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Class consciousness in the contemporary Marxist political thought (selected models)
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Class consciousness represents its highest stage in the contemporary Marxist thought of Rosa Luxemburg and Antonio Gramsci, not just a reflection of reality, but rather a dialectical form through the reflection of consciousness on reality and its reproduction. The superiority over the infrastructure (historical materialism) promised the revolutionary class consciousness to be achieved spontaneously, and the seeds of a breakthrough are mass strikes, denying the role of the party to organize this awareness, limiting its role to the interconnection between classes, emphasizing the role of socialist democracy as a conscious vanguard for organizing spontaneity, struggle, and developing awareness during the revolutionary process and the leadership of the revolution to achieve its goals. But at the same time it called for reducing the role of the leading vanguard whenever the class consciousness of the proletariat increased, and although it reduced a lot of the role of violence in achieving the revolution, in the end it relied on revolutionary violence as a final solution to achieving the revolution after the revolution had run out. Peaceful means of change, then, after the socialist revolution is achieved through the conscious proletarian class and the establishment of its state, will wither after achieving its goals and consolidating its principles in awareness of individuals, for Rosa's class consciousness is an important tool in educating the masses, achieving revolution, changing the bourgeois system, and establishing the bourgeois state; and at the same time it is a tool for its decay.

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The difference of distribution of labor force according to the economic activity of the population of Missan province
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The study showed a significant rise in the proportion of the labor force in agriculture
activity among the detailed economic activities in 1997 with a rate (%28.9), and then
decreased to (%18.8) in 2011, and this belong to the deterioration of agriculture and the
transition to the other economic activities.
2- The highest percentage of male's participation in year 1997 obtained by the activity (A),
which is represented by agriculture , where was (%30.0) while the highest percentage of
female's participation has been brought by the activity (M) which is represented education
with a rate (% 47.9). while in 2011 that the highest proportion of males' concentration
obtained by the activity (L) with a rate (%23.1) while

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 09 2021
Journal Name
Turkish Journal Of Computer And Mathematics Education
An Analysis of the Mathematics Book for the First Intermediate Grade According to the Dimensions of Mathematical Power
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The current research aims to analyze the mathematics book for the first intermediate grade according to the dimensions of mathematical power by answering the following question: What is the percentage of the availability of the dimensions of mathematical power included in the content of the mathematics textbook for first-grade students, average, in its first, and second parts for the academic year 2020-2021, approved by the Iraqi Ministry of Education / General Directorate of Curricula? The research community was determined by middle school mathematics books, and middle school students for middle ,and high school day schools affiliated to the Directorate of Education in Dhi Qar, and by the intentional test, the research sample was s

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 27 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The Iraqi satellite channel marketing the Iraqi national identity during the protests: Research extracted from a doctoral thesis
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The escalating development of technology is one of the distinctive features of the communication environment in the field of sending and receiving satellite broadcasts of television channels in general and Iraqi satellite channels in particular, which contributed to the wide and rapid spread and reaching outside the drawn boundaries and bypassing even natural obstacles, and what is important in this is the communication content that these broadcasts Channels and its impact on the recipient due to the media, cultural, educational and entertainment content it provides, and in our research we will analyze the communication content of the Iraqi satellite channel by choosing one of its dialogue programs that coincided with the events of the l

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 28 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Evaluating the Efficiency of the Entomopathogenic Fungus Beauveria bassiana to Control the Brown Banded Cockroach Supella longipalpa F.
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      Entomopathogenic fungi can be ideal for the biocontrol of cockroaches since it is environment-friendly microbial pesticide. Susceptibility of second and fourth instar of nymphs and adults of the brown banded cockroach, Supella longipalpa (F.) (Blattodea: Blattellidae) to the entomopathogenic fungi Beauveria bassiana (Bals.) Vuill. at two concentrations 1x 107 and 1x 108 spore/ml was evaluated. Fungus was tested by using two different methods: bait and direct contact. Mortality was monitored after 3, 5 and 7 days’ post exposure. Direct contact of B. bassiana at concentration 1x 107 spore/ml produced mortality on adults 82.76% and for fourth and second instar of nymphs 82.76 and 93.10% after 7 daysâ

