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The strategy of preventive war In US National Security Documents (2002-2006)
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The adoption of the concept of preventive war in any country especially in a country like the United States result in a lot of serious consequences, so that pre-emptive military action may alter certain regional arrangements based on the basis of political and security balance, and reduce the incidence of tensions that may worsen a sudden during the application of preventive war, so the concept is applicable to be a risk much more when you face the reality and that because the issues more importantly, it should prepare a detailed and careful study of the post –stage of the use of preventive military action and this requires realy no papers insist or documents discuss this but accurate this field study of the situation thereafter.

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Preventive measures for banking supervision on money laundering (Search in the Gulf Commercial Bank)
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The research aims to study and assess the effectiveness of preventive measures banking for the reduction of money laundering based on the checklist (Check list), which have been prepared based on the paragraphs of some of the principles and recommendations of international and Money Laundering Act No. 93 of 2004 and the instructions thereto, to examine and assess the application of these measures by Gulf Commercial Bank, which was chosen to perform the search.

I've been a statement the concept of money laundering in terms of the definition and characteristics, stages and effects of political, economic and social as well as the nature of banking supervision in terms of the definition and the most important

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 07 2021
Journal Name
مجلة دراسات تربوية
Spatial variation of students in secondary school in Iraq for the 2006- 2011 period
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The research, whose goal was to study students' failure in secondary school in Iraq, found that 50% of the Iraqi governorates achieved the lowest student failure rates, and Baghdad governorate had the highest percentage of repeaters. And that half of the provinces in Iraq have males constitute 70% of the repeaters, and failure in the exam represented 79.7% of the reasons for failure, and that half of the students who failed are confined to the first and third intermediate grades at a rate of 51.9% , and the research revealed that the security instability was the most influential factor in Students fai

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 03 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The relationship of the investment environment with the indicators of the national economy
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The investment environment is the incubator for all types of domestic and foreign investments, so if their determinants are encouraging, they increase the levels of investment flows and vice versa, as there is a relationship between the nature of the investment environment and the level of investment flows, and the determinants of the investment environment are numerous and the most important of which are security and political stability, and economic and financial factors that include relative stability In the exchange rate and inflation rates, the availability of banks and their development, transparency and integrity in administrative dealings and the lack of prevalence of administrative and financial corruption, and the clari

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 28 2022
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Iraq and the US-Iranian conflict, influence and influence
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Iraq enjoys many factors and ingredients that made it “affect and be affected at the same time” by the American-Iranian conflict from the “strategic geographical position” adjacent to Iran as an important point and that Iraq has been part of this conflict since the last period which witnessed the outbreak of the first Gulf War  (1980-1988)  because of border problems and a dispute over Shatt al-Arab, and what followed after that, specifically from 2003 when the United States of America and its allies occupied Iraq’s lands and made a political change by the destruction of its security and military institutions. It increased the importance of Iraq in being a subject of competition between the competing parties in exploiting the

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 03 2020
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
nternational will in the Security Council Towards the Syrian crisis
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Nations witnessed since its existence a state of wills conflict as a result of the intersection and intertwining of interests, through which it sought to achieve its goals and objectives, and this has often led to direct military conflicts and countless wars, and witnessed the entry into global wars in which humanity lost millions of lives and losses .Despite the great changes in the international arena, especially in recent decades, the conflict of wills has not ceased, although some of its features and forms have changed, and it has become more complicated after the withdrawal of this conflict to international organizations and bodies, including the Security Council. It is mandated under the Charter of the United Nations to wor

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
“Using the Statistical Analysis for deduction the childhood status in Iraq during 2006-2010”
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   To deduct the childhood status in Iraq, it was important manner to use statistical tools and approaches concerned with interpreting the causal relationships and their attitudes and use classification method for the important effects (variables) to draw an obvious picture of the phenomena under study in order to make it useful through investing, updating and improving it in by demographic studies in the future. Two statistical methods had been used in the field of analyzing data of multivariate analysis namely, Cluster Analysis and Factor Analysis.  

The present study focuses on four fundamental axes .The nutrition axis, health axis, Educational axis, and the social axis. The study has ca

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 16 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Type 2 Diabetic Patients’ Knowledge Regarding Preventive Measures of Diabetic Foot
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Objective: Assess type 2 diabetic patients’ knowledge regarding preventive measures of diabetic foot. Find out the relationship between of type 2 diabetic patients’ knowledge regarding preventive measures of diabetic foot with certain sociodemographic characteristics

Methodology: A descriptive study was carried out from (2nd January 2022 to 26th March 2022).  A non –probability (purposive) sample of (60) adult patients who are diagnosed with type2 diabetes mellitus these patients have met the study criteria which was selected from Imam AL-Hussein Medical-City. The study instrument consist of two section: (Demographic Information Sheet, and Foot Care Outcome Expectation

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Iraq's role in US security arrangements In the Greater Middle East project
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إن موضوع الشرق الأوسط بشكل عام اتخذ أهمية كبيرة في الكتابات والمؤلفات التي صدرت منذ بداية النصف الأول من عقد التسعينات من القرن المنصرم مع بدايات مشاريع السلام التي أعقبت انهيار الاتحاد السوفيتي وتغير الخارطة السياسية والاقتصادية والايديولوجية للعالم .وعلى الرغم ان المصطلح ليس بجديد الا ان تعابير المصطلح وددلالاته تتغير مع تغير موازين القوى واتجاهات المصالح. إذ انتقل من مصطلح جغرافي الى

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Role of Developmental loans in Developing Wheat and Barley Crops In Iraq for the Period ( 2006 – 2012)
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The present paper attempts to find out the role of developmental loans in promoting strategic crops especially the basis stemming from the problem of non - defining economic feasibility study and the negative or positive revenues of developmental loans, directed to Iraqi Agricultural sector in general and Basic strategic crops in particular which resulted in the difficulty of planning and future prediction to grant loans agriculturally directed in terms of quality and quantity and the arbitrary of distributing these loans .the strategic crops have been selected as sample of population where the sample of Basic strategic crops include wheat and barley .The paper has come to several of conclusions mainly are as follows :- the increase in n

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2016
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The Electronic Advertising War Among the International Trading Companies
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The use of the word “war” alone raises horror and fear in the hearts of the recipients, especially if this war aimed at human’s life, his health and his future. It is the electronic advertising war among rival international companies that use cyberspace to create fear and horror in the hearts of the recipients because it connects the use of the product with human’s death or serious illness.
The problem of this research sheds light on the new uses of cyberspace which fucked by international companies to strike the interests of each other by displaying the defects of their products and its negative impact on citizen’s life. Despite the fact that those wars have opposed strongly, there are supporters for those wars. Their argu

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