of the accounting conservatism was measured. The study found that the insurance companies which are listed on the ASE exercise the accounting conservatism when they were  preparing financial reports. And when conducting a process  of the test of the affected of the factors (The age of the

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 01 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
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It is not long time since globalization has started along with knowledge economy and, communication media and technical information control on the world. As a result serious events appeared like failure in businesses, financial corruption and shortage of administration and control.

In spite of the great efforts held by international organizations and foundations to find organizational frames that adopt independence, que

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 20 1930
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Prison and imprisonment   And their impact on the strengthening of power In the Qur'anic perspective
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Prison and imprisonment  
And their impact on the strengthening of power
In the Qur'anic perspective

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