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Using Target Costing in Implementation Confrontational Strategy Applied study in General Company for Electronic Industries
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This research has come out with that strategies made by Porter as generally strategies applicable to any size and type of economic units cannot be applied to many of the economic units in the world in generally and in Iraq especially not a lot of economic units have the resources and competencies that enable them to provide a unique product of its kind in the minds of customers and then adopt a differentiation strategy  and not a lot of economic units have the resources and competencies that make them the cost leader. Differentiators and cost leaders are minority in the world while not differentiators and not cost leaders are majority in the world.

The economic units are not differentiators and not cost leaders should adopt a strategy of confrontation and compete with each other through the characteristics of the three main product, or the so-called survival triplet a cost, quality and functionality grappling competitors through the trilogy is one of the possible economic unity to survive and continue to successfully in the industry. The research also concluded that the target costing is cost effective tool that will enable economic units have access to cost, quality and functionality offered by the competitors and then to achieve competition in the trilogy to survive and finally applying confrontation strategy.

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 04 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
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Concentrations of heavy metals (Copper Cu, Iron Fe, Manganese Mn, Cadmium Cd, and Lead Pb) have been studied in river crab Sesarma boulengeri (Outer part of the shield and interior tissues) which caught from two stations in Shatt Al – Arab river (Salhia and Aldeir areas). Elements concentrations were measured by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer, concentration of heavy metals in the internal tissues was higher than in the outer shield in both of the stations with the highest value of the elements was to iron 95.21 mg\ kg during the spring as well as copper was 55 mg\kg and manganese was 39.09 mg\kg. The study showed the presence of seasonal changes in the studied heavy metals concentrations values in the tissues of river crab;

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 02 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
The Effect of Thyroxine Treatment in Infertile Subclinical Hypothyroid Patients
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Background: Sub-clinical hypothyroidism (SCTD) is most commonly an early stage of hypothyroidism. Although the condition may resolve or remain unchanged, within a few years in some patients, overt hypothyroidism may develop, with low free T4 levels as well as a raised thyroid stimulating hormone(TSH) level. In general thyroid dysfunction is a condition known to reduce the likelihood of pregnancy and to adversely affect pregnancy outcome. As screening for thyroid disease becomes more common, SCTD is being diagnosed more frequently in clinical practice. The aim of the study is to find out the effect of treating SCTD with thyroxin on the fertility status of the female patient.
Patients and methods: Forty thr

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 20 2018
Journal Name
Calendar curriculum material history of civilization in the design department
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The curriculum is considered one of the most important corners for the educational process, it participates in achieving the educational equilibrium between its elements.

The curriculum of (History of the Art) in the college of Art Education / dept. of plastic art education and ceramic as the other curriculums and due to the subject of history of the art develop the knowledge, taste and experiment for art studier also this subject has a direct relation with practical educational activities like colors and growth the knowledge of the student in field of contents and symbols and evidences of meaning in old , medium and contemporary arts, due to the fact that this curriculum has been applied since long time more than four years, and

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Renaissance des Briefromans Oder Der Alltag in Krisen-und Wendezeiten
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In der Nachwendezeit erschienen im deutschen Buchmarkt zahlreiche Werke deutscher Autoren, die einen Trend oder Tendenz markieren können. Im Mittelpunkt der vorliegenden Arbeit steht die Analyse der Struktur und des Inhalts von drei erst nach der Wende erschienen Briefromanen: Alles, alles Liebe (2000) von Barbara Honigmann (geb. 1949), Die Liebenden (2002) von Gerhard Henschel (Jahrgang 1962) und Neue Leben (2005) des im Jahre 1962 geborenen Ingo Schulze. Dieser Beitrag macht sich zur Aufgabe zu erklären, ob der Briefroman ein neuer Trend in der deutschen Literatur nach der Wende ist.


