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The use of water resources in light of the challenges of water security in Iraq
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Iraq suffers from lack of water resources supply because the headwaters of the rivers located outside its borders and the influence of upstream countries on the quantities of flowing water, in addition to the increase of pressure on available water as a result of population increase and not adopting the principle of rationalization where misuse and wastage and lack of strategic vision to treat and manage water use in accordance with the economic implications fall.  This is reflected fallout on water security and subsequently on national and food security, while the issue of using water resources is development top priority in different countries in the world because of the importance of water effect on the security of individuals and society in light of population increase and the fluctuation of water resources and lack of incoming water in addition to the increase of salinity and the decrease of water levels and its fluctuation and its reflect on the agricultural sector and its deterioration, as well as the need of industry of all types to water in light of the expansion of industrial activities that Iraq might experience,  in addition to the importance of using water in power plants , water law prices is considered one of the factors that led to disruption of water security in Iraq where waste and misuse and loosing big quantities of water in terms of not applying economic implications for water use and hence the importance of adopting a comprehensive strategic plan to determine the factors of water deficit problem and taking in consideration the economic vision and the international experience in managing supply and demand on water that can be applied in Iraq, this is why this study focused on the economic implications of integrated water management in accordance to a strategic perspective to limit the crisis of water in Iraq.

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
African Journal Of Hospitality, Tourism And Leisure
Employing marketing information systems for the success of small and medium enterprises: A field study of some Tourism and Travel companies in Baghdad
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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2022
Journal Name
Inorganic Chemistry Communications
Study to molecular insight into the role of aluminum nitride nanotubes on to deliver of 5-Fluorouracil (5FU) drug in smart drug delivery
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The adsorption process of 5-Fluorouracil (5FU) drugs on Aluminum nitride nanotubes surface (AlNNTs) have been evaluated through density functional theory (DFT). The DFT results show that the interaction of AlNNTs with the F atoms of 5FU drugs is strong due to the fact that the amount of adsorption energy was about − 29.65 kcal.mol−1. Conversely, the interaction of the 5FU through O atoms with the AlNNTs was weaker due to the lower value of adsorption energy. Also, based on the values of Gibbs free energy, the 5FU adsorption on the surfaces of AlNNTs was spontaneous. In addition, based on natural bond orbital (NBO) analysis, the direction of charge transfer was from fluorine’s σ orbitals of the drug to nitrogen’s and aluminum’s n*

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 19 2021
Journal Name
Isprs International Journal Of Geo-information
The Potential of LiDAR and UAV-Photogrammetric Data Analysis to Interpret Archaeological Sites: A Case Study of Chun Castle in South-West England
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With the increasing demands to use remote sensing approaches, such as aerial photography, satellite imagery, and LiDAR in archaeological applications, there is still a limited number of studies assessing the differences between remote sensing methods in extracting new archaeological finds. Therefore, this work aims to critically compare two types of fine-scale remotely sensed data: LiDAR and an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) derived Structure from Motion (SfM) photogrammetry. To achieve this, aerial imagery and airborne LiDAR datasets of Chun Castle were acquired, processed, analyzed, and interpreted. Chun Castle is one of the most remarkable ancient sites in Cornwall County (Southwest England) that had not been surveyed and explored

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 01 2012
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Effect of friction stir welding parameters (rotation and transverse) speed on the transient temperature distribution in friction stir welding of AA 7020-t53
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Three-dimensional nonlinear thermal numerical simulations are conducted for the friction stir welding (FSW) of AA 7020-T53. Three welding cases with tool (rotational and travel) speeds of 900rpm-40mm/min, 1400rpm-16mm/min and 1400rpm-40mm/in are analyzed. The objective is to study the variation of transient temperature in a friction stir welded plate of 5mm workpiece thickness. Based on the experimental records of transient temperature at several specific locations during the friction stir welding process for the AA 7020-T53, thermal numerical simulation is developed. The numerical results show that the temperature field in the FSW process is symmetrically distributed with respect to the welding line, increasing travel speed decreasing tran

