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The elements of the global tolerance and its impact on peace

The achievement of world peace is a humanitarian demand that humanity has sought since its existence. Despite the international and regional efforts to achieve this demand, it is still reaching its desired ambitions if conflicts, contradictions, and internal and external wars continue to justify us clearly in terms of ethnic, religious and sectarian conflict. The revolution of informatics and the impact of globalization opened a new era of communication and openness and the negative and positive impact of others, which re-published and distributed values, ideas and new cultures Some of them carries extremist ideas urging violence and destruction and other abolition, it became necessary to follow policies and reward The culture of peace, the rejection of violence, extremism and ignorance, and the strengthening of trust, cooperation, love and tolerance among peoples, where a culture of peace creates a new generation that believes in the existence of others and their active participation in building the international community based on the values ​​and values ​​of freedom, equality and justice. Manifestations of intolerance of violence, terrorism, xenophobia, racial, national, sectarian and religious conflicts, exclusion, marginalization, exclusion and discrimination against national, ethnic and linguistic minorities, refugees, migrant workers, Secondly, the study stresses the importance of the elements of international tolerance in order to promote and establish world peace, particularly in light of the escalation of the role of terrorism and extremist religious movements based on violence, tolerance and the elimination of the other, Tolerance is a political, cultural and moral necessity based on international legal foundations represented by the United Nations through its conferences, declarations, international resolutions and specialized agencies, culminating in the Universal Declaration of Tolerance and World Day for International peace

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Diversity of Management Practices of Human Resources and their Impact on Entrepreneurship in Universities: A Field Study in Public Jordanian Universities

The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of human resource diversity management practices on achieving entrepreneurship in Jordanian public universities. To achieve the aims of the study, a well-designed questionnaire was used for collecting data. The population of the study was (7433) faculty members (including different ranks such as professors, associate professors, assistant professors and lecturers) in Jordanian public universities. The study sample was selected through the use of a random sample, the questionnaire is distributed to a sample (of 400 with the percentage of 5%) selected by using a random sampling (350) copies of the questionnaire were collected, reaching about (87.5%) out of the sum total of the dist

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 31 2021
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The Effect of the change of Energy Factor on the American-Russian Competition in Europe

Receipt date:3/13/2021 accepted date:5/26/2021 Publication date:12/31/2021

Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

energy is one of the strategic resources within international politics, and this is through the existing competition between the international powers on it, and the global powers have begun to rely on interest in new areas, such as import, depending on new projects an

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2019
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
The Effect of Micro and Nano Material on Critical Heat Flux (CHF) Enhancement

The Nano materials play a very important role in the heat transfer enhancement. An experimental investigation has been done to understand the behaviors of nano and micro materials on critical heat flux. Pool boiling experiments have used for several concentrations of nano and micro particles on a 0.4 mm diameter nickel chrome (Ni-Cr) wire heater which is heated electrically at atmospheric pressure. Zinc oxide(ZnO) and silica(SiO2) were used as a nano and micro fluids with concentrations (0.01,0.05,0.1,0.3,0.5,1 g/L), a marked enhancement in CHF have been shown in the results for nano and micro fluids for different concentrations compared to distilled water. The deposition of the nano particles on the heater surface was the rea

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 18 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The strategy of Marketable Public Relations Internationally Analytical study of the websites of “ Apple “ and “Samsung “ on the internet: (A research drawn from a Master Degree thesis)

The international organizations showed their interest in the marketable public relations, with their activities, means and strategies, they play a crucial role in marketing products, services and ideas of the institution. They are considered to be the link between the company and its public, They are responsible for presenting the institution to the public, with honest transmission of the information. This gives a good impression to the institution, in a way the institution and its products become consistent with the needs and interests of the public.  Based on this, the research aims to identify the strategies used by the marketable public relations internationally.  The r

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Crossref (2)
Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The organizational performance of the kindergarten teachers and its relation with the educational environment of kindergartener

The research aims at identifying the organizational performance of the kindergarten teachers and defines the educational environment of kindergarten children. To achieve the objectives of the research, the researcher adopted the organizational performance scale for (Saadi, 2016), which was applied to kindergarten teachers. The scale consists of (43) paragraphs, and has good reliability and validity, as the coefficient of reliability (84.0) in a retest method, and (87.0) using the formula Alpha Kronbach. Additionally, the researcher adopted the educational environment scale for (Radam, 2015); the scale consists of (66) paragraphs, and it enjoys a good reliability and validity, as the coefficient of reliability (89.0) method of reliability

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 20 2019
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The status of the state and its relationship to the concept of force in international relations

The concept of power despite its implications unclear and unknown was one of the most standards in international relations ambiguity and lack of clarity, however was more standards important and influential in the conduct of international relations, and since that time until today since that ambiguity in the meaning of power and use it as a factor of international relations factors and drive the engines were very different and irony from case to case and from researcher to another, but it may be classified force as the international status enjoyed by the state in the international ocean and here is a structure formed of forces posed by the state, such as economic and political nature of the political system and military power and concept

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 18 2023
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Public relations programs and its role to enhance the morale of employees in the Ministry of Transportation: A survey study on the State land Transport Company

This research aims to learn about public relations programs and their role to enhance the morale of the State land Transport Company employees.The researcher relied on the survey method and use a questionnaire and scale tools to collect information from workers in the Department of Relations and Media and employees in all departments.
The research reached several conclusions, including:
1- Public relations seek to increase workers’ confidence in senior management and motivate them to improve their production, as well as their relentless endeavor to bring workers closer by following multiple and varied forms of communication with them.
2- The results of the study showed that there was a negative i

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 18 2025
Journal Name
Al Ghary Journal Of Economic And Administrative Sciences
The impact of strategic knowledge on strategic improvisation: an exploratory study of some private hospitals in the city of Baghdad

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 11 2018
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Impact of spastic cerebral palsy upon the quality of life of children under the age of 12 years in Erbil City: parents’ reports

Objectives: This study aims to assess the quality of life of cerebral palsy children less than 12 years old reported by
parents in Erbil city/Iraq.
Methodology: A descriptive study was conducted during 2014, to describe the quality of life of cerebral palsy
children. One hundred mothers have cerebral palsy children were participated in this study. The study took place at
Helena Center for handicapped children in Erbil City. Questionnaire was used to collect data, which consists of two
main parts. The first part is divided into two sections; section one was described the mothers’ demographic
characteristics, while the second section was for identifying the demographical characteristics of cerebral palsy
children. Th

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Adoption of the IFRS11 Financial Reporting Standard for Oil Service Contracts Costs and its Reflection on Measurement and Disclosure for National Oil Companies: بحث تطبيق في شركة نفط ميسان (ش . ع)

The research seeks to clarify the problems related to the aspects of the financial and accounting process resulting from entering into contractual arrangements with a period of more than 20 years, among which is the research problem represented by the lack of clarity of the foundations and procedures for the recognition of oil costs and additional costs borne by foreign invested companies, which led to a weakening of their credibility and reflection. Negatively "on the measurement and accounting disclosure of financial reports prepared by oil companies, and the research aims to lay down sound procedures for measuring and classifying oil costs and additional costs paid to foreign companies, and recognizing and recording them in th

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