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The elements of the global tolerance and its impact on peace
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The achievement of world peace is a humanitarian demand that humanity has sought since its existence. Despite the international and regional efforts to achieve this demand, it is still reaching its desired ambitions if conflicts, contradictions, and internal and external wars continue to justify us clearly in terms of ethnic, religious and sectarian conflict. The revolution of informatics and the impact of globalization opened a new era of communication and openness and the negative and positive impact of others, which re-published and distributed values, ideas and new cultures Some of them carries extremist ideas urging violence and destruction and other abolition, it became necessary to follow policies and reward The culture of peace, the rejection of violence, extremism and ignorance, and the strengthening of trust, cooperation, love and tolerance among peoples, where a culture of peace creates a new generation that believes in the existence of others and their active participation in building the international community based on the values ​​and values ​​of freedom, equality and justice. Manifestations of intolerance of violence, terrorism, xenophobia, racial, national, sectarian and religious conflicts, exclusion, marginalization, exclusion and discrimination against national, ethnic and linguistic minorities, refugees, migrant workers, Secondly, the study stresses the importance of the elements of international tolerance in order to promote and establish world peace, particularly in light of the escalation of the role of terrorism and extremist religious movements based on violence, tolerance and the elimination of the other, Tolerance is a political, cultural and moral necessity based on international legal foundations represented by the United Nations through its conferences, declarations, international resolutions and specialized agencies, culminating in the Universal Declaration of Tolerance and World Day for International peace

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 16 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Using of the Correction Schwarzschild radius Equation and Its Application of the Black Holes
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  This study is a try to compare between the traditional Schwarzschild’s radius and the equation of Schwarzschild’s radius including the photon’s wavelength that is suggested by Kanarev for black holes to correct the error in the calculation of the gravitational radius where the wavelengths of the electromagnetic radiation will be in our calculation. By using the different wavelengths; from radio waves to gamma ray for arbitrary black holes (ordinary and supermassive).

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 07 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Dogmatism and Its Relation to the Formation of Ideological Identity of the University Students
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The formation of the identity of the ego associates with adolescence and the beginnings of youth, where represents the basic requirement for growth. This stage reflects a turning point towards the necessary autonomy for the growth of normal in adulthood that needs the ego growth from his point of view to pass eight consecutive stages of the individual faces in each particular crisis. It is determined by its growth path depending on the nature of solved positively or negatively, influenced by several factors: biological, social, cultural, personal, and a dogmatic obstacle to personal thinking which refers to the kind of sclerotic thought a bigot to the inside of obsolete beliefs refuse to discuss and consider. The final idea is debatable

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 28 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Impact of Entrepreneur Decision Making on Ambidexterity Performance: An Applied Research in the Oil Products Distribution Company/ aldawra
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The research aims to determine the role of Entrepreneur decision-making in its dimensions in improving the activities of Ambidexterity performance in its dimensions in the researched company. The importance of the research is also evidenced by assisting the oil products distribution company/session in directing the interest of the researched company because it has a prominent role in the Iraqi industrial community for the Entrepreneur decision-making variable that Contributes to building sustainable competitive advantage. This will happen when the company has an Entrepreneur orientation and a good strategic plan is built by the smart leaders in the researched company The researcher adopted the method of the analyti

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Effect Ti/AlTiN Multilayer Coating on the Crater Wear Process of Cutting Tool and Tribological Properties
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Tool wear is a major problem in machining operations because the resulting material loss gradually changes of the machine tool. There many factors may leads to material loss like; friction, corrosion, and also it’s happened by rubbing during machining processes between the work piece and the tool. Dimensional accuracy of the work piece, and also the surface finish will be reducing by tool wear. It can also increase cutting force. In this study, we focused on the effect of the coating process on crater wear problems. Crater wear is caused by the flow between the chip and the rake face of the tool, whereas flank wear is caused by the contact between the tool and the work piece. In reducing crater wear, aluminum titanium nitride (AlTiN) u

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 19 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Impact of Self-Assessment on Income and Sale Tax Collection' From the Point View of Income Tax Auditors in Jordan
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This study aimed to show the extent of compliance with the income taxpayer  to provide tax returns and increase the speed of collection of these taxes in addition to increasing confidence in  Income Tax department and reduce the number of cases transferred to the courts and promote taxpayer awareness in charge of the importance of self-assessment system, and study sought to investigate the effect of the existence of records documents, technical audit, and computational audit and documentary audit on income tax collections in Jordan, from the point of viewof Jordanian income tax auditors ,results shows there's a strong  relation between these variables and Income Tax collections.

