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Integrating the role of internal and external audit to ensure the success of the assessment methodSelf-General Authority of Taxation
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تتعامل الجهات الضريبية في مختلف دول العالم بأساليب عديدة لجباية الضرائب من المكلفين بغض النظر عن فئات وأصناف هؤلاء المكلفين،وفي العراق تم اعتماد العديد من الأساليب لجباية الضرائب على امتداد المدد الزمنية المتعاقبة،وكان لأسلوب التقدير الذاتي وهو أحد تلك الأساليب مجالاً للتطبيق خلال مدة زمنية معينة،حيث جرى تطبيق هذا الأسلوب على وحدات اقتصادية معينة، وبالرغم من المساوئ التي قد ترافق تطبيق هذا الأسلوب فإن له مزايا عديدة تجعله يصلح للتطبيق بعد نشر الوعي الضريبي بأهمية وفوائد هذا الأسلوب، والتوعية بدعم الجهات المساندة للتشجيع على تطبيقه ومن هذه الجهات نقابة المحاسبين والمدققين وديوان الرقابة المالية

ومكاتب التدقيق و....الخ.

وللتدقيق مجال مهم في إنجاح تطبيق أسلوب التقدير الذاتي من قبل الهيئة العامة للضرائب، سواء أكان التدقيق داخلياً أم خارجياً، فالمدقق الداخلي له الدور المهم في إعطاء صورة حقيقية لواقع المكلفين الذين يقدمون إقراراتهم الضريبية وتوضيحها وتبريرها أمام إداراتهم الضريبية.

وكذا الحال بالنسبة للمدقق الخارجي فإن تلك الإقرارات لا تُعتَمد من قبل الهيئة إلا بعد المصادقة عليها من قبل المدقق الخارجي أي مراقب الحسابات، وهذا ما يجعل المسؤولية تضامنية بين المكلف والهيئآت الضريبية والمدققين.

ولأجل توضيح ما لهذا الأسلوب من أهمية في تحديد الوعاء الضريبي للمكلف ،وما للجهود التي يبذلها المدققون في إنجاح هذا الأسلوب،كان لا بد من إبراز ذلك في ستة محاور، تضمن الأول المنهجية الخاصة بالبحث،أما المحور الثاني فيوضح أسلوب التقدير الذاتي، والثالث جاء بالدور الذي يؤديه التدقيق الداخلي في إنجاح هذا الأسلوب، أما الرابع فبين دور التدقيق الخارجي في إنجاح هذا الأسلوب، في حين إن المحور الخامس يوضح الجانب العملي للبحث حيث يبين أهمية هذا الأسلوب من خلال تكامل جهود المدققين في إنجاح تطبيقه في الهيئة العامة للضرائب،وجاء المحور السادس بالاستنتاجات والتوصيات الخاصة بالبحث.



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Publication Date
Sat Feb 22 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The impact of time management on the performance of the functional business: Survey study at Al Salam General Company for Communications and Information Technology
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The aim of the research is to know the level of time management application and its impact on the performance of the job, a survey search in the general company for communication and information technology and provide recommendations that help employees to optimize the use of time and improve performance, which is an important element in controlling the various functions of the company. In order to achieve the objectives of the research, the questionnaire was based on two main variables and distributed to a random sample of (44) employees in the company out of (308) employees, thus the proportion of the sample (14%). After collecting the samples from the sample, there are (6) incomplete forms that have been retri

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
استخدام ادوات التحليل المالي كمؤشرات لتحديد واحتساب ضريبة الدخل: دراسة تطبيقية في الهيئة العامة للضرائب
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A financial analysis tool such as financial rations concentrates on explanation of financial statement and using them in the evaluation of company profiles and fixing taxable profits, by analyzing final calculation, explaining their results and studying relationships between a group of financial lists 'elements in a specific period and the trend of their relationships in percentage from so, financial analysis is considered on important instrument for tax analytical test procedures through studying and evaluating financial data in order to get proper information which is needed to make sure of credibility and reliability of statements submitted by the taxpayer and the satisfaction of the tax analyzer in the credibility of these statements

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 17 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
he jurisdiction of the state consultative council and its role in protecting the public rights and freedoms
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The State Legislative Council practices its Judgement specialization through issuing the judicial decisions in combats that present to it and the judicial commissions take charge of this mission inside the council and they are the High Administrative Court, the Administrative Judgement Court and the Employees Judgement Court.