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Thu Oct 20 2022
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Effective Concentration of the Crude Extract of Mentha picata and Eucalyptus against the Growth of Fusarium oxysporum
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This research aims to evaluate The effect of plant extract concentration as antifungal. Fusarium fungus was isolated from the eggplant and cucumber plants that infested them. These were tested for concentrations of the pathogenic fungus Fusarium oxysporum according to the food poisoning method. The inhibition rate was calculated by measuring the diameter of the colony compared to the control. The results showed that in the crude extract of Eucalyptus at a concentration of 12%, the percentage of growth inhibition was 100% on Fusarium oxysporum, compared to the crude extract of Mentha spicata where the percentage of inhibition was 80.11%. At the same concentration, and the percentage of inhibition of Eucalyptus e

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Tue Aug 27 2024
Journal Name
Tem Journal
Preparing the Electrical Signal Data of the Heart by Performing Segmentation Based on the Neural Network U-Net
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Research on the automated extraction of essential data from an electrocardiography (ECG) recording has been a significant topic for a long time. The main focus of digital processing processes is to measure fiducial points that determine the beginning and end of the P, QRS, and T waves based on their waveform properties. The presence of unavoidable noise during ECG data collection and inherent physiological differences among individuals make it challenging to accurately identify these reference points, resulting in suboptimal performance. This is done through several primary stages that rely on the idea of preliminary processing of the ECG electrical signal through a set of steps (preparing raw data and converting them into files tha

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Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Sat Mar 15 2025
Journal Name
Modern Sport
Precision tracking and visual animation and its relationship to the results of the competition with the Sabre Players.
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In order to get advanced results, we must stand at the pointsthat have been observed by the trainers that are of significance inthe sport of fencing and concern for capacity optical (traceoptical and precision visual animation), so we must learn some ofthese types of capacity, whichever is more influential in the gamefencing so that they add a new axis to the player to pick andchoose in order to achieve the desired goal and raise the level ofthe game.The study aimed to identify the relationship between the visualtracking and accuracy of visual animated face and the results ofcompetitions Sabre of the other.Used a much more descriptive approach to study relational on asample of players clubs Sabre and the way intentional, whoqualified to the

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 11 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Quantum Mechanical Study Using the DFT Method of the Structure, Stability and Vibrationalmosion of the Ketones of Cyclopropane
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  In this study a DFT calculation on cyclopropanone, cyclopropandione and cyclopropantrione molecules was performed using the basis function 6-31G ** / MP2 and exchange correlation potential B3-LYP. The results showed that the ground state of all molecules geometry belong to the point group 𝐶2𝑣where a vibronic coupling between the vibrational motion with the electronic ground state in the molecule C3O3 this leads to a reduction in symmetry of the molecule from𝐷3â„Žto 𝐶2𝑣, the driving force of this process is accessing to the electronic configuration complies with Hückel aromatic systems with two electrons. Also in this, study the normal modes of vibration, frequencies, intensities and symm

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Assessing the financial performance of the Chambers of the municipalities of Babylon , Karbala ,applied research comparative ((Search unsheathed))
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             Shorten the research problem that there is no system or model to evaluate the financial performance of the departments of municipalities where it is not possible for a person or institution both to know or to know their success in terms of the financial work of failure and where it is now than those without assessing the financial performed, authorized to be and necessities FATF is the financial performance assessment, which is the work unfinished aspects without Hence the work came in this study to study and diagnose and analyze financial data in a sample of municipal departments in order to develop a model to assess the financ

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
independence of the central banks with a focus on measuring the independence of the central bank of Jordan
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The main topic of this study is central around the independence of Jordanian central bank and the extent of the effectiveness at the bank in leading the monetary policy without interferences or pressures from side of the government.  the degree of independence of Jordanian central bank was  based on the following based hypothesis following ,there is relationship between the independence of the central bank and the legislative and economical indices. the most important recommendations are degree of independence of the Jordan central bank 43.5% is a good one, but it possible to reach a higher degree than this one by to making some modification on the Jordanian central bank law and by the central bank should be more rigid

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