In the after( Wende) period a large collection of literary works for  German writers has been p

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
Bacterial profile of urinary tract infections in Diabetic postmenopausal women
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Background: Urinary tract infection (UTI) is the most common bacterial infection in women in general and in postmenopausal women in particular. Bacteriuria occurs more often in elderly functionally impaired women but in general many of it are asymptomatic.However the risk factors associated with recurrent UTI in elderly women are not widely described.Bacteuria in elderly women is associated with high mortality rates ,however many of thus bacteriuria are asymptomatic (Assel et al.,2009).The belief that diabetes ,a common metabolic disorder is associated with ahigher risk of UTI is widespread,diabetes result in several abnormalities of the host defense system that might result in a higher risk of certain infection.
Patient and Method: T

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 28 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Contents of Campaign Advertisements “Take the Vaccine . to Protect Yourself” to Raise Awareness about Vaccines Against صthe Covid-19 Virus (Analytical Study of the Ministry of Health Facebook Page)
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        This paper aims to identify the contents of the advertisements of the (Take the Vaccine .. to Protect Yourself) campaign that was carried out by the Iraqi Ministry of Health for the period from (11/19/2020) to (4/1/2022), to raise awareness of the anti-Covid 19 virus vaccines, which it published on its official page on Facebook. The researcher used a comprehensive inventory method for the research community, and used the content analysis tool.                                                                             

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 19 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Economic Sciences University
تأثير إستراتيجيات ادارة اللاتأكد في إستراتيجيات التغيير المنظمي دراسة مقارنة في شركتي زين واسيا سيل للاتصالات
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The research aims to diagnose the level of reflection of uncertainty management strategies (Ignoring uncertainty, knowledge generation , interaction , coping) managing of Organizational change strategies (power coercive, rational empirical, Normative reductive) to the importance of the two subjects and the importance of the expected results has been selected sample size (65) managers from Zain , Asia Cell Telecommunication (32 Zain and 33 company Asia),which alignment for the such a study being heavily dependent on the certainty or uncertainty subject . The researchers are attain there is the effect of uncertainty management strategies in Organizational change management strategies on the overall level in the two companies but have tended t

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 06 2020
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
النص القرآني في فكر توشيهيكو إيزوتسو (Toshihiko Izutsu) دراسة من خلال كتابه (الله والإنسان في القرآن)
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The researcher wanted in this research to shed light on one of the epistemological readings of the Quranic text, which is the reading of the Arabized Japanese researcher (Toshihiko Izutsu) in his book (God and Man in the Qur’an) and to explain what he has and what is on it.        

The summary of the facts in which he came out is that the knowledge reading of Toshihiko towards the Qur’anic text is old in concept. The oldest people have dealt with it in their works and what their pens have learned about, except that they have eaten and studied them under many headings such as: proportionality, consistency, systems and the like in terms, and the researcher has sought thro

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Analysis the Relationship between the Standards of Credit Assessment and Non-Performing Loans at the Gulf Commercial Bank
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This paper aims to identify the approaches used in assessment the credit applications by Iraqi banks, as well as which approach is most used. It also attempted to link these approaches with reduction of credit default and banks’ efficiency particularly for the Gulf Commercial Bank. The paper found that the Gulf Bank widely relies on the method of Judgment Approach for assessment the credit applications in order to select the best of them with low risk of default. In addition, the paper found that the method of Judgment Approach was very important for the Gulf Bank and it driven in reduction the ratio of credit default as percentage of total credit. However, it is important to say that the adoption of statistical approaches for

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 29 2019
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
دراسة منهجية للوفيات في كتاب (التاريخ الباهر في الدولة الأتابكية بالموصل) لأبن الأثير (ت 630هـ -1232م)
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للدراسات التاريخية أهميتها ولاسيما دراسة المؤلفات الذي يعطينا صورة كاملة عن تطور الواقع التاريخي للمرحلة التي عاصرها المؤلف وتكتب دراسة الشخصيات العلمية طابعاً خاصاً ومهم يدفعنا إلى التعريف بالمؤرخ ومنهجه في الكتاب والموارد التي استقى معلوماتهِ منها . 

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