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 21 2024
Journal Name
Al-rafidain Journal Of Medical Sciences ( Issn 2789-3219 )
Perceptions of Senior Pharmacy Students Towards the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on University Education and Scientific Writing: A Qualitative Study
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Background: The roles of AI in the academic community continue to grow, especially in the enhancement of learning outcomes and the improvement of writing quality and efficiency. Objectives: To explore in depth the experience of senior pharmacy students in using artificial intelligence for academic purposes. Methods: This qualitative study included face-to-face individual interviews with senior pharmacy students from March to May 2023 using a pre-planned interview guide of open-ended questions. All interviews were audio-recorded. Thematic analysis was used to analyze the data. Results: The results were obtained from 15 in-depth face-to-face interviews with senior pharmacy students (5th and 4th years). Eight participants were male, an

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 21 2024
Journal Name
Al-rafidain Journal Of Medical Sciences ( Issn 2789-3219 )
Perceptions of Senior Pharmacy Students Towards the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on University Education and Scientific Writing: A Qualitative Study
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Background: The roles of AI in the academic community continue to grow, especially in the enhancement of learning outcomes and the improvement of writing quality and efficiency. Objectives: To explore in depth the experience of senior pharmacy students in using artificial intelligence for academic purposes. Methods: This qualitative study included face-to-face individual interviews with senior pharmacy students from March to May 2023 using a pre-planned interview guide of open-ended questions. All interviews were audio-recorded. Thematic analysis was used to analyze the data. Results: The results were obtained from 15 in-depth face-to-face interviews with senior pharmacy students (5th and 4th years). Eight participants were male, and seven

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The dialectical relationship between the organization's growth and its value under the framework of the diversification strategy
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The research is conducted on target of investigating the role of growth strategy via diversification in value maximization of a firm in terms of controversies literatures had witnessed. Using a descriptive approach for analyzing and verifying the harmony of variables of research and their conceptualized logic , it could be reached to many conclusions agreed in their essence upon that the related diversification has the major role in value maximization of a firm and the wealth of its owners .                       

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Dental Hypotheses
Assessment of the Impact of Adhesive and Wires Types on the Tensile Bond Strength of Fixed Lingual Retainers Used in Orthodontics: An In Vitro Study
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Introduction: We aimed to assess the impact of adhesive and wires types on the tensile bond strength of fixed lingual retainers. Methods: A total of 160 intact bovine teeth were collected, cleaned, stored in 25% sodium hypochlorite, and randomly assigned to two groups based on the adhesive type: a two-step adhesive and a one-step adhesive. Each group was further divided into four subgroups based on the type of lingual retainer wire, which included (A) 8-strand braided stainless steel wire, (B) three-strand titanium retainer wire, (C) stainless steel chain, and (D) fiber-reinforced retainer. A tensile bond strength test was conducted using a universal testing machine at a controlled speed of 10 mm/min. Result: The 8-strand braided stainles

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 13 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Investigating the Influence of the Cerium loading in prepared Y zeolite from Iraqi kaolin on its Catalytic Performance
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In this study, the effects of different loading doses of cerium in the prepared NaY zeolite from Iraqi kaolin were investigated. Al-Duara  refinery atmospheric residue fluid catalytic cracking was selected as palpation reaction for testing the catalytic activity of cerium loading NaY zeolite.  The insertion of cerium in NaY zeolites has been synthesized by simple ion exchange methods. Three samples of modified zeolite Y have been obtained by replacing the sodium ions in the original sample with cerium and the weight percent added are 0.35, 0.64, and 1.06 respectively. The effects of cerium loading to zeolite Y in different weight percent on the cracking catalysts were studied by employing a laboratory fluidized

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