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Integrating the role of internal and external audit to ensure the success of the assessment methodSelf-General Authority of Taxation
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تتعامل الجهات الضريبية في مختلف دول العالم بأساليب عديدة لجباية الضرائب من المكلفين بغض النظر عن فئات وأصناف هؤلاء المكلفين،وفي العراق تم اعتماد العديد من الأساليب لجباية الضرائب على امتداد المدد الزمنية المتعاقبة،وكان لأسلوب التقدير الذاتي وهو أحد تلك الأساليب مجالاً للتطبيق خلال مدة زمنية معينة،حيث جرى تطبيق هذا الأسلوب على وحدات اقتصادية معينة، وبالرغم من المساوئ التي قد ترافق تطبيق هذا الأسلوب فإن له مزايا عديدة تجعله يصلح للتطبيق بعد نشر الوعي الضريبي بأهمية وفوائد هذا الأسلوب، والتوعية بدعم الجهات المساندة للتشجيع على تطبيقه ومن هذه الجهات نقابة المحاسبين والمدققين وديوان الرقابة المالية

ومكاتب التدقيق و....الخ.

وللتدقيق مجال مهم في إنجاح تطبيق أسلوب التقدير الذاتي من قبل الهيئة العامة للضرائب، سواء أكان التدقيق داخلياً أم خارجياً، فالمدقق الداخلي له الدور المهم في إعطاء صورة حقيقية لواقع المكلفين الذين يقدمون إقراراتهم الضريبية وتوضيحها وتبريرها أمام إداراتهم الضريبية.

وكذا الحال بالنسبة للمدقق الخارجي فإن تلك الإقرارات لا تُعتَمد من قبل الهيئة إلا بعد المصادقة عليها من قبل المدقق الخارجي أي مراقب الحسابات، وهذا ما يجعل المسؤولية تضامنية بين المكلف والهيئآت الضريبية والمدققين.

ولأجل توضيح ما لهذا الأسلوب من أهمية في تحديد الوعاء الضريبي للمكلف ،وما للجهود التي يبذلها المدققون في إنجاح هذا الأسلوب،كان لا بد من إبراز ذلك في ستة محاور، تضمن الأول المنهجية الخاصة بالبحث،أما المحور الثاني فيوضح أسلوب التقدير الذاتي، والثالث جاء بالدور الذي يؤديه التدقيق الداخلي في إنجاح هذا الأسلوب، أما الرابع فبين دور التدقيق الخارجي في إنجاح هذا الأسلوب، في حين إن المحور الخامس يوضح الجانب العملي للبحث حيث يبين أهمية هذا الأسلوب من خلال تكامل جهود المدققين في إنجاح تطبيقه في الهيئة العامة للضرائب،وجاء المحور السادس بالاستنتاجات والتوصيات الخاصة بالبحث.



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Publication Date
Wed Oct 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Design of Self-Assessment Scale to Accreditation Standards
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The process of self-assessment plays a key role in achieving quality educational institutions (college, department or program academic particular), because the assessment process provides reviews of the effectiveness of the criteria used in the enterprise, especially in the field of teaching and learning, and is result self-assessment providing self-assessment report. The self- assessment can be performed at different levels (college, academic department, Master, Ph.D. program, or courses). The importance of the research focused on to provide a measure of self-assessment helps profile officials in the implementation of the assessment process are clear and precise and fast, and to provide them to measure the availability requireme

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Strategic Command and its role in activating the Organisational performance analytical study of the views of the heads of academic departments at General Authority of groundwater.
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The research aims to identify the strategic leadership and its role in activating the Organisational Performance, which is an analytical study of the views of the heads of scientific departments at General Authority of groundwater researcher's quest focused towards building a theoretical framework suitable for strategic leadership and performance Organisational and itُs dimensions.To achieve the aims of the research is designed to identify the researcher included (35) items to collect the raw data from the research sample consisting of 33 of the heads of departments. Data was collected by questionnaire, field visits, interviews and some official documents to complete the search data. It has also been used a numb

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Fri Oct 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Effect of Brainstorming on audit Quality and its Reflection on Detecting the Risk of Fraud
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Brainstorming is one of the fundamental and necessary concepts for practising the auditing profession, as auditing standards encouraged the implementation of brainstorming sessions to reach reasonable assurance about the validity of the evidence and information obtained by the auditor to detect fraud, as the implementation of brainstorming sessions and the practice of professional suspicion during the audit process lead To increase the quality of auditing and thus raise the financial community's confidence in the auditing profession again after it was exposed to several crises that led to the financial community losing confidence in the auditing profession.

