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Using Target Costing in Implementation Confrontational Strategy Applied study in General Company for Electronic Industries

This research has come out with that strategies made by Porter as generally strategies applicable to any size and type of economic units cannot be applied to many of the economic units in the world in generally and in Iraq especially not a lot of economic units have the resources and competencies that enable them to provide a unique product of its kind in the minds of customers and then adopt a differentiation strategy  and not a lot of economic units have the resources and competencies that make them the cost leader. Differentiators and cost leaders are minority in the world while not differentiators and not cost leaders are majority in the world.

The economic units are not differentiators and not cost leaders should adopt a strategy of confrontation and compete with each other through the characteristics of the three main product, or the so-called survival triplet a cost, quality and functionality grappling competitors through the trilogy is one of the possible economic unity to survive and continue to successfully in the industry. The research also concluded that the target costing is cost effective tool that will enable economic units have access to cost, quality and functionality offered by the competitors and then to achieve competition in the trilogy to survive and finally applying confrontation strategy.

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 09 2002
Journal Name
Journal Of Pharmaceutical Negative Results¦ Volume
Antibacterial Improvement of Disease-Protective Face Masks Using Gold Nanoparticles

In this work, the antibacterial effectiveness of face masks made from polypropylene, against Candida albicans and Pseudomonas aeruginosa pathogenic was improved by soaking in gold nanoparticles suspension prepared by a one-step precipitation method. The fabricated nanoparticles at different concentrations were characterized by UV-visible absorption and showed a broad surface Plasmon band at around 520 nm. The FE-SEM images showed the polypropylene fibres highly attached with the spherical AuNPs of diameters around 25 nm over the surfaces of the soaked fibres. The Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) of pure and treated face masks in AuNPs conform to the characteristics bands for the polypropylene bands. There are some differences

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 01 2018
Journal Name
Nuclear Physics A
Determine the 134–140Nd isotopes identity using IBM and NEF

TThe property of 134−140Neodymium nuclei have been studied in framework Interacting Boson Model (IBM) and a new method called New Empirical Formula (NEF). The energy positive parity bands of 134−140Nd have been calculated using (IBM) and (NEF) while the negative parity bands of 134−140Nd have been calculated using (NEF) only. The E-GOS curve as a function of the spin (I) has been drawn to determine the property of the positive parity yrast band. The parameters of the best fit to the measured data are determined. The reduced transition probabilities of these nuclei was calculated. The critical point has been determined for 140Nd isotope. The potential energy surfaces (PESs) to the IBM Hamiltonian have been obtained using the intrin

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Publication Date
Sat May 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
The Prediction of COVID 19 Disease Using Feature Selection Techniques
Abstract<p>COVID 19 has spread rapidly around the world due to the lack of a suitable vaccine; therefore the early prediction of those infected with this virus is extremely important attempting to control it by quarantining the infected people and giving them possible medical attention to limit its spread. This work suggests a model for predicting the COVID 19 virus using feature selection techniques. The proposed model consists of three stages which include the preprocessing stage, the features selection stage, and the classification stage. This work uses a data set consists of 8571 records, with forty features for patients from different countries. Two feature selection techniques are used in </p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
International Journal Of Machine Learning And Computing
Facial Emotion Recognition from Videos Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks

Its well known that understanding human facial expressions is a key component in understanding emotions and finds broad applications in the field of human-computer interaction (HCI), has been a long-standing issue. In this paper, we shed light on the utilisation of a deep convolutional neural network (DCNN) for facial emotion recognition from videos using the TensorFlow machine-learning library from Google. This work was applied to ten emotions from the Amsterdam Dynamic Facial Expression Set-Bath Intensity Variations (ADFES-BIV) dataset and tested using two datasets.

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 18 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami

The educational function of television is one of the basic functions in light of the technical development that included the specialized satellite channels in all its fields, including the educational field, as its role became parallel to the role of educational institutions. These studies are among the descriptive studies in terms of the type of study methodology that describes the phenomenon, interprets its and extract the results and relationships between the variables. The study sample was multistage (random and intentional) included the students of the sixth academic and literary preparatory stage in the city of Baghdad.
The study problem was summarized by the following main question:
( What are the motives for the exposure of

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Publication Date
Wed May 16 2018
Journal Name
Route Educational And Social Science Journal I
Graphing skills of Chemistry students at Ibn Al-Haytham Education college of pure sciences in Baghdad

The aim of this research is to investigate the skills of the chemistry students from the Ibn Al-Haytham Education college of pure sciences in Baghdad in understanding and constructing graphical representations of data. The research sample consisted of (101) male and female students in their fourth year of study during the 2016-2017 academic year. This sample represents 71% of the total number of students in this group.The research methodology used consisted of two parts relating to 19 issues. The first part is an objective multi choice type of test to measure the student’s skill in selecting the right representation of specific subject graph amongst many provided. The second part concentrated on measuring the student’s skill in construc

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 30 2019
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Imam Ahmed bin Mohammed bin Yazid                Bin Harun Abu Bakr Alkhalal             And his jurisprudence in transactions

The message of our Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) was the most complete of the messages, and the conclusion of the messages and completed by the mercy of this nation. Al-Khalal al-Baghdadi al-Hanbali (may Allaah have mercy on him) was a scholar who updated his writings. And The Nha Brhnha and became an independent and arranged doctrine Such a world of Galilee Hambali must show his character and his knowledge and its impact on the Islamic arena.

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 15 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The role of Hajjaj bin Yusuf Al - Thaqafi in the linguistic reform of the Holy Quran

During his tenure in Iraq, al-Hadjjaj bin Yusif undertook administrative and economic reforms as well as linguistic reform.

The efforts exerted by Abu al-Aswad al-Dawali to control the reading of the Holy Quran were not sufficient, so the melody and error continued and became more pronounced, especially since the letters were written until then without any distinguishing features.

Al- Hadjjaj bin Yusuf realized the seriousness of the continuation of these errors and what he talked with the days of the causes of division and disagreement between the Muslim community ordered his book to put these suspicious characters marks was at the head of the book Nasr bin Asim and Yehi bin Muammar

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 15 2021
Journal Name
Semiotics of Visual Composition in Iraqi Contemporary Theatrical Show: اسيل ليث احمد-عبد الرحمن داخل احمد

The theatrical field has witnessed a huge development that included the semantic and formal sides, considering that the theatrical experience has gone through a long period of description and the dominance of literature and linguistics, thus the theatrical experience has been open to many workings and uses of high quality in forming and composing the visual system. The semiotics had a role in presenting transformed sign forms and features generated in the theatrical space. Thus (costumes, décor, makeup, lighting, and actor) are considered elements with sign forms and attributes that together constitute integrated semiotic unit that include all the layouts in the scenographic space. The two researchers determined on semiotics due to its

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Comparison of some robust methods in the presence of problems of multicollinearity and high leverage points


The multiple linear regression model of the important regression models used in the analysis for different fields of science Such as business, economics, medicine and social sciences high in data has undesirable effects on analysis results . The multicollinearity is a major problem in multiple linear regression. In its simplest state, it leads to the departure of the model parameter that is capable of its scientific properties, Also there is an important problem in regression analysis is the presence of high leverage points in the data have undesirable effects on the results of the analysis , In this research , we present some of

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