Where the High Administrative Court specializes in presented appeals against the decisions of the Administrative Judgement Court and Employees Judgement Court whereas the Administrative Judgement Court in the validity of the administrative decisions issued by the employees and the general commissions whereas  the Employees Judgement Court specializes in the employees appeals against the decisions of bre

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of Open Budget in achieving of the transparency and responsibility and Reflect it on the administrative and financial corruption
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The open budget means everyone in the society can get information about the government budget in order to watch the governmental works. The aim of the research is to study the concepts of open budget, its advantage, limitations, role of supporting the transparency and questioning the administrative and financial corruption. Thus reflects positively on the national economy by providing governmental information to all users whether they are individuals or belong to the political class, or any other governmental or nongovernmental organizations which are interested in these information.

In order to achieve the objectives of the research aims, we make questionnaire to see aca

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 25 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Perjury of the constitutional oath by the President and members of the legislative authority - Comment on the decision of the Federal Supreme Court No. (9 / Federal / 2023) on 11/14/2023
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اصدرت المحكمة الاتحادية العليا قرارها بالعدد (9/اتحادية/2023) في 14/11/2023 والمتضمن الحكم بانهاء عضوية النائب ( ل.م.ح.د) وعضوية رئيس مجلس النواب (م.ر.ح) اعتباراً من تاريخ صدور الحكم في 14/11/2023 في قضية تتخلص وقائعها قيام النائب ( ل.م.ح.د) باقامة دعوى ضد رئيس مجلس النواب (اضافة لوظيفته ) حول قيام الاخير باستخدام طلب للاستقالة قدم من قبله بتاريخ 7/5/2022 اثناء الدورة النيابية الرابعه تحت الضغط والاكراه لاسباب سياسية ، ولم يتخذ رئ

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Underwriting policy and its impact on the productivity of the life insurance portfolio: Analytical study in the "Iraqi General Insurance Company
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The research aims to study the basic concepts of the underwriting policy with its various indicators. The researcher studies the underwriting policy with its various indicators (sex, health status, age of the insured, insurance amount, The method of acceptance, payment method, and duration of insurance) where each of these indicators constitute an important factor in the productivity of life insurance policies, where the productivity of life insurance policies face many difficulties because insurance is a service and not a tangible material commodity and its benefits and not current. Therefore, the life insurance company needs to use a prudent underwriting policy so as not to endanger its financial position due to the expansion of the un

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Publication Date
Wed Apr 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
The role of tax treatment in promoting foreign investment
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The tax system in Iraq plays a prominent role in the process of attracting foreign investments to operate the money in the investment market of our country, through the incentives provided by the legal texts that stimulate foreign investors and pay to contract, and those incentives are the tax exemptions and tax obtained by the foreign investor, The Iraqi turned to that issue in the Iraqi investment law currently in force and amended, but we will try to shed light in this study on the extent of those incentives compared to what is granted by the comparative legislation? Is it enough that the legal texts brought by the Iraqi legislator to encourage foreign investor and reassurance of his money through investment in commercial projects wit

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Role of Egyptian Workers in World War II
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The Egyptian labor movement is the oldest trade union movement in the Arab region. Beside, the labor movement in any society is, in fact, only a reflection of the extent of awareness of that class in that society. Such a comparison is based on the degree of social growth the working class has reached. Moreover, the Egyptian working class was characterized by modernity in its inception compared to other social forces and classes. In addition, its development is linked to the level of industrial development of the country. The peasants and craftsmen were the mainstay of production in the Egyptian society over several centuries. The labor union movement also represents the human aspect of the labor force when it encounters and interacts wit

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 27 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
The Role Of Architectural Legacy In Achieving Architectural Sustainability
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Sustainability is a concept embodied in traditional architecture around the world since ancient times through spontaneous experimental compatibility with the environment and efficient exploitation of the natural resources of the environment according to a rapid development of trial and error over the years . Architecture was the basic means that man devised to protect him from the harsh conditions of the external environment by exploiting natural energy sources such as the sun, wind, and soil capabilitie, Many of the principles of sustainability overlapped with the social organization and human behavior of the community as it was reflected in the urban production at the level of standards of city planning and urban agglomerations as well

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 30 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of modern manufacturing systems in process Design
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The aim of the research to measure the correlation relationship between modern manufacturing systems and process design and measure the effect by adopting the regression; the research consists of two main variables, which are modern manufacturing systems and process design; it was applied in the production lines of the General Company for Construction Industries, There is a sample of managers, engineers, technicians, administrators, and some workers were selected to fill the special questionnaire with (70) forms which distributed and (65) were approved suitable for use, For data analysis the correlation coefficient was adopted to measure the relationship and regression analysis to find out the effect, Using (SPSS), So the first h

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