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Relationship of environmental costs to product life cycle costs Applied in the General Company for Battery Industry
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The relationship between costs of environment and costs of product life – cycle.    Boubtlessly when the economical unit exercise their productive works, they lead to pollution in water, air and soil as well as all stages of product life- cycle from Rans Dstage, production stage, packaging stage and finally abandonment stage-             Pollution causes environmental costs. Lgnoring or hiding environmental costs and no taking them in consideration with product cost lead to a wrong account of preduot cost.

Therefore, environmental costs should be included and matched for all stages with in product costs to know which activities, processes or products that cause environmental costs that have importance in decision making.

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Publication Date
Wed May 10 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
A study Histological Structure Of The hombencephalon (Cerebellum) In The Pigeon Columba livia gaddi (GmeIin, 1789)
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   A histological study was conducted to examine the structure of rhombencephalon (Cerebellum) in Columba livia gaddi (Gmeiin, 1789).  The result showed that the cerebellum is aportion of the brain lying behind the cerebrum, the surface of the cerebellum contains deep folds.  The cerebellum consists of two regions a cerebellar cortex that is called gray matter composed of three major layers from the outside to the inside, as follows: molecular layer, Purkinje cells layer and granular layer, the second region of cerebellum called medulla. This is the white matter.

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
The dispersion in spherical statistical optical potential (SOM) from the interaction of fast neutrons with197Au nucle
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A statistical optical potential has been used to analyze and
evaluate the neutron interaction with heavy nuclei 197Au at the
neutron energy range (1-20 MeV). Empirical formulae of the optical
potentials parameters are predicted by using ABAREX Code with
minimize accuracy compared with experimental bench work data.
The total elastic, absorption, shape elastic and total compound crosssections are calculated for different target nuclei and different
incident neutron energies to predict the appropriate optical
parameters that suit the present interaction. Also the dispersion
relation linking between real and imaginary potential is analyzed
with more accuracy. The results indicate the behavior of the
dispersion c

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Publication Date
Thu May 12 2016
Journal Name
Probing the Role of Active Site Water in the Sesquiterpene Cyclization Reaction Catalyzed by Aristolochene Synthase
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Publication Date
Tue Apr 13 2021
Journal Name
Latin American Journal Of Pharmacy
The Experience with Hospitalized COVID-19 Patients in Al-Basra, Iraq: Predictors of the disease severity
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SUMMARY. The objectives of the present study were to assess the possible predictors of COVID-19 severity and duration of hospitalization and to identify the possible correlation between patient parameters, disease severity and duration of hospitalization. The study included retrospective medical record extraction of previous coron avirus COVID-19 patients in Basra hospitals, Iraq from March 1st and May 31st, 2020. The information of the participants was investigated anonymously. All the patients’ characteristics, treatments, vital signs and laboratory tests (hematological, renal and liver function tests) were collected. The analysis was conducted using the SPSS (version 22, USA). Spearman correlation was used to measure the relations

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Publication Date
Sun May 26 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
The Ecological Risk Assessment of Ash Toxicity in the Freshwater Crustacean Simocephalus vetulus Schϕdler 1858
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The estimating of ash toxicity collected from Durah power plant (DPP) which is located in Baghdad Governorate was done by exposed cladoceran Simocephalus vetulus to different ash concentrations. Thus, the first of its kind study by assessing the toxic effect of these effluents in the selected laboratory individual's food chain. The acute toxicity test of ash was assessed by LC50 and mortality percentage. LC50 of ash on S. vetulus were 0.14, 0.11 and 0.1 ppt during 24, 48 and 72 hr., respectively. On the other hand, it was shown that increasing the concentrations of ash leads to an increase mortality percentage. It was observed that the maximum mortality percentage  (LC100) when exposed to 0.2

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 15 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Water And Health
Anthropocentric perspective on climate variability: the destination of antibiotics in the Tigris river is not restricted
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ABSTRACT<p></p><p>This study aimed to detect antibiotics in water, particulate, plant, and sediment in the Tigris River within Baghdad City, in addition to their spatiotemporal variations, and related physicochemical parameters. Five sites were selected in the river. Three target antibiotics (tetracycline, gentamycin, and ciprofloxacin) were detected in water, particulate, plant, and sediment of the river at all selected sites. The results clearly showed that the concentrations of target antibiotics were sediment &gt; water &gt; plant &gt; particulate. Site 3 is considered as a risk site where high concentrations of all antibiotics during the wet and dry seasons wer</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Fri Dec 14 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Effectiveness of Teaching Program on Nurses' Knowledge Concerning the Side Effects of Chemotherapy among Children with Leukemia at Oncology Wards in Baghdad City
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Objective(s): to assess the effectiveness of educational program on nurses' knowledge concerning the side
effects of chemotherapy among children with leukemia.
Methodology: A descriptive analytic (quasi – experimental) design study was carried out at Baghdad City from
nd of October to 27th of June 2015. Non-probability sample of (35) male and female nurses was selected from
the Oncology Wards in Children Welfare, Child's Central and Baghdad Teaching Hospital. The study
instruments consisted of two major parts to meet the purposes of study. The first part is related to nurses'
demographic characteristics and the second part (four domains) is related to nurses' knowledge concerning the
side effects of chemothera

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 20 2016
Journal Name
The Impact of using the strategy of shape (V) on the Achievement of the students of the Department of Artistic Education: كريم حواس علي، نجلاء خضير حسان
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This research aim at finding out the impact of using the strategy of shape V on the achievement of the students of the Department of Artistic Education in the subject of "Principles of scientific Research ". This strategy is one of the cognitive strategies used in this topic . To verify the aim of the research ,the two researchers have put the following null hypothesis:-There are no significant differences on the level of 0,05 among the average degrees of the students of the experimental group in their answers on the topics of the pre and post cognitive achievement tests of the subject of "principles of scientific Research " . The two researchers have adopted the experimental approach which consists of one group . the population of the r

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 08 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The role of sialic acid in the immune response of patients with acute leukemia Almufaawi the subject and is on treatment Alkamiawi this
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The focus of this research revolves around the importance level of sialic acid in the reasoning of cases, including tumors and then evaluate the patient's response to treatment and its impact on the immune response there are a lot of evidence showing that parts Alkrbu ???????? in peptides sugary and glycoproteins play an important role in Alfalitin life and responsiveness

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 06 2016
Journal Name
Al-qadisiyah Journal For Administrative And Economic Sciences
Awareness of the regulatory and administrative leadership and its role in achieving the effectiveness of the internal control system and achieve fair accountability
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The research aims to achieve a set of the most important objectives of the review of the role of creative administrative leadership in achieving aspects of economic reform in various government institutions and indicate the role of supervisory awareness of administrative leadership in the revitalization of the role of the internal control system to achieve the best use of available resources. This paper deals with three problems is the loss of financial resources of the state as a result of the growing phenomenon of administrative and financial corruption in the majority of government institutions, and the weakness of the role of the internal control system in the province on the resources available and to achieve the best use of these reso

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