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Integrating the role of internal and external audit to ensure the success of the assessment methodSelf-General Authority of Taxation
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تتعامل الجهات الضريبية في مختلف دول العالم بأساليب عديدة لجباية الضرائب من المكلفين بغض النظر عن فئات وأصناف هؤلاء المكلفين،وفي العراق تم اعتماد العديد من الأساليب لجباية الضرائب على امتداد المدد الزمنية المتعاقبة،وكان لأسلوب التقدير الذاتي وهو أحد تلك الأساليب مجالاً للتطبيق خلال مدة زمنية معينة،حيث جرى تطبيق هذا الأسلوب على وحدات اقتصادية معينة، وبالرغم من المساوئ التي قد ترافق تطبيق هذا الأسلوب فإن له مزايا عديدة تجعله يصلح للتطبيق بعد نشر الوعي الضريبي بأهمية وفوائد هذا الأسلوب، والتوعية بدعم الجهات المساندة للتشجيع على تطبيقه ومن هذه الجهات نقابة المحاسبين والمدققين وديوان الرقابة المالية

ومكاتب التدقيق و....الخ.

وللتدقيق مجال مهم في إنجاح تطبيق أسلوب التقدير الذاتي من قبل الهيئة العامة للضرائب، سواء أكان التدقيق داخلياً أم خارجياً، فالمدقق الداخلي له الدور المهم في إعطاء صورة حقيقية لواقع المكلفين الذين يقدمون إقراراتهم الضريبية وتوضيحها وتبريرها أمام إداراتهم الضريبية.

وكذا الحال بالنسبة للمدقق الخارجي فإن تلك الإقرارات لا تُعتَمد من قبل الهيئة إلا بعد المصادقة عليها من قبل المدقق الخارجي أي مراقب الحسابات، وهذا ما يجعل المسؤولية تضامنية بين المكلف والهيئآت الضريبية والمدققين.

ولأجل توضيح ما لهذا الأسلوب من أهمية في تحديد الوعاء الضريبي للمكلف ،وما للجهود التي يبذلها المدققون في إنجاح هذا الأسلوب،كان لا بد من إبراز ذلك في ستة محاور، تضمن الأول المنهجية الخاصة بالبحث،أما المحور الثاني فيوضح أسلوب التقدير الذاتي، والثالث جاء بالدور الذي يؤديه التدقيق الداخلي في إنجاح هذا الأسلوب، أما الرابع فبين دور التدقيق الخارجي في إنجاح هذا الأسلوب، في حين إن المحور الخامس يوضح الجانب العملي للبحث حيث يبين أهمية هذا الأسلوب من خلال تكامل جهود المدققين في إنجاح تطبيقه في الهيئة العامة للضرائب،وجاء المحور السادس بالاستنتاجات والتوصيات الخاصة بالبحث.



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Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2020
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The Chinese Economy and its impact on international trade (Study on the role of the port of Gwadar)
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China's economic policy and its huge capabilities operate according to an expansion strategy, especially in investing foreign projects, as the past ten years have witnessed a major development in the elements of comprehensive strength, especially in the economic field, in 2014 China launched the largest initiative in the world, represented by the Belt and Road Project (BRI), which links nearly 70 countries, through this project, a very important region has emerged, which is (the port of cadres) in Pakistan, as China has headed towards that region and given the highest importance that is in its interest in the first place regardless of the great Pakistani interest, This is consistent with its future aspirations, especially after breaking

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Role of Woman In Improving Society: The Role of Woman In Improving Society
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One of the most prominent historical stage feature that is well- known
nowadays in the world is democracy issue. This issue gives man the right to
reflect his concept and notions . It,s the world of freedom , human right and
liberation of women. This leads to the principle of equality between women
and men which is put in the top of liberty and Improvement lists .
Improvement can be defined as a group of means and ways that is
used to direct human work to improve their level of life economically and
socially .
This study contains three sections, the first presents the social state of
women in pre-history period . And the second section presents the theory of
improvement as an important social ph

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Evaluation suppliers according to the integration of the Quality Function Deployment and the Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process
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The process of evaluating business processes, complex, repetition of procurement processes, need for raw materials and frequency of demand, which makes dealing with suppliers in the evaluation process, making the need for a process intervention in the process. Lighter on the other hand.

