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Effect of Financial Performance of Jordanian Islamic Banks In the Amman Stock Exchange for the period (1990-2008)
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The last four decades have witnessed a number of rapid and successive international changes in terms of future impacts and orientations. International economy has transformed into a competitive small village due to the information technology revolution and the liberation processes and the economic openness that the market witnesses, there became one market and the activists in this international market are not governments only but rather international organizations and huge multinational corporations where each spares no effort to take every opportunity and face challenges within the frame of  removing all impediments and release transactions under the auspices of  these global developments, the idea of creating Islamic banks was accelerated  for this topic is regarded a new subject within the financial and banking sciences. Albeit the challenges that impede the Islamic financial transactions are immense, these organizations managed to anchor its bases and build a steadfast base as regards international financial transactions. Islamic banks became a reality in the world of international financial life after they nosed their way in banking domains quite remote from their Islamic bases and mechanisms. These banks have also managed to score tangible successes through offering a group of very distinguished financing formulae far from the rule of usury and debts on which the traditional  banking systems rely.

The significance of this study lies in assessing  Islamic banks as holding a very important position in the Islamic world for it can be considered as a theoretical frame and a scientific subject in the financial and banking science by means of  expanding the area of treatments and the transformation from the theoretical to the applied aspect. The significance of the study emanates also from showing the impact of Islamic banks through their financial performance in the indexes of the financial markets and then getting to know the scope of their influence the international financial markets exchange in a sample of countries. The problem of the study is represented in the fact that though four decades have passed since Islamic banks were established  and the huge amounts of money invested, the impact of these banks on the international markets exchange has not been tested because there is an uncertainty characteristic of  the relationship between these banks and the international markets exchange which is ascribable to the fact that these banks do not deal in the same financial instruments that abide by the interest principle on which the markets exchange is based.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Impact of supervisory control requirements on the financial performance of Islamic banks in Iraq: Case Study: Islamic Cooperation Bank for Investment and Development for the years (2015-2018)
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Given the importance that the Iraqi banking system in general and Islamic banks in particular, there must be effective supervisory oversight of these banks, as supervisory oversight has an essential and effective role in the development and evaluation of the performance of banks, through the application of legal controls and rules. Banking aimed at making sure that its financial centers are safe, protecting depositors' funds, and achieving both monetary and economic stability. This research studied and evaluates the mechanisms and tools used by the Central Bank of Iraq in the supervision and supervision of these banks. Therefore, the research aimed to measure the type and direction of the relationship between the requirements of supervis

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Effect of Development International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) in Quality of Accounting Information for sample of banks listed on the Iraq Stock Exchange
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The bodies responsible for the organization of accounting in the world seek to keep abreast of repaid development, by provide the information required by users, which they need to make efficient decision that return them to the desired benefits, and avoid the risks they could face if they made their decision based on misleading information, or insufficient, or not accurate, Hence, the IASB has undertaken to review the standards, and make the necessary adjustment and clarifications to remove the ambiguities that some of the paragraphs may have in IFRS issued.

And the Iraqi Central Bank obliges banks to convert from local accounting standards to apply IFRS only a step towards keeping pace with developments

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Publication Date
Sun May 02 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Application of banking institutions' governance variables and their impact on financial performance as measured by (ROA & ROE): an applied study on a sample of local Islamic banks listed on the Iraq Stock Exchange
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The research seeks to achieve its goal of demonstrating the impact of applying banking governance variables on the financial performance of Islamic banks, and the independent research variables are represented by (X) by (the number of independent members in the board (X1), the number of directors in the board (X2), the number of committees emanating from the board ( X3), the percentage of shares owned by major shareholders in the board (X4), the number of members of the Sharia supervisory board (X5)), and the dependent variable (Y) is represented by (rate of return on assets (Y1), rate of return on equity (Y2)).

