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Efficiency of Human Resources Information System and Its Impact on The Level Effectiveness of Employees Performance Appraisal System / Practical Research on Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research
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The research aims to determine the role of the efficiency of Human Resources Information System in the effectiveness of Employees Performance Appraisal System in the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research / Center for the ministry, it was touching the researchers need the ministry to devise methods that employ outputs Human Resources Information System in the organization surveyed for the development of methods and levels of process evaluate the performance of its employees, in order to identify the extent of the role played by human resources information system in the process of assessing the performance of employees, we raised the question of the President as follows:

(To what extent the efficiency of human resources information system? What is the impact on the level of effective staff performance appraisal system?) .

May be the research community of academics and administrators owners of managerial positions within the level of middle management personnel in the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research /

Center for the ministry, as it has been selected sample of intentional included all heads of sections in the departments of the Ministry numbered (42), head, and the response rate (100 %). And used the questionnaire as an essential tool in the collection of data and information, and data analysis program was used (SPSS), showed results that the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research employs systems, human resources information in making decisions on personnel matters, and pay attention to the quality of HR information system, but that the ministry does not employ Human Resources Information System in the process of evaluating the performance of employees, but by a few, and which fails to inform the workers on the results of evaluation of their performance, indicating a defect in the evaluation system used in the ministry, as well as having the effect of the Human Resources Information System in the level of effectiveness of the system of evaluating the performance of employees hit by the impact (83%), as well as to the existence of relations of association between the performance appraisal system and all employees of the (accuracy of the information, and the quality of human resources information system, and the use of human resources information system) ratio (55%). And left the Find a set of recommendations based on the conclusions reached by including the need to give the ministry more attention systems of information and rely on the outputs in the process of evaluating the performance of employees, to gain practical accuracy and objectivity in the evaluation results, in addition to the development of performance criteria used in assessing the performance so as to be able to Measuring the performance of employees and does not lead to the intervention of personal factors. and the need for a feedback system follows the performance appraisal process, which can be employed to identify the results of their assessment and to identify weaknesses and avoid them as well as identify the strengths and strengthened.

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
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Irak Türk ağızları Azeri Türkçesinin bir uzantısı olarak değerlendirilir.Kerkük Türkçesiyle yazılan edebi ürünler, Irak Türkçesinin tamamını ifade etmek üzere kullanılmaktadır. Zamanın Eli divanı Kerkük Türkçesile yazılan bir eserdir. Bu yüzden bu divanı seçtik ve Irak Türkmen Türkçesi , Osmanlı Türkçesi ve Türkiye Türkçesi dilleri arasında  karşılaştırmalı bir inceleme yaptık.

Bu araştırma, Irak Türkmen şairlerinden birisi  sayılan  Es’at Naib’in  şiirleri üzerinde uygulamalı bir çalışmadanoluşmaktadır. Bu çalışmada adı geçen şairin “Zamanın Eli” Divanından bazışiirlerini önce yeni Türkçeye çevirdik vedaha sonra isim ç

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 26 2018
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
University youth attitudes towards mobile phone Companies advertisements in Social networking sites): :(Facebook as sample
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The advertising has emerged as an effective force and an effective instrument upon with all organizations and companies depend on achieving their goals. In additional to the need to use promote sales, The nature and objective of advertising go beyond the scope of specific personal communication to a broader and more effective range for consumers from multiple groups and combination play need to use as well as the need to use means of communication than com convey the message more professional, The coincides with the rapid and remarkable development of all different media technologies and as much as possible social networking sites including mobile phone companies. The advertising has emerged as an effective force and an effective instrum

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 01 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
إيجاد الحل المقبول (الممكن) والأمثل لأنموذج البرمجة الخطية في ظل عدم تحقق شرطّي الإمكانية والأمثلية
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تعد البرمجة الخطية عاملاً مؤثراً وفعالاً في عملية صنع و إتخاذ القرار عندما تكون الموارد متاحة أو متوفرة لكي تعطي أهدافاً معينة ، وتكمن البرمجة الخطية في حل وتقييم الانشطة أو الفعاليات عند تطبيق إحدى أدواتها وهي الطريقة المبسطة العامة ، التي يكون فيها الحل مقبولاً (ممكناً) ويجب التوصل الى الحل الامثل عندها تسمى بالطريقة المبسطة الاولية أو يكون الحل فيها أمثلاً ويجب التوصل الى الحل الم