Many Iraqi companies suffer from problems related to suppliers, and cases of administrative and financial corruption are often raised regarding this type of contract and from this reality the necessity of researching this problem and trying to develop some solutions to reduce its impact on the companies' work, by using a method that works according to the standards adopted in Evaluation and selection of the supplier in the

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 23 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The use of property sampling reduce of the Audit dangerous of auditor judgmentsApplied Research in Board of supreme Audit: Applied Research in Board of supreme Audit Accounts of the State Company for Cotton industries
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This research aims to clarify the advantages of statistical sampling method and provided the scientific basis of the auditor was able to defend the future of any objection to the validity of his opinion on the financial statements of the restrictions of personal rule as much as possible during the stages of the general Company for Cotton industries.Aresearc An applied study in the Board of supreme Audit  (the accounts of the cotton industry), have been used, a researcher at the theoretical side to achieve the objectives of the research methodology descriptive inference in the collection and analysis of financial statements of the circle (sample) for the financial year (2008). To achieve the objectives of the field study was designed

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 28 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Achieve of Marketing Superiority under the adoption of the concept of internal marketing: Applied Research at National Company for Insurance Company.
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The insurance Sector of important vessels saving that work on the accumulation of capitals which contribute to the financing of economic and social development plans of countries, in order to achieve of marketing superiority in presenting the insurance services it would require insurance companies focus their marketing efforts and increased interest in internal customer to recruitment new customers and keep of current customers, so the research aims to release the impact of the dimensions of the internal marketing of (the company's vision, training and development, incentive and, motivation, internal communication) in the dimensions of the marketing superiority (to keep the customer, service quality, customer satisfaction, customer, valu

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
Journal Name
African Journal Of Hospitality, Tourism And Leisure
Integrating the value chain and balanced scorecard to evaluate the overall performance of a tourism organization
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This study presented an endeavour to integrate the value chain activities with the Balanced Scorecard for a comprehensive evaluation of an organization’s strategic performance. It also demonstrated the connection and the integration of the activities of the value chain with the Balanced Scorecard. The financial measurement was linked with non-financial measurement by integrating these techniques to achieve an appropriate performance that supports all aspects of the organizational performance. Consequently, the research problem in this study emerged, which is due to the concentration of many organizations on the measurement of financial performance. Notably, the latter caused the decline of some organizations from the competitive market. T

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Scopus (9)
Publication Date
Mon Oct 22 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Performance Appraisal of Human Resource Management and Its Effect on Achieving the Organizational Success -A Field Search at the Ministry of Oil-
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The present study addressed "Performance Appraisal of Human Resource Management and Its Effect on Achieving the Organizational Success", for the topics of performance appraisal of human resource management and the organizational success gained an increasing interest being relatively important and modern topics which had a great effect on the future of organizations.

The study aimed at revealing the pattern of appraising the performance of human resource management for the study sample, and whether it was qualified to lead the ministry towards the organizational success, for this purpose two main hypotheses were formulated: 1) there is a positive significant correlation between both variables: performanc

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 04 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Impact of Performance Auditing Process Pursuant to the Programs and Policies Guide in improving the health insurance Prosperity: applied research in the Iraqi General Insurance Company
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              The research’s goal lies in demonstrating the impact of the Federal Financial Supervision Endowment through the process of auditing the performance of the entities subject to its audit as to improve the performance of these entities, especially if the performance audit method is one of the newly applied methods that are compatible with the standards issued by the International Organization of Financial Supervision and Accounting Institutions which is the method of auditing performance according to the performance evaluation guide for programs and policies issued by the Federal Office of Financial Supervision.


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Publication Date
Wed Apr 07 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Legal basis of the innkeeper obligation to ensure the physical safety of the guest in Iraqi and Egyptian law: A comparative study with the French and English laws
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The legal basis for the obligation of the innkeeper to ensure the safety of things does not pose any problem, because the comparative legislation was organized by explicit legal texts, but the problem arises with regard to the legal basis of the innkeeper's obligation to ensure the physical safety of the guest, as these legislation lacked explicit provisions about it, and left the organization of the general rules, which Open the door to jurisprudence, where the foundations laid by the jurists, within the scope of civil law, unlike the English legislator, which organized it as a general duty in the landlord law of 1957, and some consumer protection laws implicitly referred to the obligation of the innkeeper To ensure the safety of the bo

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Publication Date
Tue May 16 2023
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Public Rights and Freedoms in the Constitution of the Sultanate of Oman and Ways to Protect Them
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What distinguishes human rights issues is their importance to the international community and their importance to democratic political regimes, because they are the axis of any political regime that seeks to achieve a successful democratic path and a stable state. So, countries that are interested in human rights try to enshrine those rights and freedoms in their constitutions and reinforce their concepts in their laws and legislations. Not to mention its involvement in international conventions and treaties concerned with human rights and freedoms, and this is what the Sultanate of Oman has worked on and confirm in the provisions of its 1996 constitution and its amendments

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