The research sample included (4) Islamic banks, namely (Iraqi Islamic Bank, National Islamic Bank, Jihan Islamic Bank,

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 19 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The role of Islamic banks to attract savings to funding banking activities in Iraq For period (2008-2012)
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Islamic banks are a financial institution that is interested in attracting financial savings from financial entities and directing them towards those with financial deficits, both for consumption purposes or for investment purposes. It provides banking services provided by commercial banks and other services But based on the principles and principles of Islamic law, and because of its recent emergence in Iraq, its ability to attract savings is not like non-Islamic commercial banks, which puts them in the option of using their capital to achieve its objective of banking. The research started from the premise that "Islamic banks in Iraq during the period (2008-2012) rely on their capital to perform their activities more than they rely on d

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The effect of financial reporting quality on the dividend policies of companies listed in the Iraqi Stock Exchange
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Financial Reporting Quality (FRQ) is one of the important topics in the financial management, it has the impact on the users decisions, it also effect on many other variables i.e dividend, therefore. This paper aims to provide a diameter of Financial Reporting Quality (FRQ) level for the companies listed on the Iraqi Stock Exchange. It also tries to show the FRQ effects on the dividend policy. The study sample was 13 listed companies in the Iraqi Stock Exchange for the period from 2007 to 2011. Kothari et al. 2005 model has been used to measure the FRQ, on the other hand the common stock share of the dividend was used to measure the dividend.

   Many conclusions have been driven by the research

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Impact of the Application of Corporate Governance On the Financial Performance Evaluation in Banks: Applied Study- Sample of the Conventional and Islamic Banks in the Kingdom of Bahrain
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 The aim of this research is to identify the extent to which the Conventional and Islamic banks are committed to implement the requirements of the corporate governance in its financial reports. In addition to its commitment to transparency and clarity in dealing with the shareholders and stockholders to protect their interests and to determine the impact of the commitment of the corporate governance on assessing the financial performance of the conventional and Islamic banks that participate in Bahrain Stock Exchange.

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The impact of the independence of the auditor to practice accounting conservatism Applied research in the financial sector companies listed on the Iraq Stock Exchange
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The study aims to verify the independence of auditors working in companies and offices of the Iraqi audit, and measure the level of accounting conservatism in the financial statements of banks and insurance companies listed on the Iraq Stock Exchange, as well as a statement after the independence of the auditor on accounting conservatism in the financial statements of banks and insurance companies listed on the market Iraq Stock Exchange, as it has been measuring the independence of the auditor using the survey form was auditors working in the Iraqi audit firms were measured the level of accounting conservatism for companies sample using a form( Basu) was a statement after variables through the use of statistical models in a mann

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Cognitive Bias and Organizational Inertia are Two Functions of Strategic Change An Experimental Study in Amman Stock Market
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The research aims at considering the reality of cognitive bias and organizational inertia as determinants of strategic change in a sample of companies listed in Amman Stock Market. To achieve objectives of the research, a model consisting of two independent variables has been designed, namely:

(1) The cognitive bias resulting from (escalating commitment, analogy, previous assumptions, representative generalization, command and control, convergent thinking), and (2) Organizational inertia due to (Icarus discrepancy, power distribution, rooted organizational culture), and a dependent variable, strategic change in (leadership patterns, strategy, the organization per se). 

From the model two main hypotheses were derived;

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The ISLAMIC Banks and its ability to exceed The world Finanical Crisis 2008 (Islamic Dubi Bank)
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The Recent days witness an in creasing importanc of Islamic Banks which stems from the wide spread in Islamic and non-Islamic countries,Especially in USA and European countries.the consideration in Islamic Banks came after the financial crisis in 2008.Islamic Banks work with conventional banks in most countries,that is,the formers may face the same risks which face the latters,that represent the larger percent of the International Banking system.the problms that may affect Islamic Banks related to many causes,some related to the working in common economic environment.others related to the possibility of simulation to the method of investment and financing in conventional Banks,this mean,the work with principles not compling with

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Productive role in the financial performance of the banking: An Empirical Study in a sample of Iraqi banks
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Abstract :

The research aims to study the basic concepts of banking productivity and discuss different approaches to study what ends to identify the most important possible standards applied to measured within the Iraqi banking environment as well as research into the causes of low and high Iraqi banking productivity and identify possible treatments to curb those reasons as to ensure the rise. And in line with the research problem, which states what is the level of productivity and what are the causes of decline and the rise in private banking research sample individually. And what the Iraqi private banks and what is the relationship between performance and the impact of productivity change in the perform

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