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Training Programs And Their Impact On The Quality Of municipal Services /Field Research In The Municipality Of Baghdad

     The objective of this research is to measure the training programs and identify the nature and then measure how it reflected on the quality of municipal services provided by the municipal departments investigated by measuring the quality of services based on quality standards, the researcher chose four municipal departments in the Rusafa / Baghdad (164 people) representing the directors and their assistants, officials of the municipal departments, the people and the engineering staff in charge of the task forces as well, including the survey of the views of the concerned persons in the management of the Vocational Training Institute in the Secretariat of the Republic, The quality of the municipal services was measured through the dimensions of reliability, responsiveness, reliability, empathy, and motivation. They represent the paragraphs of the questionnaire. Prepared for this purpose. The data was collected through the questionnaire as well as the personal interviews of the stakeholders. The actual data obtained through the field experience and the personal and practical experience of the researcher. In addition to the questionnaire opinion (11) paragraph issued to citizens within the boycotted municipalities of the four surveyed, and for the purpose of data analysis and access to the results was used statistical software ready package (19- Ver-Spss) use ALL range of statistical methods descriptive, and research found a set of conclusions of the most important , That there is an important role played by training programs in achieving the quality of municipal services, through the benefits of these programs reflected positively on the quality of services is to increase motivation and also increase the skills of individuals and their ability to perform their functions better. There is also a significant correlation between the research variables. The results indicate that there is a significant correlation between the training programs in the quality of the municipal services. Based on the findings of the research results of the research, a number of recommendations were made. The human element is the most important components of the production elements, and this comes through the adoption of effective plans and programs for development, especially the engineers and technicians to provide them with knowledge and experience and change behavior towards achieving high quality service.

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 24 2015
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Market Research And Consumer Protection
The Impact of External Environment Factors on the Quality of Educational Services (An Empirical Study): The Impact of External Environment Factors on the Quality of Educational Services (An Empirical Study)

This research aims to identify the role of external environment factors on the quality of educational services, from the academic point of view, where the distribution of a questionnaire to a random sample of (100) university professors, and then analyzing a model, and test the validity of this model using structural modeling (SEM) (Structural Equation Modeling).
And then test the relationships between variables using the software of Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS V.18), the research found a number of conclusions, the most important conclusion is: the external environment factors has significant impact on the quality of educational services.

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Constructing Quality House To Improve Health Services – an applied research in Educational Baghdad Hospital

     Quality function deployment tool is trying to improve health services through this study that will be applied in health sector environment , and be based on applying quality function deployment tool (QFD) TO preferable evaluation of main patients requirements in order to determine the technical requirements that need most attention across improving and developing health services .                

   Main requirements are determined to patients lying in the hospital (under research) which is (educational Baghdad \ medicine city office) in Baghdad, and other technical requirements through pers

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Suggested Model for auditing the performance of municipal institutions to verify the services provided

The services provided by the municipal institutions of the basic things needed by the man in his daily life and the evolution of cities basically depends on these services and therefore has paid most of the world's attention to this vital facility and give him the biggest concern for the welfare of the citizens, as is the research problem that there is no program scrutiny to evaluate the performance of municipal institutions contribute to measuring the efficiency and effectiveness of the services provided and was based on research on the premise that the preparation of the existence of audit program to evaluate the performance of municipal institutions contribute to measuring the efficiency and effectiveness of services provided has reac

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 24 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Impact of service quality on University services Demand: Applied research at private Dijlah University

One of the most important problems that would continuously face the Higher  education  organizations is how to  improve the service level  presented by them, and how this can lead to increase demand for services of this organizations.As this issue has exhausted many organizations pushed some of them to withdraw from the market Because of weaknesses in their services. Here lies the importance of this matter to be given more attention in order to maintain the organization competitive position. According to that, The selection of the research title (The Impact of Quality on the Level of the University Service Request) which seeks to measure the impact of service quality on the level of demand, At a time when  world&

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of the Organizational Service Orientation practices and its Impact in inhancing the employees performance (A Fiald Research in Baghdad Municipality)


Recently, there is a widespread attention about the service at the level of each of the research and academic studies, and at the organizational level as well. The subject of orientation towards the service aspect is starting to be of this attention being of the modern subjects, relatively, which appeared at the end of the last century, as well as the link of this subject with the relationship between the organization and its customers, and how to provide high quality services to get their satisfaction. Thus, the specialists from researchers were interested in this field to develop an appropriate scale to measure the organizational orientation toward service, and it was the most prominen

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Measuring the cost of consulting services under the traditional cost approach and the performance-based costing technique and its impact on achieving profits : Applied research in the advisory office of Al-Khwarizmi College of Engineering - University of Baghdad


                    This research aims to apply the Performance Focused Activity Based Costing System in the consultant office of Al-Khwarizmi College of Engineering at the University of Technology for the purpose of measuring the cost of consulting services provided by these offices in order to reduce costs and their reflection in achieving profits. For the purpose of calculating costs accurately, and to test the hypothesis of the research, the research was applied in the office of the consultant of the College of Engineering Al-Khwarizm - University of Baghdad through the financial statement

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of the effectiveness of self-managed teams in improving the quality of services / an applied study in Ramadi municipality

This research aims to identify the effective role of self-managed teams in the quality of service performance in the directorate of Ramadi municipality. The problematic nature of our research involves this main question of the effective role of self-managed teams in the Municipality of Ramadi in improving the services of performance quality to the beneficiaries from the Directorate service. The importance of this study lies in the role played by the work teams in the organizations that excel in their field, the attendant of the changes in the leadership, administrative roles of the institutions, and teams leaders, will be achieved by the self-managed teams in improving the quality of the service provided by the institution to whi

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 03 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The impact of tax techniques on the quality of services provided to income taxpayers: An exploratory study in a sample of the branches of the General Tax Authority / Baghdad Governorate

The research aims to demonstrate the impact of tax techniques on the quality of services provided to income taxpayers by studying the correlational and influencing relationships between the exploited variable (tax techniques) and the dependent variable (the quality of services provided to income taxpayers), and in line with the research objectives, the main hypothesis of the research was formulated (there is a relationship Significance between tax techniques and the quality of services provided to income taxpayers) a number of sub-hypotheses emerged from this hypothesis that were stated in the research methodology, and a number of conclusions were reached, the most important of which were (through the use of the correlation coeff

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 28 2025
Journal Name
Adab Al Rafidayn
Measuring the quality of office services using (LibQUAL + ®): the central library of the University of Baghdad as a model

Libraries, information centers, and everything related to organizing and preparing information need to be periodically re-evaluated in order to stand on the level of quality, which means improving the general reality of these institutions to ensure sufficient satisfaction from beneficiaries of the services provided. This is what was worked on in this research, as one of the most important quality standards in libraries and information centers, LibQUAL+®, was applied in one of the most important and oldest central university libraries, namely the Central Library of the University of Baghdad at its two locations, Al-Jadriya and Al-Waziriya. The sample of beneficiaries to whom the questionnaire was distributed reached 75 beneficiaries distrib

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Role Of Succession Planning In Human Capital Development In Organizations ( the Field of the research at the Oil Training Institute – Baghdad


  To identify the importance of the role of succession planning in developing human capital in organizations in light of the accelerating and dynamic events and changes in the work environment, and the research problem indicated the seriousness of employees retiring or leaving their positions for any reason and the extent of its impact on the organization in creating gaps in leadership and problems In managing the talent injection because there will be a shortage of talent, which in turn will affect the general performance of the business in the researched institute, so the importance of research appears in trying to present a set of solutions through which some of the problems facing the organization in quest

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