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Governance work guidance for financial and institutional reform
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There has been increase in banks and financial institutions interest in governance topic, as it focused all it attention on this topic specially after the growing role and massive expansion of the private sector in economic life , this sector become vital and important and basic role in growth and developing countries economy that’s why there been increase interest in governance and its mechanism , using this mechanism ( board of directors mechanism , ownership concentration mechanism , financial compensation mechanism, minimum rate of capital mechanism) who would adjust and guide the path and orientation of banks and financial institutions as to ensure the  achievement of their goals and mission of their desired within the framework of banking legislation governing these mechanisms.

As there been growing attention in governance after the economic collapse and financial crisis a lot of countries faced during the ninety’s decade from the twentieth century, also after the financial and accounting collapses for many of global companies and what followed bankruptcy for many of banks. 

Addition to liberating financial market and globalization and technology progress and what follow from fast changes in the global banking environment, as a lot of banks has faced a lot of fluctuations all that lead banking and financial institutions to put great attention on governance topic for the positive effect on the financial and institutional performance and achieve the growth of society and its development.

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 14 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Foreign Propaganda in the Electronic Press about the Syrian Crisis A Comparative Study of the Sites of Russia Today and Alhurra - A research drawn from a Master Degree thesis
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The research problem lies in the ambiguity of the usage of propaganda contents by two main media outlets (the Russian RT and American Alhurra) in their news coverage of the Syrian crisis through their websites and the methods used by them to convince users taking into account the mutual propaganda conflict between the United States and Russia in the war against Syria. The objectives of the research can be represented by the following: investigating the contents of American and Russian electronic propaganda towards Syrian crisis.
• Identifying the contents that received most of the coverage in the Syrian crisis by the two news outlets.
• Identifying the terms and phrases that have been most used by the websites of RT and Alhurr

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 14 2025
Journal Name
Sciences Journal Of Physical Education
Perceived organizational support and its relationship to the cognitive competence of the Iraqi National Olympic Committee from the point of view of members of the Olympic sports federations in Iraq
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Publication Date
Sun Mar 31 2024
Journal Name
Techhub Journal
The effect of increasing the intensity of specialized endurance training on runners' ability in the advanced 1500-meter run in terms of vital capacity indicators (V.C.) and heart rate (S.V.)
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The 1500m race event is part of the athletics system, and the continuous competition to break records and achieve the highest levels of achievement in athletics events, especially the 1500m race event, is one of the topics that occupies the minds of many people interested in achieving digital development for this event, given the distance of the race and the time it takes to complete it. Because it is unique from other events, it has characteristics that distinguish it from other events, despite it being a middle-distance event, which shares with them that its speed is measured by the step, which consists of the length of the step and its frequency. Increasing any of these two factors while keeping one of them constant or increasing

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
האלמנטים המשותפים בשיריהם של משה בן עזרא ואבו פיראס אלחמדני (מחקר השוואתי) Elements common in the poems of Musa son of Izra and Abu Firas al-Hamdani (A comparative study)
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     Musa son of Yaqoob son of Izra, the Spanish poet, linguist, and  philosopher, was born in Granada. He has many poems representing  types of poetry. Also, he had important books, such as "the Poetry of Israel" and "Contemplative Research". He is knowledgeable in both Hebrew and Arabic, because most of his books were written in Arabic and the then translated to Hebrew. It seemed that he was influenced by Arab poets, specifically Abo Firas, and borrowed many issues, such as comparison, repetition, exaggeration, etc. and included them in his poetry.

