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Impact of Turkish water policy on developmentAgricultural sector in Iraq for the period (1990-2006)
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تسعى تركيا ضمن سياساتها المائية ومنذ زمن بعيد وبأصرار على تنفيذ المزيد من بناء السدود والمشاريع التخزينية المائية على حوضي دجلة والفرات، الامر الذي يؤدي بالضرورة الى تناقص معدل الواردات المائية لنهري دجلة والفرات الداخلة للاراضي العراقية .وبالتالي التأثير على مقومات التنمية الزراعية العربية بشكل عام والتنمية الزراعية بالعراق بشكل خاص ومن ثم تهديد الامن الغذائي الوطني.

لذا فأن البحث يهدف الى الوقوف على اهم المشكلات التي تتعرض لها مياه الري في العراق نتيجة التوسع في المشاريع المائية التركية وتأثيراتها على التنمية الزراعية .

اظهرت نتائج البحث ان معدلي الوارد المائي لنهري دجلة والفرات قد تناقص بشكل كبير في السنوات الاخيرة عنه في السنوات الماضية ,بمعنى انه كلما تقدمت السنيين كلما تناقص الوارد المائي للنهرين المذكورين ,وذلك نتيجة  السياسة المائية التي تنتهجها تركيا في الاستمرار بتنفيذ المشاريع المائية على النهرين. كما وجدت الدراسة ان هذه السياسة لها الاثر السلبي على الاراضي الزراعية نتيجة تضرر الاخيرة بزيادة تملح التربة وانتشار ظاهرة التصحر في مساحات زراعية واسعة وعلى اعاقة الخطط التنموية الزراعية في العراق . اذن هناك حقيقة واحدة وهي ان توفر المياه يبقى المحدد الرئيسي للتنمية الزراعية بالعراق وليس الاراضي لذلك تتجسد خطورة ما تقوم به تركيا من الاستحواذ على نهري دجلة والفرات كمحدد رئيسي امام تنفيذ برامج الخطط الزراعية في العراق   .

بناء على ما تقدم يمكن الاقتراح بمواصلة وزارة الموارد المائية التفاوض مع الجارة تركيا بشان سياستها المائية وفق القوانيين الدولية في هذا الجانب والتوصل الى حل يرضي الطرفين . والعمل الجاد على كري نهري دجلة والفرات ابتدأ من دخولهما الى الاراضي العراقية وذلك لاجل ارتفاع  منسوب المياه وتخفيض نسبة الاملاح فيها وبناء المزيد من السدود الضخمة لاستيعاب اكبر كمية ممكنة من المياه الواردة .

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 25 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The impact of the cash flow statement indicators in market value change of the industrial firms listed on the Palestine Stock Exchange
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This research aims to examine the ability of impact of the cash flow statement indicators in the change in the market value of the industrial firms listed on the Palestine Stock Exchange. The research population consisted of (13) firms during the period (2015-2020). Data were collected from the annual financial statements of the firms. The research relies on the Pooled effects model to analyze the cross-section data (Panel Data), and the multiple regression method to test the hypotheses. The research finds a positive significant impact of (the ratios of cash flows from operating activities to sales, the return on assets from operating cash flows, and cash flows from operating activities to total current liabilities) in the change

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 10 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The impact of sex change on status matters
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When a person responds to the temptation of Satan and changes his sex from male to female or vice versa, it will be terrible, He is neither male nor female; Because this change will be apparent only and will not affect the person,

This change if it occurs has implications impaction Bor personal status issues.

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Impact of Marketing Culture on Marketing Management Orientations
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The problem of the study is concerned with the work of The Iraqi Airways Company in political, economic, and social environment that suffers instability for many years. This has its negative outcomes regarding its decisions of providing services  to its markets and customers as a result of the orientations, behavior, and marketing values the company management adopted. The aim of this study is to investigate the marketing philosophy adopted by the management and to identify the extent it suits the materialistic and the human capacities of the company and its current environmental circumstances within the  marketing culture common to the thoughts and behaviors of the management and their employees. And in order to achiev

