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¬The Role of the European Union in Conflicts Resolution in the Eastern Neighborhood: Selected Models

The launch of the EU’s Eastern Partnership in 2009 intended to signal a new, elevated level of EU engagement with its Eastern neighborhood. Yet there remain several long-simmering and potentially destabilizing conflicts in the region, with which EU engagement thus far has been sporadic at best. The Union’s use of its Common Security and Defense Policy (CSDP) in the region and to help solve these disputes has been particularly ad hoc and inconsistent, wracked by inter-institutional incoherence and undermined by Member States’ inability to agree on a broad strategic vision for engagement with the area.

The three CSDP missions deployed to the region thus far have all suffered from this incoherence to various extents. In particular, all three were tasked with long-term mandates far beyond their real capabilities, largely for symbolic reasons. This reflects a perception, common in Brussels even after the Treaty of Lisbon, that the EU’s instruments are either ‘political’, like the CSDP, or ‘technocratic’, like the European Neighborhood Policy (ENP). Yet the CSDP’s role as political symbol has only made Member States reluctant to deploy it in such a politically-sensitive region, and this artificial and unrealistic distinction between the two types of policy instruments has hampered the EU’s ability to use its wide variety of tools in an effective, coherent and long-term way.

This paper argues that the creation of the European External Action Service (EEAS), as well as the relatively positive current climate of Eurasia relations, offer an unrivalled opportunity for the EU to reconsider its approach to using CSDP to help resolve the conflicts in its Eastern neighborhood. First, the EEAS must develop a set of concrete and politically realistic policy aims for each of the three major disputes in the region: in Transnistria, Nagorno-Karabakh and the two breakaway provinces of Georgia, South Ossetia and Abkhazia. The EEAS, together with the Directorate General for the ENP, should then plan together to use their various instruments in support of one another, rather than, as has too often been the case until now, merely brief one another on separate but parallel policies.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
International Journal Of Inventive Engineering And Science,
Increase the Capacity Amount of Data Hiding to Least Significant BIT Method

Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2023
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Environmental Compatibility of the Suggested New Cities Study Area -Samawah New City
Abstract<p>The research presented the experience of creating a new sustainable city, and this experience of establishing an Eco-City (Environmentally friendly) is considered the first experience in Iraq. The current study stressed the importance of the need for environmental planning in the early stages of planning new cities based on realism in planning, design and implementation. Subsequently, that aims to preserve the ecosystem, which is difficult to compensate if degraded or polluted. The research incorporated environmental planning indicators within sustainable urban planning (Reliance on generating electric power that is based on clean and renewable energy sources, Availability of public t</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Thu Apr 01 2021
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
Groundwater Quality Study Based on the Existence of Escherichia coli as Bioindicator
Abstract<p>The research aim was to observe the distribution pattern of <italic>Escherichia coli</italic> as groundwater pollution indicator in the most populous area, Matraman Sub-District Area in Jakarta, Indonesia (106°49’35” EL and 06°10’37” SL) consists of six (6) Urban Villages. The existence of <italic>Escherichia coli</italic> was measured with Most Probable Number (MPN) method as mentioned in Indonesian Standard Number 01-2332.1-2006. This research was also measure pollution parameter of Dissolved Oxygen (DO) and pH, and topography analyses used as well to determine groundwater flow direction. Groundwater sampling was conducted in several housings that have </p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Wed Nov 28 2018
Journal Name
International Journal Of Engineering & Technology
Finite Element Analysis for The Response of URM Walls Supporting RC Slab

The aim for this research is to investigate the effect of inclusion of crack incidence into the 2D numerical model of the masonry units and bonding mortar on the behavior of unreinforced masonry walls supporting a loaded reinforced concrete slab. The finite element method was implemented for the modeling and analysis of unreinforced masonry walls. In this paper, ABAQUS, FE software with implicit solver was used to model and analyze unreinforced masonry walls which are subjected to a vertical load. Detailed Micro Modeling technique was used to model the masonry units, mortar and unit-mortar interface separately. It was found that considering potential pure tensional cracks located vertically in the middle of the mortar and units show

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 30 2014
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Approaches to the formation of a contemporary explanatory mindset: Critical inductive study

The issue of the development of Qur'anic studies for the tasks, and the first thought of minds and multiple understandings, and the most precious ideas, and the alternatives were floated, and varied visions, especially as we live in an era exploding knowledge, and complicate secretions, and scramble his ideas, and to devise intellectual approaches To achieve the witnesses of civilization in the words of the Almighty (to be martyrs on the people) Surat Al - Baqarah / 143 attendance and participation in the achievement and a positive interaction with the participants of humanity and civilization in the light of the meaning (to know) rooms / 13.
Therefore, we must emerge from the one-dimensional view of the Koran to the complex mindset t

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 28 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Counseling Needs of Behavioral Problems among Students with Academic Learning Disabilities

Learning Disabilities are described as a hidden and puzzling disability. Children with these difficulties have the potential to hide weaknesses in their performance because they are a homogenous group of disorders that consist of obvious difficulties in acquiring and using reading, writing, Mathematical inference. Thus, the research aims to identify the disabilities of academic learning in (reading, writing, mathematics), identify the problems of behavior (general, motor, social). Identify the relationship among behaviour problems. The research also aims to identify the counseling needs to reduce the behavioral problems. The researcher adopted the analytical descriptive method by preparing two main tools for measuring learning disabiliti

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 30 2021
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
The Impact of COVID-19 on Healthy Related Issues, A structured Review

Coronavirus: (COVID-19) is a recently discovered viral disease caused by a new strain of coronavirus.

The majority of patients with corona-virus infections will have a mild-moderate respiratory disease that recovers without special care. Most often, the elderly, and others with chronic medical conditions such as asthma, coronary disease, respiratory illness, and malignancy are seriously ill.

    COVID-19 is spread mostly by salivary droplets or nasal secretions when an infected person coughs or sneezes.

    COVID-19 causes severe acute respiratory illness (SARS-COV-2). The first incidence was recorded in Wuhan, China, in 2019.  Since then it spreads leading to a pandemic.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 06 2015
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Spectrophotometric Determination of Famotidine Drug via Coupling with Diazotized Metochlopramide Hydrochloride

A new, simple and sensitive spectrophotometric method was described for the determination of famotidine (FAM) as a pure material and in pharmaceutical formulation. This method was based on diazotization and coupling reaction between famotidine and diazotized solution of metochlopramide hydrochloride (DMPH) in the presence of phosphate buffer solution to give a compound of azo dye having orange color soluble in water with high absorptivity at a wave length of 478 nm. The data shows that FAM and DMPH combine in the molar ratio of 1:1 at PH 7.0 .The method obeys Beer's law over concentration range of 1-40 ? of famotidine with a correlation coefficient of 0.9955 and a detection limit of 0.10 ? The apparent molar absorptivity re

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 31 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Quality assurance of the linear accelerator device using Star Track and Perspex

In this study, the quality assurance of the linear accelerator available at the Baghdad Center for Radiation Therapy and Nuclear Medicine was verified using Star Track and Perspex. The study was established from August to December 2018. This study showed that there was an acceptable variation in the dose output of the linear accelerator. This variation was ±2% and it was within the permissible range according to the recommendations of the manufacturer of the accelerator (Elkta).

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Publication Date
Tue May 16 2017
Journal Name
Iosr Journal Of Pharmacy And Biological Sciences(iosr-jpbs)
The relationship between Rheumatoid Arthitis and prevalence of Cytomegalovirus and Helicobacter pylori