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Budget Deficiency and Its Treatment Prospects and Policies with Reference to Iraq (2003-2012)

Developed and underdevelopment countries, on equal terms, face the problem of budget deficiency. Budget deficiency means that the public expenditure surpasses the public revenues. This, on the international level, is one of the most serious economic problems with many direct effects on the national economy, and depends, basically, on its finance chosen method. Looking for a solution to this problem, for this reason and many other ones, has been highlighted in spite of the many attempts to reduce the role of the governmental expenditure. Budget deficiency can not be attributed to a single unique cause since it is complex phenomenons the causes of which are related to many factors contribute to its occurrence, some of which refer to the public expenditure, others to the public revenue. This deficiency in the under developing countries, in general, including Iraq is related, apparently, to oil produced quantity, its world prices, in addition to its relation to public expenditure and its structure. Treating this phenomenon, of course, follows its causes. Therefore, this paper focuses on the axes of public expenditure and revenues, and highlighted many prospects and polices adopted by this paper.

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 06 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Planner And Development
Sustainable architecture and rural housing in Iraq

Old Iraq includes the first experiences in establishing the first residential settlements in the Mesopotamian, and model villages designed and the pulp units in it and their natural matter, that made it perennial, and construction continues until now with it. These experiences were the basis for the emergence of the Iraqi civilization and thus the world and the beginning of writing, trade and the religions of the divine since before history, and then the Sumerian, Babylonian and Assyrian civilizations, and their villages that formed the Fertile Crescent.

There is a lack of knowledge and disregard for the distant and near history of Iraq in the field of rural housing, despite Iraq's leadership in this field, with the aim of the re

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2018
Journal Name
The Tohoku Journal Of Experimental Medicine
Neonatal Seizures in Iraq: Cause and Outcome

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 26 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Seismicity Evaluation of Central and Southern Iraq

This study covers the area bounded by latitudes 29° to 34° N and longitudes 39° to 48°E.The seismicity of area for the period 1980–2011 is evaluated. In this study the geological and topography were performed, regarding the historical seismicity. More than (145) events were re-analyzed in Iraqi Seismological Network (ISN) and the recorded data was subjected to statistical analysis. This study shows high activity in the east and very low activity in the west.

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Oxidative Coupling Reaction for Micro Trace Analysis of Mebendazol Residual with p-bromoaniline in Presence of n- bromosuccinimide

Rapid, reproducible and accurate method has been developed for the assay for of mebendazol (MBZ) residual assay. The method is based on alkaline hydrolysis of MBZ with sodium hydroxide then oxidation with N-bromosuccinimide (NBS) followed by coupling with 4-Bromoaniline (4-BA) to yield a highly colored product absorbed at maximum 434 nm. Regression analysis of linearity range was found (0.6-2.8) µ  The optimum conditions that affect the oxidation were studied. The developed method was found to be precise with mean value of relative standard deviation (1.153- 1.303) and accurate with relative error (-0.5940-1.7821) .The calculated molar absorptivity and sandal sensitivity values of (29825

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 01 2018
Journal Name
Association Of Arab Universities Journal Of Engineering Sciences
Slow sand filtration as a tertiary treatment for the secondary effluent from sewage treatment plant

A field-pilot scale slow sand filter (SSF) was constructed at Al-Rustamiya Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) in Baghdad city to investigate the removal efficiency in terms of Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD5), Chemical oxygen demand (COD), Total Suspended Solids (TSS) and Chloride concentrations for achieving better secondary effluent quality from this treatment plant. The SSF was designed at a 0.2 m/h filtration rate with filter area 1 m2 and total filter depth of 2.3 m. A filter sand media 0.35 mm in size and 1 m depth was supported by 0.2 m layer of gravel of size 5 mm. The secondary effluent from Al-Rustamiya STP was used as the influent to the slow sand filter. The results showed that the removal of BOD5, COD, TSS, and Chloride were

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of New Theory
Brief review of soft sets and its application in coding theory

In this paper, we will focus to one of the recent applications of PU-algebras in the coding theory, namely the construction of codes by soft sets PU-valued functions. First, we shall introduce the notion of soft sets PU-valued functions on PU-algebra and investigate some of its related properties.Moreover, the codes generated by a soft sets PU-valued function are constructed and several examples are given. Furthermore, example with graphs of binary block code constructed from a soft sets PU-valued function is constructed.

Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of University Of Anbar For Pure Science
A Short Review: Chemistry of Curcumin and Its Metal Complex Derivatives

This review covers recent progress in the synthesis of curcumin and the bioactivity of semisynthetic and synthetic analogs of curcumin. The review also shows how curcumin is a useful intermediate for the synthesis of more complex organic molecules; historical perspective; the process of preparing the metal complexes and characterization the produced complexes using various spectral and other techniques; shows the importance of curcumin and its derivatives for their potential applications in medical devices and broad-spectrum of medical application such as antibiotic ointment, alternative therapeutics, antifungal, and antibacterial activities

Publication Date
Wed Aug 10 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Positive School Psychology
The Need And Its Significance In The Novelist Discourse Of Naguib

This study is at the heart of the pragmatic theory, as this research seeks to highlight the concept of necessity, and what the researchers have tended to do is that the development that has acquired integrated pragmatics is only for the development of the subject of necessity, as it is one of the contents of the saying, and this is what made Decroux define it as the semantic element that Concerning the saying, as for Grace; He paid great attention to the conversational imperative, and understood the requirement by clues or suggestions, as it is an element known for its absence and presence in the linguistic structures included in the text when reading or when understanding. This study has paved the way for clarifying the concept of necessi

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 16 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Auto Crop and Recognition for Document Detection Based on its Contents

An Auto Crop method is used for detection and extraction signature, logo and stamp from the document image. This method improves the performance of security system based on signature, logo and stamp images as well as it is extracted images from the original document image and keeping the content information of cropped images. An Auto Crop method reduces the time cost associated with document contents recognition. This method consists of preprocessing, feature extraction and classification. The HSL color space is used to extract color features from cropped image. The k-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) classifier is used for classification. 

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Lean accounting and its rolls for calculated costs on value stream

At the last two decades , The environment has witnessed tremendous changes in many fields with the huge competition , various technological development and customer satisfaction , that are reflected in economic units a doption for lean production system .                 

      Lean Accounting that has appeared as aresponse for changes occurred of economic units adoption for lean accounting system instead of wide production system : through it management of economic units has been changed from management by top departments into management by value flows : has provide new method for accounting costs according to value flow

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