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Dynamic Equilibrium of Marketing and Its Role in Achieving Excellence Performance Experimental research on a number of Iraqi private banks
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          Purpose  :This study seeks to provide the point of view stands on the marketing performance of the banks in the context of Dynamic Equilibrium  of marketing. It aims to develop a prototype of measuring marketing performance under the umbrella of marketing dynamic prototype, embodied of the strategic alliance and competition, and the  laws and legislation, and to explore any of the dimensions more effective in achieving performance.  This study aims to discusses the importance of the Dynamic Equilibrium  of marketing and it role in achieving the marketing performance under Dynamic Equilibrium  of marketing and its impact on the Iraqi banking sector.

Design/Methodology/Approach: The experimental method has been used, the questionnaire used to collect the data in order to develop a trustworthy prototype measurement and correct for the changes of the Dynamic Equilibrium  of marketing and customer relationship management With the dimensions of marketing performance, the hypotheses were tested through the use of some statistical treatments.   

Findings: The study of the sample found that marketing performance is effected directly in the dynamics of the industry, and the intensity of competition, and the uncertain environment  that includes (degree of predictability in the business environment), a model measuring variables Dynamic Equilibrium  of Marketing has been developing (alliances strategy, competition, legislation/ laws) with marketing performance variables (focus on the customer, focus on the competitors), moreover, the results support the hypothesis influence and correlation between the surveyed  variables.

Practical Implications: This study provides useful measurement of marketing balance, it helps the managers to use to assess the current situation in the capabilities of the banks performance. Managers may improve their marketing performance programs more effectively and efficiently through their strategic orientation towards competition and alliance.

Originality/ Value : This study undertakes help service providers in banking sector to deal with the challenge imbedded in increase the marketing performance and achieve the dynamic marketing balance, and how to influence the marketing balance dimensions in achieve the marketing performance. 


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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
تقويم كفاءة أداء الاستثمارات بحث تطبيقي في شركتي التأمين الوطنية والتأمين العراقية
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This study attempts to highlights on the evaluation of performance efficiency for Investments in both National & Iraqi Insurance companies for the years 2001-2010 and their importance on those companies and the economy of the country in order to find  out the investment areas and to compare between investment activity and its revenues as well as to compare performance of both companies in investment field.

The study was based on annual reports and balance sheets of both companies. In many chapters, this study dealt with theoretical and practical aspects of the investments and its revenues. Key hypothesis was based on this study, including four parts of Sub hypotheses about (statistical effective relationship between the

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 31 2021
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
A Study of Some of the Indicators of Noise Pollution in Certain Residential Districts in Fallujah City
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     The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of noise exposure in certain residential districts in Fallujah city. Twenty-nine stations were selected and divided into two groups; the first group was located 50 to 100 metres from the main streets (quiet areas), whilst the second was located directly on the main streets. Noise levels were measured at a rate of three readings per station for different time periods for approximately sixty days in the year 2020. Mean values were taken in both the morning and evening using a portable sound level meter (Auto range, RS-232). The highest noise level was measured at Alforkan station for the morning reading (83.8 dB) within the second group, while the lowest noise level

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 31 2023
Journal Name
Oncology And Radiotherapy
The Effect of Green Low Laser (LLL) on the white blood cells on platelet on people on brain and prostate cancer
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The effect of Low-Level Laser (LLL) provided by green semiconductor laser with an emission wavelength of 532 nm on of human blood of people with brain and prostate cancer has been investigated. The effect of LLL on white blood cell (WBC), NEUT, LYMPH and MONO have been considered. Platelet count (PLT) has also been considered in this work. 2 ml of blood sample were irradiating by a green laser of the dose of 4.8 J/cm2. The results suggest a potential effect of LLL on WBC, PLT, NEUT, LYMPH, and MONO of people with brain and prostate cancer Key words: white blood cell , platelet , low-level laser therapy