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 18 2023
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
التعايش السلمي في الاسلام بين التنظير والتطبيق عهد الامام علي (عليه السلام) للاشتر النخعي / انموذجا
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     Peaceful coexistence is not seen as a new topic of secretions of modern civilization, a requirement to solve the problems of our era or one of the indications of urgent immediate needs, rather, tolerance is considered basis for building a state. Therefore, we can touch on the principles and basics of tolerance in the Holy Qur’an, the speeches of the Messenger (may God bless him and grant him peace) and his hadiths, and the principle of brotherhood that he established

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Publication Date
Sat Nov 10 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
(دور الوعي البيئي لدى الأسرة العراقية في التخلص من النفايات الصلبة) (مدينة الرمادي – حي العزيزية)
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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
تقويم طرائق التدريس والتقنيات التربوية والأختبارات التحصيلية لدى أعضاء الهيئة التدريسية في جامعتي بغداد والنهرين
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أن أزدياد أعداد الطلبة في معظم دول العالم ، والتوسع في التعليم العالي ، أدى الى أستيعاب أعداد كبيرة في المؤسسات التعليمية من حملة الشهادات العليا الماجستير خاصة والدكتوراه ، وأن برامج الدراسات العليا وضعت لأعداد باحثين مختصين في مجالات عدة منها التدريس وما يتطلبه من مهارات مختلفة ، فأن قسماً منهم ليست لديه المعرفة النظرية والتطبيق العملي والمهارات اللازمة لأستخدام طرائق التدريس والتقنيات التربوية أث

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 26 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
اتجاهات تطوير أنشطة الرقابة الداخلية لتلبية متطلبات لجنة التدقيق: دراسة تطبيقية في مصرف اشور الدولي
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The audit committee has received considerable attention from international institutions and researchers as a result of financial failures and the collapse of major international companies, especially cases of manipulation and misinformation in the financial statements, due to the role played by one of the mechanisms of control of economic entities to increase disclosure and credibility of information published, In overseeing the preparation of financial reports, following up the internal auditing functions, supporting the external auditor and enhancing his independence, and strengthening the shareholders' confidence in the economic entity. The two researchers prepared the applied side of the research by applying a proposed model based on

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
تصـمـيم ومــحـاكاة سلسلة التجـهـيز الالكترونية دراسـة حـالة في الـشـركة الـعـامـة للـصـناعـات الـصـوفية – مـعـمل 1 أيـار
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Supply Chain Management (SCM) attempts to a create a synchronization of the firm’s processes and those of the supplier to match the flow of materials, services, and information with the customer demand. Due to its importance, the SCM has become inevitable to modern companies. Therefore this research work has been conducted to set a theoretical and applied basis to assist the 1 AYAR factory in adopting the Electronic Supply Chain (e-SC).  To accomplish that the searchers applied many tools such as: quantitative and qualitative analysis, process analysis, Visual Basic software, Monte Carlo Simulation to simulation the designed supply chain to compare its performance against the actual performance of the current supply chain

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2011
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
السياسة الروسية في الشرق الاوسط الكبير او (فن اقامة علاقات الصداقة مع كل دول العالم )
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السياسة الروسية في الشرق الاوسط الكبير او (فن اقامة علاقات الصداقة مع كل دول العالم)

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
استعمال أنموذج (Altman) للإفلاس دالة لقياس الأداء دراسة تطبيقية في بعض الشركات المساهمة الخاصة العراقية
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Performance measures are a central component of management control system, making good planning and control decisions requires information about how different subunits of organizations have performed. To be effective, performance measures (both financial and nonfinancial) must also motivate managers and employees at all levels of organization to strive to achieve organization goals.

To give aclear picture about performance must be used compound measure, that was best than single measure.

Altman model can be used as a compound performance measure that measures the performance by tied a sum of variables, due to make weight for every variable to reach for performance.


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