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Value engineering and process re-engineering and their role in reducing costs
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تسعى المحاسبة الى مسايرة القفزات الهائلة والمتسارعة في تطور العلوم الصرفة والتطبيقية والتقدم التكنولوجي، والتي ادت على ظهور مفاهيم جديدة الغت مسلمات وبديهيات كانت سائدة لمدة طويلة، فعلى سبيل المثال: كان مخزون المواد الاولية والبضاعة التامة في المؤسسات الصناعية او التجارية يشكل العمود الفقري لها بتكاليفه ومشاكله، حتى اذا ما جاء نظام (JIT) الغى بتطبيقاته هذه المفاهيم واعتمد مفهوماً جديداً هو (الانتاج من اليد الى الفم)، وان مفاهيم الكلفة والتسعير تخلخلت وتقادمت بظهور فلسفة سوق المنافسة الحرة والعولمة، واصبح الزبون هو القاسم المشترك والاساس لنجاح كل المؤسسات او فشلها فإذا لم يرض الزبون بمنتج ما بسبب تغير اذواقه او ميله الاستهلاكي فلا فائدة من انتاج البضاعة حتى لو كانت بأساليب مثالية. وقد كان للتطورات التكنولوجية اثر كبير في السلع والمنتجات فظهور منتجات جديدة في السوق يؤدي الى تزايد الطلب على سلعة معينة، وتخفيض الطلب على سلعة اخرى. ولذلك فقد ظهرت مسألة خطيرة في هذا المجال وهي الاندثار بالتقادم او ما يسمى بالاندثار التقني. فالقفزة النوعية تتمثل في ان هذا الاندثار يؤدي الى صرف مبالغ هائلة في موضوع البحث والتطوير لغرض تصميم منتجات جديدة تساير اذواق المستهلكين، اذ اصبحت السلع تتقادم شهرياً او خلال مدد قصيرة.

ان الاساليب الادارية الحديثة دائماً تسعى للحاق بعجلة التقدم العلمي، فأوجدت نظريات ومفاهيم تتلاءم مع هذا التطور وكان لزاماًَ على المحاسبة- وخاصة محاسبة التكاليف والمحاسبة الادارية- تأطير هذه النظريات بما يخدم اهدافها.

ومن هنا جاءت مفاهيم هندسة القيمة وإعادة هندسة العمليات بوصفها احد ابرز الاساليب الادارية والتقنية الحديثة الملائمة لمواكبة التقدم العلمي والتغيرات في بيئة الاعمال لتحقيق الهدف الرئيس الذي تسعى اليه المؤسسات اليوم وهو تلبية متطلبات ورغبات الزبون من خلال تحقيق هدفي: تخفيض كلفة المنتج وتحسين قيمته لنيل رضاه، وهو المقياس الأساس لنجاح المؤسسات، ولذلك فإن هذا البحث يسعى الى بيان اهمية ودور الاسلوبين موضوعي البحث في تحقيق عوامل النجاح الأساسية للمنافسة حيث تعد هندسة القيمة اسلوباً مختلفاً في معالجتها للتكاليف المرتفعة للمنتج بتركيزها على تجزئة المنتج على وظائف ومكونات، ودراستها وتحليلها. اما أسلوب إعادة هندسة العمليات فركز على حاجة المنشآت الى تغيير عملياتها وانشطتها.

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of concurrent engineering in cost optimization
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     The research aims to study and analysis of concurrent engineering (CE) and cost optimization (CO), and the use of concurrent engineering inputs to outputs to improve the cost, and the statement of the role of concurrent engineering in improving the quality of the product, and achieve savings in the design and manufacturing time and assembly and reduce costs, as well as employing some models to determine how much the savings in time, including the model (Lexmark) model (Pert) to determine the savings in design time for manufacturing and assembly time.

To achieve the search objectives, the General Company for Electrical and Electronic Industries \ Refrigerated Engine

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Achieving Educational Service Quality by applying international standard (ISO21001:2018) case study / university of technology – electromechanical engineering department – energy branch
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The research examines the mechanism of application of )ISO 21001: 2018( in the Energy Branch- Electromechanical Engineering at the University of Technology to achieve the quality of the educational service to prepare the branch to obtain the certificate of conformity with the requirements of) ISO 21001: 2018(, the necessary data were collected Depending on the (CHEKLIST) of (ISO 21001: 2018), field interviews and records of the concerned department, The researchers reached a number of results, the most prominent of which was the adoption of high quality leadership leaders and their willingness to implement the standard requirements, The university has a basic structure that qualifies it to implement the international standard, as