Publication Date
Thu Feb 01 2018
Journal Name
European Journal Of Internal Medicine
On the use of substandard medicines in hematology: An emerging concern in the Middle East and North Africa region
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Publication Date
Fri Nov 24 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
The Influence of Kaolinite and pH on Permeability in the Zubair Reservoir in the North Rumaila Oilfield, Southern Iraq
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This research involves the study of permeability declination as a result of kaolinite due to the changing in pH in the Zubair reservoir (Lower Cretaceous) during the secondary production by water injection method. Four wells and six core samples within the North Rumaila field are studied, Minerals have been diagnosed by XRD and this specific site of clay minerals was diagnosed within the core samples by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The core samples are also studied petrogrphically using the polarizing microscope and found that they mainly consist of quartz, while the predominant clay is kaolinite. The effect of pH on the values of permeability was examined through a series of laboratory experiments, as it has been tested in the ca

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 06 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of Waste Water Bacteria and some chemical properties on drinking Water in AL-Mada,in Treatment Plan Station
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Three stations were chosen on the water treatment plan of al- madaan .The Samples collected from the (Raw water) and the Sedimentation, filtration and storage water and the drinking water of outlet. Coliform densities T.S and F.C and TS and F.S and total bacterial count as bacteriological pollution indicators, as moste probable number (MPN) method was studied in test. Also some of the chemical characteristics of the water like pH , total suspended solid T.S.S, T.D.D.and S04 , T.Hardness , Ca++ , Mg++ . From the results it were indicated . The study showed the drinking water of outlet (distriputed in system) was agree with WHO criteria and Iraqi limits standards .

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 19 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Antibacterial effect of cardamom and black tea aqueous extract on mutans streptococci in comparison to chlorhexidine (in vitro study)
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Background: Antimicrobial agents have been considered as having potential for the prevention of dental caries. This study aimed to test the effect of different concentrations of cardamom and black tea extracts on the sensitivity and growth of salivary mutans streptococci in comparison to chlorhexidine gluconate (0.2%) in vitro. Materials and methods: In this study. Mutans streptococci were isolated from saliva of 34 healthy people (aged between 22-40yrs). The bacteria was isolated, purifiedand diagnosed according to morphologicalcharacteristic and biochemical tests. Aqueous extracts of cardamom and black tea were prepared. Different concentrations of extracts were prepared and estimated in gm/ 100ml deionized water. The agar diffusion techn

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of King Saud University - Engineering Sciences
Impact of long-term depletion on horizontal wellbore stability in tight reservoirs-including changes in petrophysical and geomechanical properties
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Publication Date
Sat Apr 29 2023
Journal Name
Research Journal Of Pharmacy And Technology
Effect of Omega 7 on Some Parameters Related to WBCs and RBCs in Methotrexate-induce Blood Toxicity in Mice
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Background: Although methotrexate (MTX) is a frequently used chemotherapy drug, its effectiveness is sometimes hampered by the drug's toxic consequences. Omega 7 is a monounsaturated fatty acid, with different anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetic anti-obesity applications, and its possible protective effects against MTX-induced blood toxicity were investigated in this study. Objective: Evaluation of possible protective effects of omega7 against MTX-induced blood toxicity. Methods: 30 mice were divided into five groups, the First group take liquid paraffin orallyfor 7 days for served as negative control and the second group take methotrexate (20mg/kg) intraperitoneallyto serve as a positive control,the third group takes omega 7 (100mg/kg

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Position of the United States from Britain in the discussions of British Evacuation from Egypt (1946-1952)
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Many reasons combined behind the Standing of U.S. against Britain in its aggression against Egypt in 1956; the consensus of world opinion on the need to stop the aggression and the fear of the Soviet military intervention which mean a new world war.
United States desired to weaken British influences in the region in general to get new oil gains in the Arabian Gulf and Egypt at the expense of Britain. The exiting of Britain from the area served U.S. strategic interests in the Middle East in general and Egypt in particular to keep the flow of oil for U.S advantage.
The United States wanted to keep its image in the region to apply its future political projects including Eisenhower Project, which intended to take the position of Britis

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