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Scopus (42)
Publication Date
Sun Jun 02 2019
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Comparative Histological Study of the Stomach in Two Species of Iraqi Vertebrates (Magpie Pica pica L. and Small Asian Mongoose Herpestes javanicus E.)
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          A histological study showed the wall of the stomach in Pica pica and Herpestes javanicus consists of four layers: mucosa, submucosa, muscularis externa and serosa. Also, the present study showed many  differences in the histological structures of the stomach for each in both types. The stomach of P. pica consists of two portions: the proventiculus and gizzard, while the stomach of H. javanicus consists of three portions: cardiac, fundic and pyloric regions. The mucosa layer formed short gastric folds, named plicae. In the proventiculus of P. pica, sulcus is found between each two plicae, but the folds called gastric p

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 13 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
The effect of autologous bone marrow-derived stem cells with estimation of molecular events on tooth socket healing in diabetic rabbits (Immunohistochemical study)
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Background: Healing of a tooth extraction socket is a complex process involving tissue repair and regeneration. It involves chemotaxis of appropriate cells into the wound, Transformation of undifferentiated mesenchymal cells to osteoprogenitor cells, proliferation and differentiation of committed bone forming cells, extracellular matrix synthesis, mineralization of osteoid, maturation and remodeling of bone. These cellular events are precisely controlled and regulated by specific signaling molecules. Some of these like transforming growth factor beta (TGF-?), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), bone morphogenetic proteins (BMP) and insulin like growth factors (IGF) are well conserved proteins involved in the initial response to injur

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 30 2023
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Influence of Vitamin D Deficiency on the Level of Salivary cathelicidin LL-37 in relation to Dental Caries Experience: A Case-Control Study
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Background: Vitamin D improves innate immunity by enhancing the expression of antimicrobial peptides. The antimicrobial action of cathelicidin is widespread and effective against cariogenic bacteria. This research aimed to investigate the effect of vitamin D deficiency on the level of salivary cathelicidin concerning dental caries experience.

Subjects and Methods: A case-control study was carried out, and the sample was composed of 80 females; the study group involved 40 females with a serum vitamin D concentration of less than 10 ng/ml. In addition to the control group involving 40 females wh

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Effect of Non-Pharmacological Pain Management Methods on Reduction the Duration of Labor Stages in Primigravida Women at AL-Elwyia Maternity Teaching Hospital
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Objectives: To evaluate the effect of non-pharmacological pain relief methods on duration of labor stage.Methodology: A quasi-experimental study design was conducted during the period of (4th July 2018 through 24th October 2018) on non-probability of (60) women (30) of them were a control group and (30) were the study group whom admitted to Al-Elwyia Maternity Teaching Hospital suffering from labor pain. A questionnaire was used as a tool of data collection Descriptive& Inferential statistical analyses were used to analyze the data.Result: The highest percentages of study and control groups were in age group (< 20) years old, primary schools graduates, housewife, from "urban area", within low category of socioeconomic scale,

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2020
Journal Name
Technologies And Materials For Renewable Energy, Environment And Sustainability: Tmrees20
Theoretical estimation of the trapping reaction rate for deuteron-deuteron fusion in nickel metal using Bose-Einstein condensates phenomena
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A mathematical model has been introduced to investigate the effect of nuclear reaction constant ( A ), probability of the BEC ground state occupation Ω i, nD is the number density of deuteron (d) and the overall number of nuclei ND on the total nuclear d-d fusion rate (R). Under steady-state of the condensates of Bose-Einstein, the postulate of quantum theory and Bose-Einstein theory were applied to evaluate the total nuclear (d-d) fusion rate trapping in Nickel-metal The total nuclear fusion rate trapping predicts a strong relationship between astrophysical S-factor and masses of Nickel. The reaction rate trapping model was tested on three reaction d(d,p)T, d(d, n)3He and d(d, 4He)Q = 23.8MeV respectively. The reaction rate has described

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 13 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Physical Education
The Effect of Constructive Learning Model on Cognitive Achievement and Learning dribbling Skill in Soccer for Secondary School Students
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The research aimed at identifying the effect of using constructive learning model on academic achievement and learning soccer dribbling Skill in 2nd grade secondary school students. The researcher used the experimental method on (30) secondary school students; 10 selected for pilot study, 20 were divided into two groups. The experimental group followed constructive learning model while the controlling group followed the traditional method. The experimental program lasted for eight weeks with two teaching sessions per week for each group. The data was collected and treated using SPSS to conclude the positive effect of using constructive learning model on developing academic achievement and learning soccer dribbling Skill in 2nd grade seconda

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