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The elements of the global tolerance and its impact on peace
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The achievement of world peace is a humanitarian demand that humanity has sought since its existence. Despite the international and regional efforts to achieve this demand, it is still reaching its desired ambitions if conflicts, contradictions, and internal and external wars continue to justify us clearly in terms of ethnic, religious and sectarian conflict. The revolution of informatics and the impact of globalization opened a new era of communication and openness and the negative and positive impact of others, which re-published and distributed values, ideas and new cultures Some of them carries extremist ideas urging violence and destruction and other abolition, it became necessary to follow policies and reward The culture of peace, the rejection of violence, extremism and ignorance, and the strengthening of trust, cooperation, love and tolerance among peoples, where a culture of peace creates a new generation that believes in the existence of others and their active participation in building the international community based on the values ​​and values ​​of freedom, equality and justice. Manifestations of intolerance of violence, terrorism, xenophobia, racial, national, sectarian and religious conflicts, exclusion, marginalization, exclusion and discrimination against national, ethnic and linguistic minorities, refugees, migrant workers, Secondly, the study stresses the importance of the elements of international tolerance in order to promote and establish world peace, particularly in light of the escalation of the role of terrorism and extremist religious movements based on violence, tolerance and the elimination of the other, Tolerance is a political, cultural and moral necessity based on international legal foundations represented by the United Nations through its conferences, declarations, international resolutions and specialized agencies, culminating in the Universal Declaration of Tolerance and World Day for International peace

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 02 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The Effect of Genderism on the Process and the Product of Translation
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    Many studies have been made and still concerning the field of translation. Since the mid-90's a considerable amount of researches has tackled the problem of gender and its effect on the process and the product of translation. Simon (1996, p 508) points out that when comparing women and men as translators and writers through history, women seem to be the weaker side. This paves the way to feminist movements which produce prominent studies concerning gender as a concept and translator's gender as practice on the quality and the accuracy of the translation.           

     Flotow (in Meschia, 2012, p 1-4) outlines several issues that can be

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 02 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of The Islamic University College
The image of the family in dubbed Turkish series and their potential impact on Iraqi youth
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Since the nineties of the last century, Iraqi youth have been exposed to Mexican soap operas dubbed into classical Arabic, and the stories and ideas presented by these series were almost new to all the minds of the youth at that time, a culture completely different from the culture we have of social relations, and since the number of episodes was more than Of the 100 episodes, exposure to these series has left young people confused by the addiction to all their ideas and stories. They differ from the foreign films (mostly American) that we used to watch, and they only take two hours (at most). These films contain diverse stories and may be forgotten. Memory includes events and characters in their entirety at times, and you may remember th

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The base does no harm And their impact on the employment contracts of Iraqi private universities
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One of the rules concerning the control of civil transactions is the rule of no harm and harm, which was enacted by our Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family). Scholars singled it out by research and investigation, and classified by non-scientists independent messages, showing the status of al-Qaeda in terms of its perception, meaning, branches and results, and the importance of this rule in the payment of damage and compensation for it has been provided by the Iraqi legislator generous within the provisions of Iraqi law in all its branches of public and private, as applied The judiciary Iraq The provisions of this rule have been issued and numerous decisions have been made to compensate for the damage and to give to ev

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Publication Date
Tue May 01 2018
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Practice Periodical On Structural Design And Construction
Hazards and Risk in Construction and the Impact of Incentives and Rewards on Safety Outcomes
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Publication Date
Mon Nov 08 1013
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كلية الفنون الجميلة
إشكالية الخطاب الجمالي للجسد في النحت العالمي المعاصر، دراسة على وفق المنهج الظاهراتي
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اهتم في الربع الأول بالمفاهيم النظرية للمناهج التي تقع في النقاط الخمس ، النقطة الأولى تتعلق بمفهوم الخطاب والخطاب المادي ، وقلنا أن الرسالة كانت مبنية على الجسد من البداية ، حتى قبل ذلك هناك ستكون فلسفة أو معرفة المنظمة. أما النقطة الثانية فتتعلق بالمفهوم الفينومينولوجي للخطاب ، ونحن في هذه المرحلة أهم الركائز التي قام عليها (إدموند هوسرل) في بناء مفهوم وصفي ضعيف. في النقطة الثالثة نكشف عن الظواهر المتعلقة ب

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Impact assessment of strategic goods on government grants and as a result of activity: An analytical study at the General Company of grain trading
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  In Iraq,  government contributions to the public companies have become a very important aspect which contributes to the survival and sustainability of these institutions as it consider  one of the main sources of funding, if not it consider the basis of funding.

  According to  the vital roles assigned to these institutions to follow up, which usually  include important activities in the national economy, the research focused on studying the field reality of the method used in evaluating the stock of total production and purchases of goods for the purpose of selling the strategic commodities of the General Company for Grain Trade.  As a result, the aim of this study came to came to highlight&n

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Revista Iberoamericana De Psicología Del Ejercicio Y El Deporte
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Scopus (5)
Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The Impact of Using PowerPoint presentation on EFL Students’ Attendance, Achievement, and Engagement
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The current study examined the impact of using PowerPoint presentation on EFL student’s attendance, achievement and engagement. To achieve the aim of this study, three null hypotheses have been posed as follows: There is no statistically significant difference between the mean score of the experimental group attendance and that of the control one; there is no statistically significant difference between the mean score of the experimental group achievement and that of the control one, and there is no statistically significant difference between the mean score of the experimental group engagement and that of the control one. To verify a hypothesis, a sample of sixty students is chosen randomly from the third year, department of English,

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
The Impact of Six Decades of Trauma on the Health of Iraqi People
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Over the course of six decades, Iraq exposed to many events that have affected the Iraqi people from the social, physical and mental aspects. In this study, two groups of people (2369), from Iraq (G1) and the Michigan, United States (U.S) of America (G2) selected to compare the prevalence rate and effects of trauma factors such as mental illness (anxiety, depression and PTS), somatic diseases (heart disease, hypertension, and diabetes), substances abuse (illicit drugs, alcohol and tobacco), and chemicals pollution), and self-rated health among the two groups. The study results reveals a significant different between the two groups in the all indicators for trauma. The study conclude that Iraqi in U.S. (G2) suffer from factors completely dif

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 16 2018
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The Impact of the Use of Piano on the Development of Musical Possibilities of Violinists
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This research is to take advantage of the performance capabilities which the piano has become famous with and transfer the impact of that advantage to the possibilities of playing the violin. The research aims to introduce the effect of using the piano on the development of the violinists' musical potential. The research, in its literature, focuses on the interpretation of the impact on the possibility of both instruments (piano and violin) in two main sections: the piano (its origin, potential and role in music) and the violin (its origin, potential and role in music). The procedures of the research consisted of presenting a special analysis of a questionnaire consisting of a number of questions presented by the researcher to her resear

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