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Turkish water projects in the Tigris and Euphrates .. Goals and intentions

Turkey Consider Tigris and Euphrates rivers as a national rivers, and not an a International rivers, so that . It insists on its absolute sovereignty on that resources. The block ( levee ) which Turkey established should not create International problems.

The All International agreements and laws in this sect warrant the rights of all the states that located in river stream to use it without any consider to the regional absolute right.

During the 1980s, Turkey construct water projects, started with GAP, project which is one of the greatest project in the world, in spite of the plane of construct of the keep an levee on the Euphrates was pre of that project. The GAP includes, thirteen main projects, from which. There are seven projects on the Euphrates, and sex projects on the Tigris. In addition, the project includes. Set up twenty-two levee with eighteenth electro water station.

After the GAP, came the ( peace pipes ) which began since the 1986, which is one of the most important subject in the Arabian Turkeys' relations, despite his agricultural and development geodes to the region .

The peace pipes project with provide water to the middle East states , and Gulf states, throw two pipeline, first, ( east line ) with 2700Km, and second  ( east line ) or ( Gulf line ) with 3900Km. But it face may difficult in his way.

The two project : GAP and peace pipes, have many objectives for Turkey, politically, economically, security etc. 

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics (ijp)
Study the Effect of Graphene on the Contact Angle, Water Absorption and Thermal Stability ( TGA ,DSC) for Blend (Epoxy & Repcoat ZR)

In this study, polymeric coating was developed by incorporating nano graphene in the polymer blend with applications to oil storage tanks. The oil storage tanks samples were brought from the oil Pipeline Company / Doura refinery in Baghdad. The coating polymer was formed with a blend (epoxy resin and repcoat ZR). The proportion of mixing the mixture was 3:1:1 epoxy resin 21.06 gm: repcoat ZR 10.53 gm: hardener 10.53 gm. The blend/graphene was prepared using in stui-polymerization method with different weight percentage 1, 3, 5, and 7 wt % added to blend. The resulting solution was put in a glass tube on a magnetic stirrer for one hour at a temperature of 40 °C. The result of contact angle and water absorption the best ratio of 3wt

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Evaluation Among Choices Of Water Quality Improvement By Using Some Of Total Quality Management Tools Applied Research In Baghdad Governorate Water Directorate

  Many managers in geometrical and technical organizations prefer to deal with quantitative values ​​to choose between the available options and choose the best alternative to avoid randomization and bias in decision making. One of them Baghdad Water Department, which seeks to develop the quality of its product (drinking water) and achieve its objectives under increasing growing population and the demand for water, Some of TQM tools, especially the statistical, have this ability because there is chance to use historical data and experiment of employees in Application . Two statistical tools were applied: the nominal group technique, matrix data analysis technique as well as the brainstorming tool to search for the best o

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 30 2012
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Polyvinyl Alcohol – Sodium Nitrite Water Soluble Composite as a Corrosion Inhibitor for Mild Steel in Simulated Cooling Water

The inhibitive action of polyvinyl alcohol –sodium nitrite (PVASN) composite on the corrosion of mild steel in simulated cooling water (SCW) has been investigated by weight loss and potentiodynamic polarization. The effect of composite concentration (PVA/SN) , pH, and exposure time on corrosion rate of mild steel were verified using 2 levels factorial design and surface response analysis through weight loss approach, while the electrochemical measurements were used to study the behavior of mild steel in (SCW) with pH between 6 and 8 and in absence and presence of (PVA) in solution containing different concentration of NaNO2. It was verified that all three main variables studied were statistically significant while their interaction is

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Agricultural Sciences, 2018, 49(2), Pp. 179–187
Estimation of some genetic parameters for grain yield and its components of maize under watered and water stress

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Of Agricultural And Statistical Sciences

Two field experiments were carried out for cultivating yellow maize crop Zea mays L. during the autumn planting season 2019 in two sites with soils of different textures. The first site is a loamy texture in one of the fields of the Medhatia Agriculture Division, Babylon Governorate. The second was silty loam by an alluvial mixture in one of the fields of Al-Nouriah Research Station, Ministry of Agriculture located in Al-Nouriah sub-district, Al-Qadisiyah governorate. It was found through the results that the uniformity, efficiency, and adequacy of the irrigation efficiency of the sprinkler irrigation method is better than that of the sprinkler irrigation method, and it ranged between (88.6-88.7) for uniformity and (84-86)% of the irrigatio

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 28 2022
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The protest movements in Sudan and their role in the political and social transformation

This study investigates the factors that led to the outbreak of protest movements in Sudan, since Sudan’s independence in 1956 until December 2018. The study aims to identify the role of protests in bringing about political and social transformations in Sudan, besides identifying the factors that help in the success or failure of the governments that resulted from those protests, with special emphasis on the challenges of the government of the 2018 revolution. The main results of the study reveal that the December 2018 protests are the largest in term of numbers, and witness huge participation of youth and women, and the slogans raised were national and comprehensive. However, the challenges that the transitional government is going th

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Water Quality Assessment and Total Dissolved Solids Prediction using Artificial Neural Network in Al-Hawizeh Marsh South of Iraq

The Iraqi marshes are considered the most extensive wetland ecosystem in the Middle East and are located in the middle and lower basin of the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers which create a wetlands network and comprise some shallow freshwater lakes that seasonally swamped floodplains. Al-Hawizeh marsh is a major marsh located east of Tigris River south of Iraq. This study aims to assess water quality through water quality index (WQI) and predict Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) concentrations in Al-Hawizeh marsh based on artificial neural network (ANN). Results showed that the WQI was more than 300 for years 2013 and 2014 (Water is unsuitable for drinking) and decreased within the range 200-300 in years 2015 and 2016 (Very poor water). The develope

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Seasonal variation and modeling of disinfection by-products (DBPs) in drinking water distribution systems of Wassit Province Southeast Iraq

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 05 2016
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Determination of Water-Soluble Vitamins in Iraqi Honey Bee and Compare with Others Types by High –Performance Liquid Chromatography

High-performance liquid chromatographic methods are used for the determination of water-soluble vitamins with UV-Vis. Detector. A reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatographic has been developed for determination of water-soluble vitamins. Identification of compounds was achieved by comparing their retention times and UV spectra with those of standards solution. Separation was performed on a C18 column, using an isocratic 30% (v/v) acetonitril in dionozed water as mobile phase at pH 3.5 and flow rate 1.0m/min. The method provides low detection and quantification limits, good linearity in a large concentration interval and good precision. The detection limits ranged from 0.01 to 0.025µg/ml. The accuracy of the method was

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Crossref (4)
Publication Date
Fri Feb 14 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Basic Microbiology
Isolation and characterization of lytic vibriophage against <i>Vibrio cholerae</i> O1 from environmental water samples in Kelantan, Malaysia

Water samples from a variety of sources in Kelantan, Malaysia (lakes, ponds, rivers, ditches, fish farms, and sewage) were screened for the presence of bacteriophages infecting Vibrio cholerae. Ten strains of V. cholerae that appeared to be free of inducible prophages were used as the host strains. Eleven bacteriophage isolates were obtained by plaque assay, three of which were lytic and further characterized. The morphologies of the three lytic phages were similar with each having an icosahedral head (ca. 50–60 nm in diameter), a neck, and a sheathed tail (ca. 90–100 nm in length) characteristic of the family Myoviridae.

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