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مقارنة الأساليب المستخدمة في تحديد عدد المركبات الرئيسية مع التطبيق العملي
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The principal components analysis is used in analyzing many economic and social phenomena; and one of them is related to a large group in our society who are the university instructors. This phenomenon is the delay occurred in getting university instructor to his next scientific title. And as the determination of the principal components number inside the principal components depends on using many methods, we have compared between three of these methods that are: (BARTLETT, SCREE DIAGRAM, JOLLIFFE).

     We concluded that JOLLIFFE method was the best one in analyzing the studying phenomenon data among these three methods, we found the most distinguishing factors effecting on the phenomenon was (the number of the lectures the university instructor has, the administrative routine, the entertainment activities, family situation, shortage in academic staff, pages number, the use of the internet and the political attitude).

     So, we should begin with treating these factors as a first step for motivating university instructor to develop his thinking capabilities

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Comparison of some methods for estimating the parameters of the binary logistic regression model using the genetic algorithm with practical application
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   Suffering the human because of pressure normal life of exposure to several types of heart disease as a result of due to different factors. Therefore, and in order to find out the case of a death whether or not, are to be modeled using binary logistic regression model

    In this research used, one of the most important models of nonlinear regression models extensive use in the modeling of applications statistical, in terms of heart disease which is the binary logistic regression model. and then estimating the parameters of this model using the statistical estimation methods, another problem will be appears in estimating its parameters, as well as when the numbe

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Comparison between RSA and CAST-128 with Adaptive Key for Video Frames Encryption with Highest Average Entropy
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Encryption of data is translating data to another shape or symbol which enables people only with an access to the secret key or a password that can read it. The data which are encrypted are generally referred to as cipher text, while data which are unencrypted are known plain text. Entropy can be used as a measure which gives the number of bits that are needed for coding the data of an image. As the values of pixel within an image are dispensed through further gray-levels, the entropy increases. The aim of this research is to compare between CAST-128 with proposed adaptive key and RSA encryption methods for video frames to determine the more accurate method with highest entropy. The first method is achieved by applying the "CAST-128" and

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 01 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
دور تطبيق نموذج Senge في التَعَلّم التنظيمي لتحقيق الإبداع في منظمات الأعمال "مدخل إلى دراسة تفكير النظم"
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The purpose of this research is to suggest a model which may be used by law enforcement to broaden individual and organizational creativity while providing a more inclusive, holistic view of management within our internal and external organizational structures. This project introduces alternatives to traditional management, leadership styles and problem solving strategies. Law enforcement organizations in the 21st century will face many challenges. Much like community policing impacted the nation in the mid 1980's through the 1990's, the systems thinking approach offers a philosophy for the new millennium.

Most organizations will face many challenges in the next decade of the twentieth first century. Just

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
دور الموازنة المرنة على أساس النشاط في الرقابة على التكاليف (دراسة تطبيقية في الشركة العامة للصناعات الجلدية)
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The research aims to identify the level of increase or decrease the product cost through the activity based flexible budgeting that gives us the chance to follows the cost since the product is planed to be made till it appears in the market and it also helps to fined out any problems that are expected to happen in the future and to put the costs under control, also to know much the surveying affects the perfect use for the complete resources in order to be used in the demanded way, the research is divided in to three sides ,the first is specialized for the theoretical side, the second is for the partical side, while the third side is specialized for the conclusions and recommendations.        &nbsp

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Use of Replacement Models On Determine the Optimal Time to Replacement
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            The approach maintenance and replacement one of techniques of operations research whom cares of the failure experienced by a lot of production lines which consist of a set of machines and equipment, which in turn exposed to the failure or work stoppages over the lifetime, which requires reducing the working time of these machines or equipment below what can or conuct  maintenance process once in a while or a replacement for one part of the machine or replace one of the machines in production lines. In this research is the study of the failure s that occur in some parts of one of the machines for the General Company for Vege

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The adequacy of determining the direction of Qibla by modern methods in the Islamic jurisprudence
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    This Paper aims to know the modern approaches of determining the Qiblah and its ruling in Islamic Faqah, as well as to find out the required in the identity of the Qiblah or the eye, and the care of the advanced Jurists in this matter, and to present some of their sayings on the issue. we have followed the Descriptive analytical method of the aspects of the jurists ’difference in what is required when facing the qiblah either the eye or aspect, the approach of several demands branched out from each topic, which were answered in the theoretical framework of the research, and the research concluded with the most important results: The need to receive the eye of the qiblah for the worshiper who is close to it and it is no

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 26 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Optimization of Wear Parameters in AISI 4340 Steel
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 This study investigated the optimization of wear behavior of AISI 4340 steel based on the Taguchi method under various testing conditions. In this paper, a neural network and the Taguchi design method have been implemented for minimizing the wear rate in 4340 steel. A back-propagation neural network (BPNN) was developed to predict the wear rate. In the development of a predictive model, wear parameters like sliding speed, applying load and sliding distance were considered as the input model variables of the AISI 4340 steel. An analysis of variance (ANOVA) was used to determine the significant parameter affecting the wear rate. Finally, the Taguchi approach was applied to determine

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 20 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Education College Wasit University
" مظاهر النهضة الحديثة في العراق في العهد العثماني المتأخر "
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    دخلت حركة الإصلاحات العثمانية العراق مع تولي مدحت باشا ولاية بغداد (1869 -1872)  وكان لذلك اثر كبير في احداث تغيير جذري للمجتمع العراقي ، بدء من اجراء إصلاحات إدارية عززت من نظام الحكم المركزي وسعت الى التقليل من مظاهر الفوضى داخل المجتمع وصولا الى تكوين الوعي السياسي الجمعي والنخبوي للمجتمع العراقي ، منذ النصف الثاني للقرن التاسع عشر حتى مطلع القرن لعشرين. من هنا جاءت فكرة موضوع البحث للاستفادة التاريخية

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 22 2024
Journal Name
Al-adab Journal
استخدامات المرأة في العمليات الإرهابية لتنظيم داعش في العراق
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تعد استخدامات المرأة ومشاركتها في تنفيذ العمليات الإرهابية لتنظيمات داعش من أخطر الظواهر الاجتماعية والسياسية والعسكرية في مجتمعنا الإسلامي والعربي، لما يحكم هذا المجتمع من عادات وتقاليد وأعراف وقيم لا تستطيع المرأة أن تخرج على السيطرة عليها، إذ اعتادت المجتمعات العربية بخاصة والإسلامية بعامة أن ترى المرأة بمكانه صاحبة الإيمان المحبة لأسرتها الحرة الأبية والمربية الفاضلة الرافضة كل القيم السلبية التي ت

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 03 2005
Journal Name
الدلالات الجمالية والتعبيرية للون في الخزف المعاصر في العراق
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الدلالات الجمالية والتعبيرية للون في الخزف المعاصر في العراق

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