The research aims to explain the effect of brain

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 29 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The role of the auditor in measuring social and environmental performance indicators in light of the implementation of the GRI standards: (Applied research at the Iraqi General Cement Company)
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This study measures the indicators of social and environmental performance of the contents of the administration's prepared reports on its social and environmental performance by comparing the actual performance with the indicators set within the standards of the Global Reports Initiative (GRI), In preparing this research, the researchers relied on studying the criteria of the Global Reporting Initiative, which aims to achieve a high level of performance disclosure under sustainability, In light of contemporary global trends towards achieving sustainable development and its disclosure and the orientations of economic institutions and units in different countries towards emphasizing the extent of commitment during practicing its a

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 27 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Extent of auditors' commitment to the quality control system according to the Iraqi Audit guide / 7 : A field study of a sample of auditors of the second district audit office In the The Federal Financial Supervision Board
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The research aims to achieve a set of objectives, the most important of which is determining the extent to which the auditors of the research sample in the Federal Bureau of Financial Supervision adhere to the requirements of the quality control system according to the Iraqi Audit Manual No. The federal financial / research sample with the quality control system according to the Iraqi audit guide No. 7), and the researcher seeks to test the main research hypothesis and sub-hypotheses, and to achieve this, a questionnaire was designed by (Google Form) and distributed electronically to the elements of the research sample, Through the statistical package program (SPSS), the results of the questionnaire were analysed. In light of the applied

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of the green human resources management practices in a achieving requirements of environmental citizenship- Field research at the General Company for Vegetable Oils.
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The research aims to determine the role of the practices of green human resources management in achieving requirements of environmental citizenship in the workplace, the General Company for Vegetable Oils was chosen for the application of field-side of research which represent one of the important industrial companies in Iraq, which suffers from poor Green human resources management applications, which reflected negatively on the development Environmental citizenship among Employees. The questionnaire use as a tool to collect data and information as well as field presence of the researcher, The research sample included (30) managers of departments and Division ,and through using statistical program (SPSS) the data has been analys

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Fri Apr 12 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Balanced Scorecard (BSC) role And Six Sigma in improving strategic performance A sample study of the members of the General Company for Northern Cement
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Assessing performance efficiency is critical to the management need for oversight, planning, and continuous periodic evaluation of the multiple activities of Northern Cement State Company in order to determine the level of achievement of the objectives set, and to correct the deviations and delays that the evaluation shows and limitation of liability. What cannot be measured cannot be managed. The aim of this research is to highlight the impact of using BSC, financial and non-financial, to give comprehensive and clear picture of the company's performance and to measure the quality of its performance by using six-sigma and the level of deviations in achieving the planned goals. Therefore, four-key hypotheses were formulated for th

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Tue Nov 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Performance evaluation of policies and programs accordance with guide prepared by a dutch court of audit and the board of supreme audit (case study in wasit state company for textile industries)
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preparation process of performance evaluation in organizations is of extreme importance, and under development in organizations and the opening of markets and technological developments in the industry and heightened competition among industrial organizations imposed systems are built for performance give a clear picture about performance and competition,  And centered research problem in answering the following questions: Is performance evaluation system is available in Wasit State Company for Textile Industries(Research sample ), This research aims to assess the performance of policies and programs in the company, according to guide performance evaluation of programs and policies prepared by the Dutch Cou

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Role of Quality Function Deployment in Evaluating The Product Applied Research in General Company For Vegetable Oil Industry- Al-M'amoon Factory
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The Quality  function deployment (QFD)  tool is an important  tool of total quality management because its a link between two important parts customer and production process of the product, using advanced House of quality, which contributed to provide more details about improving the product before it had a vision for the future of the product be improved. Also the identification of the two competitors (Alwazeer , Altouri) bases on the survey of retailers  which they identified five competitors products (Alwazeer , Altouri , Ferry , Jif , Dina)for the product (Zahi). Then House of quality  to product (Zahi) has been developed  By using a Kano Model  to classify of customer's requirements for the

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Role of the Arab oil to the achievement of Economic security in the Arab: The Role of the Arab oil to the achievement of Economic security in the Arab
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This research aims to the importance of oil in achieving economic
security in the Arab. Oil is not an ordinary subject and returns it significance to
the followings:
1. The importance of skipping a source of energy.
2. The importance of oil as raw material for petrochemical industry.
3. The importance of the oil sector as an area of foreign investment
4. The importance of oil in the marketing activities, transport, insurance
and various services
In addition to the importance of oil in general and the Arab oil has
additional strategic advantages such as geographic location, And the
magnitude of reserves and production of heavy investment costs are relatively
simple, And the ability to meet the

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