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Sun May 21 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Namibian Studies : History Politics Culture
The role of cleaner production costs to reducing failure costs
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Economic units can benefit from the cleaner production strategy, which aims to reduce the environmental impact of economic activities while improving efficiency and profitability. Accordingly, the aim of the research was to clarify the knowledge foundations of cleaner production costs and to indicate their role in reducing the costs of poor quality (the costs of failure). A set of conclusions has been reached, the most important of which is that cleaner production has achieved a reduction in the costs of external failure, represented by the costs of guarantee, by an amount of 12,339,000 dinars. Contributes to reducing the costs of failure, and based on the conclusions, a set of recommendations were presented, the most important of w

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Tue Mar 30 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Employing the indicators of stereotypes and the dimensions of organizational clarity and their role in achieving the planned organizational behavior Analytical study on a sample of workers in some departments of the Faculties of Engineering, University of
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The current research examines the employment of indicators of stereotypes and the dimensions of organizational clarification to achieve planned organizational behaviour on a sample of employees in a number of departments of the Faculties of Engineering, University of Kufa, for a sample of (122) teaching staff. This research proposes the use of positive indicators of stereotypes for both the organization and employees and their awareness of what they want to obtain and what should be done for both parties and the removal of organizational clarity represented by the functional dimension that explores to what degree the employee's understanding of the internal strategy of the organization and the strategic dimension that searches fo

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of competitive intelligence and reverse engineering to achieve competitive advantage
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In light of the great technological development and the emergence of globalization has increased global competition, where it became competitive exercise pressure on all sectors. In light of this companies mast enviorment depend on the means that keeps them on the competitive position through access to information about competitors in order to help them to draw a strategy that will achieve a competitive edge either through excellence or reduce the costs of their products and this means intelligence competitive and reverse engineering that help to gain information on competitors analyze and put of the decision-maker From this point formed the idea of ​​research in the statement of the role of

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
International Journal Of Research In Social Sciences & Humanities
The effect of the green value chain in reducing environmental failure costs
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The research aims to apply the activities of the green value chain as one of the modern administrative techniques that economic units resort to develop solutions to the pollution problems that occur due to the activity of economic units and their products that may cause damage to the environment as well as the waste of natural resources and to identify the production of environmentally friendly products and reduce the costs of environmental failure of both types Internal and external that may be borne by economic units such as taxes, fines and compensation due to nonobservance of environmental requirements and the preservation of human health and protection of the environment. To achieve the goal of the research, the researchers rel

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2009
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Automatic Optimization System of Cutting Condition for Different Types of Machining Processes
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This research aims at calculating the optimum cutting condition for various types of machining methods, assisted by computers, (the computer program in this research is designed to solve linear programs; the program is written in v. basic language). The program obtains the results automatically, this occur through entering the preliminary information about the work piece and the operating condition, the program makes the calculation actually by solving a group of experimental relations, depending on the type of machining method (turning, milling, drilling). The program was transferred to package and group of windows to facilitate the use; it will automatically print the initial input and optimal solution, and thus reduce the effort and t

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 10 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Namibian Studies : History Politics Culture
The Costs of Environmental Failure and The Impact of The Green Value Chain in Reducing Them
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The research aims to apply the activities of the green value chain as one of the modern administrative techniques that economic units resort to develop solutions to the pollution problems that occur due to the activity of economic units and their products that may cause damage to the environment as well as the waste of natural resources and to identify the production of environmentally friendly products and reduce the costs of environmental failure of both types Internal and external that may be borne by economic units such as taxes, fines and compensation due to non- observance of environmental requirements and the preservation of human health and protection of the environment.To achieve the goal of the research, the researchers re

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Investigate IPD Factors' Effect on Value Engineering for the Communication Sector in Iraq
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Integrated project delivery is collaboratively applying the skills and knowledge of all participants to optimize the project's results, increase owner value, decrease waste, and maximize efficiency during the design, fabrication, and construction processes. This study aims to determine IPD criteria positively impacting value engineering. To do this, the study has considered 9 main criteria according to PMP classification that already covers all project phases and 183 sub-criteria obtained from theoretical study and expert interviews (fieldwork). In this study, the SPSS (V26) program was used to analyze the main criteria and sub-criteria priorities from top to bottom according to their values of the Relative Importance In

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Tue Nov 09 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Adopting the green value chain to achieve sustainable competitive advantage: study to views of a sample from Ur General Company for Engineering Industries in Dhi Qar
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       In light of the developments and intense competition that the world has witnessed, the need to search for a sustainable and continuous competitive advantage for economic units has emerged, as the economic units must not lose sight of their interest in the activities they perform to achieve that advantage, and it can be said that the goal of the research is to identify the theoretical dimensions of the green value chain represented by: (Green research and development, green design, green manufacturing, green marketing, green services) and the dimensions of the sustainable competitive advantage represented by (quality, creativity, innovation, cost, response to the customer), as well as identifyi

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