     All know that Arabic literature clearly influenced Hebrew literature in the Spanish era. Ara

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The social responsibility to the visual media and its role in spreading the culture of the environment protection / field research to a sample of students of the University of Baghdad
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        This paper deals with social responsibility visible to the media and the role they play in spreading the culture of environmental protection, and make research on a sample of the University of Baghdad consisting students from 150 students, male and female were distributed questionnaire form on the sample to obtain the required information has been questionnaire included axes distributed questions achieve the objectives of the search, and after the form data were analyzed using statistical program spss results show that the visual media and its role in spreading the culture of environmental protection form averages arithmetic high, indicating a rise in the influence of th

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 13 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Comparative Study of The Amount of Apically Extrusion Of Debris During Root Canal Preparation Using Wave Oneâ„¢, Trushape 3Dâ„¢, Hyflexâ„¢ CM and One Shapeâ„¢ Instrumentation Systems (An In Vitro Study)
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Background: Many types of instruments and techniques are used in the instrumentation of the root canal system. These instruments and techniques may extrude debris beyond the apical foramen and may cause post-instrumentation complications. The aim of this study was to evaluate the amount of apically extruded debris resulted by using 4 types of nickel-titanium instruments (WaveOne, TRUShape 3D conforming files, Hyflex CM, and One Shape files) during endodontic instrumentation. Materials and methods: Forty freshly extracted human mandibular second premolar with straight canals and a single apex were collected for this study. All teeth were cut to similar lengths. Pre-weighted glass vials were used as collecting containers. Samples were randoml

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Crossref (3)
Publication Date
Wed May 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
Effect of Sulfur on Characterization of AgInSe<sub>1.8</sub>S<sub>0.2</sub> Thin Film and n-AgInSe<sub>1.8</sub>S<sub>0.2</sub> / p-Si Solar Cell
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Abstract Ternary Silver Indium selenide Sulfur AgInSe1.8S0.2 in pure form and with a 0.2 ratio of Sulfur were fabricated via thermal evaporation under vacuum 3*10-6 torr on glasses substrates with a thickness of (550) nm. These films were investigated to understand their structural, optical, and Hall Characteristics. X-ray diffraction analysis was employed to examine the impact of varying Sulfur ratios on the structural properties. The results revealed that the AgInSe1.8S0.2 thin films in their pure form and with a 0.2 Sulfur ratio, both at room temperature and after annealing at 500 K, exhibited a polycrystalline nature with a tetragonal structure and a predominant orientation along the (112) plane, indicating an enhanced de

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The impact of the integrative role of the Business Intelligence system and Knowledge Conversion Processes in Building a learning organization A field research in Korek telecom company in Baghdad city
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Purpose:  The research aims to explore the impact Business Intelligence System (BIS) and Knowledge Conversion Processes (KCP) in the Building Learning Organization (LO) in KOREK Telecom Company in Baghdad city.

Design/methodology/approach: in order to achieve the objectives of the research has been the development of a questionnaire prepared for this purpose and then has tested the search in the telecommunications sector, representatives of one of the telecommunications companies in Baghdad city, has therefore chosen KOREK Telecom company as a sample for research, and the choice was based on the best standard international companies to serve mobile communications in terms o

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sun Jun 16 2019
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The Exposition of University Youth to Television Advertising and its Reflection on the Development of their Cognitive Abilities A survey of students (College of Media / University of Baghdad) as ample
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This research is aimed at identifying the communicative habits and the impact of the content on the communicative process, especially the youth audience, which is one of the most important categories to which the advertisement is directed, as young people face life with passion and aspiration that make then responsive to all the influences used by the media in designing advertisements which use all the techniques and methocls to attract young people, such as relying on drama , artistic tricks, musical phrases and advertising slogans that respond to the desire of young people in entertainment.
The research aims to identify the reflection of television advertising and its impact on the development of the cognitive abilities of universi

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Wed Jun 07 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Contribution of Behavioral Disorders to Predicting Bullying Patterns in a Sample of Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder: College of Education and Arts - Northern Border University - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
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The present study aims to identify the role of behavioral disorders (anxiety disorder, behavior disorder "behavior", confrontation and challenge disorder, aggressive behavior) in predicting bullying patterns (verbal, physical, electronic, school) in a sample of adolescents with autism spectrum disorder. For this purpose, the researcher developed scales to measure the behavioral disorders and the bullying patterns among adolescents with autism spectrum disorder. The researcher adopted the descriptive survey approach. The study sample consists of (80) adolescents with autism spectrum disorder with ages range from (15-19 years) and (45-53 years old) in association with israr association for people with special needs in the northern borders

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