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Comparison of the statistical methods used to Forecast the size of the Iraqi GDP for the two sectors (public and private) for the period (2025-2016)
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Gross domestic product (GDP) is an important measure of the size of the economy's production. Economists use this term to determine the extent of decline and growth in the economies of countries. It is also used to determine the order of countries and compare them to each other. The research aims at describing and analyzing the GDP during the period from 1980 to 2015 and for the public and private sectors and then forecasting GDP in subsequent years until 2025. To achieve this goal, two methods were used: linear and nonlinear regression. The second method in the time series analysis of the Box-Jenkins models and the using of statistical package (Minitab17), (GRETLW32)) to extract the results, and then comparing the two methods, T

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 17 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The Use of the Definite article in the Ottoman Turkish Language in the Fourteenth and Seventeenth Centuries: Qaboos Namah and Mazaki Collection as a Model: '' Kabusnâme ve Mezâkî Divanı Örneğinde ''14. ve 17. Yüzyılarda Osmanlı Türkçesinde Harf-i Ta'rifin Kullanması Üzerine Bir İnceleme
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The Turks used the Ottoman Turkish language from the thirteenth century to the twentieth century.  During this period and under the influence of Islamic civilization, a large number of words and structures were used from the Arabic and Persian languages, Therefore, many Arabic grammatical structures were used in the Ottoman Turkish language, such as the definite article simply because it was widely used.

The paper is concerned with the use of the Arabic definite article in the Ottoman Turkish language, and the aim of this contrastive study is to find out the similarities and differences between the two languages ​​in terms of meaning and structure. Since linguistic studies depend on the practical side or applied approach, two

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 03 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The Legal System of the Social Health Insurance in Egypt and its Impact on Iraq
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Iraq issued the social Health Insurance Law No. 2 in 2020, thus taking its first step to introduce the universal health coverage. When the previous law was enacted, it was inspired by a number of countries, including the Arab Republic of Egypt, which began implementing the health insurance system since 2018, calling it universal health insurance and issued its law No. 2 of 2018, which was entitled as "The universal Health Insurance Law of the Arab Republic of Egypt". A national project at the all state level, such as the health insurance project, needs a set of equipment, both in terms of preparing the infrastructure or in terms of cooperation with health institutions in the public and private sectors, and both in terms of automating and

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Impact of Applying the Accounting Islamic Standards on the Cost Efficiency: An applied study in kingdom of Bahrain Islamic banks -Wholesale
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This research highlights the light on the general framework of accounting discloser in the Islamic banks, and show the types and the concepts of Cost Efficiency, In this present study, the sample included Fourteen Islamic banks, where the data was collected from the annual financial reports. Accordingly, the study in order to achieve the aims and access to the results based on the analytical method and the descriptive analysis, and conducted a Simple & Multiple Linear Regression analysis, in order to test hypotheses of the research by using of statistical analysis software (SPSS). The research has arrived to many results such as: the commitment of Islamic banks working in the Kingdome of Bahrain (Wholesale) to the requirements of the

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sun Oct 31 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Geological Journal
Optimizing Water Injection Performance by Using Sector Modeling of the Mishrif Formation in West Qurna-1 Oil Field, Southern Iraq
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The regular job of a reservoir engineer is to put a development plan to increase hydrocarbon production as possible and within economic and technical considerations. The development strategy for the giant reservoir is a complex and challenging task through the decision-making analysis process. Due to the limited surface water treatment facility, the reservoir management team focuses on minimizing water cut as low as possible by check the flow of formation and injected water movement through the Mishrif reservoir. In this research, a representative sector was used to make the review of water injection configuration, which is considered an efficient tool to make study in a particular area of the entire field when compared with the ful

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Scopus (1)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2009
Journal Name
J. Of University Of Anbar For Pure Science
Estimation of the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) Variation for Selected Regions in Iraq for two Years 1990 & 2001
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The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) is commonly used as a measure of land surface greenness based on the assumption that NDVI value is positively proportional to the amount of green vegetation in an image pixel area. The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index data set of Landsat based on the remote sensing information is used to estimate the area of plant cover in region west of Baghdad during 1990-2001. The results show that in the period of 1990 and 2001 the plant area in region of Baghdad increased from (44760.25) hectare to (75410.67) hectare. The vegetation area increased during the period 1990-2001, and decreases the exposed area.

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Impact of Intellectual trends on the nature of the Economic Structure of Iraq
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The Impact of Intellectual trends on the nature of the Economic Structure of Iraq

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